My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2381: Demon statue!

The square flame area is real, and the illusion fire sea is illusory. In the illusion fire sea, the real fire damage is the square flame area. But in the illusion of fire, people feel that any place will be hurt, but it is an illusory effect. As long as you get out of the square flame area, you are actually fine.

However, none of these immortal disciples did it. And at this time, they had been killed by Tang Ye. The last immortal disciple, the masked one, had his neck broken by Tang Ye and fell into the fire.

At this time, there is no need to be surrounded by the sea of ​​illusion. The illusion retreated, and saw the dozens of slain disciples of the immortal, all falling within the scope of the square flame. As Tang Ye withdrew his power, the square flame also disappeared. The corpses of more than a dozen immortal disciples looked bleak.

Long Qing and several general guards behind him were still amazed at this kind of thing. Originally thought that these immortal disciples would be very difficult to deal with, being blocked by these immortal disciples, they could not even retreat. But now, these dozen immortal disciples have been easily solved by Tang Ye.

Imagination feels a little dreamy.

After Tang Ye solved these immortal disciples, there was no delay, because he felt the power of a divine dragon just now, and he guessed that Li Xiang must have done something. That's probably because the immortal disciples were going to seize the last power of the Dragon Gate illusion before, and what conspiracy plan Li Xiang was using with the power of the dragon.

"I still have things to deal with, you can deal with your own affairs." Tang Ye said briefly to Long Qing, then turned around and left, swept in the direction of the dragon's breath that he felt just now, very fast, Long. Qing and the others only saw a phantom.

Long Qing still wanted to say something to Tang Ye, but there was no chance, and Tang Ye disappeared the moment he turned around. At this level, Long Qing and the guards could only sigh again and again.

Several general guards didn’t know who the Eleven Profounds were. They were puzzled: “This kind of strength hasn’t been heard in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes before. Is it from the big world? However, there are no such people in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes. The big world should be even more impossible. Then, where is the eleventh profound of the Red Wall Palace?"

The conversation between those immortal disciples and Tang Ye just now in the sea of ​​illusion, Long Qing and the others stayed outside the illusion and didn't hear it, so several guards didn't know that the eleventh profound was Tang Sheng.

Long Qing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who the character is. The important thing is that he is not our enemy. Now we are going to take care of our own affairs. The current situation is getting more and more chaotic, and some things must be handled quickly. Except. Devil Li Xiang, we can deal with other dungeon villains. You can count them and see if there are any villains or escape. In order to prevent them from harming the innocent, we must quickly deal with them."

"Yes!" Several general guards obeyed Long Qing and nodded in response.

In addition, Long Qing actually has family members to deal with. He has a wife who is good at battlefield, but he is not as strong as him. Nevertheless, that is also a figure like a woman who won't let her beard. And, he has a young daughter. Although Tang Ye hadn't been with them, Tang Ye was very concerned about it, they were all inherited by blood. For this reason, Tang Ye suggested to Long Qing that he could lay down his royal status outside the big world, anyway, he never wanted to be an emperor. Then they can live in the Tang family.

The Tang family outside the big world, although there are not many people, after all, the bloodline of Tang Sheng was previously under the secret manipulation of Xu Wuming and the arrangement of the destiny god, so that there are not many bloodlines. Now only Tang Zisang is the only one. However, even if it was just one person, the Tang family was an extremely large family, and it had almost the same position as the family of the emperor and the Wang family. Therefore, Long Qing's entry into the Tang family will not degrade his status at all. Essentially, he is also going home.

Because the Tang family is the home of Tang Ye. Tang Ye was his great grandfather, and when he returned to Tang's house, he naturally returned to his own home.

Long Qing brought his cronies to the Great World, just to go to the Tang family. Then I will talk to Wang Jiuxiao, the emperor of the Red Wall, about the integration of the Great World and the Guwu Rivers and Lakes. There are many problems that need to be resolved together.

As for what Tang Ye had to deal with, they were also very helpless. Because what Tang Ye did was always ahead, they seemed unable to get involved. And many times, they are doing those things to help them, and they feel embarrassed.

At this time, Tang Ye flew over the mountain peaks in the Guwu River and Lake, passing like lightning, alarming the birds and mosquitoes along the road, and the atmosphere looked heavy and solemn, as if something big was about to happen.

Tang Ye used the vertical ladder secret technique and was faster than ordinary people. He fell from a mountain and looked like a bolt of lightning quickly struck from the sky. That scene is really mysterious. When he reached the bottom of the mountain, Tang Ye stopped, stood still and looked ahead, where there was a cave.

The breath of the power of the dragon just came out from here. Taking a look at the cave, Tang Ye didn't think there would be any danger inside, so he swept in directly. Because for him, as long as it is not a trap at the **** level, there is no threat at all. If it was only at the level of a fairy disciple, he didn't even care about it.

When I reached the cave, I saw an empty place inside. On the empty ground, ancient imprint runes were carved to form a magic circle, exuding a **** atmosphere. And around, there are eight more statues, the statues are some monsters, looking fierce. These monsters are not like ordinary monsters, nor are they the four fierce beasts. They have strange shapes, and Tang Ye didn't quite understand.

However, when he saw one of the monster statues, he recognized that it was the blood ancestor!

Back then, when the power of the Shenlong Fantasy Territory told him what happened in the past, the blood ancestors in the dark demons were reproduced. It was the old Taoist fighting against the blood ancestor, defeating the blood ancestor, and then cutting off the shackles of Qi Luck. Therefore, Tang Ye is still very impressed with the appearance of the blood ancestor.

The appearance of the blood ancestor is like the combination of the Eastern Zombie and the Western Vampire, with the terrifying of the Eastern Zombie and the fleshy wings of the Western Vampire. With some fangs and red eyes, it is really scary.

In addition to the statue of the blood ancestor, there are seven other statues. These seven statues are unknown to Tang Ye, but the appearance and aura of the seven statues are not below the blood ancestor. For this reason, Tang Ye guessed that the characters of the other seven monster statues had the same status as the blood ancestors.

Suddenly, Tang Ye remembered the information he had received from the remnant old man in Jiuzhongtian. The Dark Demon Race had eight tribes. Then, these eight statues may be the ancestors of the eight dark demons!

"Li Xiang actually has such a thing..." Tang Ye immediately felt a kind of seriousness, involving such a terrible person, it must be a not simple plan.

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