My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2376: Demon!

Under the deepest dungeon of the Dragon Dynasty, Long Qing stood at the lowest level, and several guards behind him lit torches. Around them, more than a dozen elite soldiers of the Dragon Dynasty fell, all of them were killed in one move. This was done by the immortal disciple who came to see Li Xiang earlier. Long Qing looked at the front with a cold expression, and the devil escaped, he was very worried.

Li Xiang was not caught by Long Qing, but by his father. Moreover, his father used the strongest dynasty sword in order to capture Li Xiang. It was the power of air luck, which meant that Long Qing's father used the strongest power. And even with the strongest power, you can’t kill Li Xiang. Then you can only set up a magic circle to trap Li Xiang, and then reduce it, thinking that after Li Xiang’s power is weakened to a certain level, you can kill. Drop.

However, even after decades, Li Xiang is still so strong. Long Qing came down several times to check to see if it was enough to kill Li Xiang, but it didn't work.

Even if he had never met Li Xiang personally, he knew that Li Xiang was terrible after decades of observation. Now Li Xiang escaped, he didn't know who could deal with Li Xiang. He was already thinking about asking Grandpa Zeng to do it. Today, he felt that only Grandpa Zeng could deal with Li Xiang.

While thinking about this issue, there was movement at the door of the dungeon. There were also several general guards guarding the door, and a mysterious man with a **** hood appeared, and they immediately guarded. This person is Tang Ye. Tang Ye saw several generals of the guards and did not speak, but his appearance was really easy to misunderstand, so there was a confrontation immediately.

Tang Ye knew that these were important generals of the Dragon Dynasty. He glanced at them, and he knew their realm of strength, the peak of heaven and human beings, comparable to those of the immortal disciples. They are all Long Qing's guards, and Tang Ye treats them as his own. But he didn't plan to greet these people, so he said directly: "I want to see your master."

Tang Ye was looking for Long Qing's location, so there must be Long Qing inside.

Several general guards frowned when they heard Tang Ye's words, and knew that the master was inside, so they were directly looking for the master. It didn't look like they wanted to do it, and they didn't know what the master was looking for. Being able to be so not afraid of kingship, it must have strength.

When several general guards hesitated, Long Qing's voice came from inside, "Let him in."

When Long Qing spoke, several general guards immediately stepped aside and let Tang Ye in. Tang Ye nodded, although the appearance of the clothes gave people a sense of unkindness, but in fact he still seemed very polite. Then with a cry to the ground, he flashed into the dungeon, where the master moved like a shadow, and he was surprised to see the guards. This is quite a powerful force, it does not seem to be a simple role.

Tang Ye went straight down to the deepest level of the dungeon, and when he got there, he saw Long Qing standing proudly. Even if the ancient Wu Jianghu and the Great World were joined together, and the Dragon Dynasty collapsed by a few kilos, he was still a king.

The several general guards behind Long Qing saw Tang Ye appearing like a shadow, and immediately took a step forward, squeezing their weapons, and blocking them in front of Long Qing. Those who come are not aware of good or evil, so you must be careful.

But Long Qing immediately waved and said, "I will be fine, you go down first."

Hearing Long Qing's words, several general guards were shocked and asked them to leave, that is, Long Qing had to stay alone with this mysterious person, which was quite dangerous. The generals of the guards were naturally uneasy and did not leave for a while.

Long Qing immediately snorted coldly: "If I say nothing is okay, go on!"

The generals of the guards were not able to persist any longer, Long Qing didn't say anything, and they didn't ask too much, so they went down. However, they did not dare to go far, in case something happened, they would definitely protect Long Qing in time.

After several general guards left, Long Qing looked at Tang Ye, just half-kneeled, respectfully saluted, and shouted, "Grandpa Zeng."

Tang Ye lifted his hood, rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Get up, what are you doing? I said you don't need to pay these salutes, trouble."

Long Qing nodded and smiled, stood up, and looked at Tang Ye, who was as young as herself, still feeling a little uncomfortable. This "young man" is his own grandfather, who always looks a little weird in all manners.

Tang Ye didn't talk about Long Qing, and said, "Now that the Guwu Rivers and the Great World are connected, are you still in control?"

Regarding the connection between the ancient Wu rivers and lakes and the big world, Tang Ye and Long Qing had already said that there would be problems in the follow-up, and they also expected that Long Qing had to grasp all this.

Long Qing nodded and said: "Basically grasp it. I originally planned to go to the Red Wall Palace to meet and talk with the adult, but now something has happened."

"Fairy disciple?" Tang Ye immediately answered. The disciple of the immortal came out of the ancient Wujiang Lake, and he believed that Long Qing would know about the disciple of the immortal. The immortal disciple is so powerful, it must be difficult to control, this must be what Long Qing said.

Long Qing looked at Tang Ye with a solemn expression, and also felt apologetic, probably because she felt that she had not resolved these things. Obviously, the immortal disciples have affected the big world now, and there is still a big threat to follow. He said to Tang Ye: "I'm sorry, Grandpa Zeng, what I worry about is the immortal disciple's matter. This matter has already affected a lot, and I haven't handled it properly."

Tang Ye waved his hand and said, "It's not your fault. From the perspective of my dealings with the immortal disciples, they have been premeditated for a long time, they are very planned, and all of them have extraordinary powers. But it is indeed very troublesome to solve them. I am I came to you to ask about this. I still don’t know who ordered these immortal disciples. What is their purpose. If I want to solve them, I need relevant information."

Long Qing guided Tang Ye to look forward and said, "If I am not mistaken, the leader of the immortal disciple is Li Xiang, the elder of the gatekeeper a hundred years ago. Moreover, now he is not just a gatekeeper. . He is already a...devil!"

"Huh?" Tang Ye was surprised when he heard Long Qing's words. He was a gatekeeper a hundred years ago, and he was still a demon. What does this mean, what is demon, demon?

Tang Ye thought of something about Li Haoran's dealing with the gatekeeper elder one hundred years ago. Although he was not present, after their battle, he rushed to the scene and knew that the scene must be extremely intense. At that time, Li Xiang was seriously injured, and Li Haoran made a cut. He must be dying, so how come he is alive now?

The Li Xiang that Tang Ye saw at the beginning was an old man with white hair and beard. Up to now, if he is still alive, he can still lead so many powerful immortal disciples, I don't know what it looks like.

Long Qing told Tang Ye about Li Xiang. In fact, Long Qing didn't know why Li Xiang was still alive. After all, Li saved the blood of the Gorefiend for quite a few years, and was then resurrected with the blood of the Gorefiend by his disciples. It was something that was carried out quietly behind the scenes, so no one knew.

What Long Qing knew was that the current Li Xiang had the power of the demon clan, but he could still retain the skill of a gatekeeper, and he looked like a person, so his father would be called Demon Li Xiang.

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