My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2372: Between good and evil!

Hearing what Shenlong Spirit said, Tang Ye really wanted to try to leave this land and take a look at the vast outer space. However, it is not so easy to become the supreme **** in this world. At the very least, you have to deal with those gods. To control fate and luck, but also to solve fate. For these, Tang Ye had no clue.

"It seems that nothing can make me break through my strength now." Tang Ye mentioned this question smoothly.

At the **** level, if you want to break through, you must have **** level resources. But in the world on earth, there is no such resource. What's more, now that the shackles of air transport have just been lifted, it is impossible to cultivate such a powerful resource in a short time. For example, thousand-year monsters, ten thousand years ganoderma.

In order to make a breakthrough, Tang Ye used the method of suppressing his own strength and fighting with the immortal disciples. However, he felt that the effect was not obvious, or even not. After all, it's not really that weak. Even if you are forced by the enemy, you still know in your heart that there will be no accident. This will not bring about survival from desperation and luck.

Perhaps, you can only reach the heavens and use the resources of the heavens.

Shenlong spirit knew so much, Tang Ye thought, maybe it could tell some ways. Just like now Shenlong Spirit mentioned the Pangu God Emperor and the vast sky outside.

Hearing Tang Ye's words, Shenlong Spirit knew the problem that Tang Ye was bothering him, and said, "Indeed, when you reach your current state of strength, even in the heyday of cultivation, you have to leave the earth and reach the heaven. Staying on this earth, there is no resource for you to break through."

"This world is divided into the world, hell, and the world. The world is higher than the world and the hell, so the world is the highest level of the world. As for the nine heavens, although they are outside the world, they are not actually considered to be. A space created by the God Emperor Pangu that is the same as this world, it should be a defective product. Even so, it should be independent of one side, so the power it bred is also very strong. There is also the power of the ancient god. So, if you want to break through, I'm afraid that you can only reach the heavens, or go to the Nine Heavens. As for the way in the world, there is not no way." Shenlong spirit looked at Tang Ye and said.

"Oh?" Tang Ye is very curious. Since there is a way to break through, of course he wants to know, after all, he also wants to break through.

Shenlong spirit said: "Swallow, swallow the power as powerful as you, and then you can break through."

"Swallow?" Tang Ye was a little confused. To swallow the power of others is probably to use the power of others for your own use, which seems a bit evil. He had done this before when he helped members of the void organization. He himself is somewhat repulsive. Is this method the only breakthrough method now?

Shenlong Spirit said: "It is indeed swallowing. For example, I am about to disappear, but my power is a force that cannot be underestimated. Then, if you swallow my power, you can help you make a breakthrough. Or, you You can seize the enemy’s power and then fuse. If the fusion is successful, then you can also get a breakthrough. Of course, you can’t break through by swallowing a single force. When you reach the realm of God level, even if you swallow the same power without enough weight, it is It is impossible to break through."

Tang Ye said that he understood, but still had some doubts, and said, "The same power can be swallowed and used for his own use. Are those weak and weak have no effect?"

"The effect is small, but it is very small. If you can swallow 10,000 weak powers to get a larger power, don't you find it troublesome? Moreover, there are not so many weak powers for you to swallow, if it is to kill innocents People, this is too devilish to be afraid. So this method is both praise and derogation."

Tang Ye nodded and said nothing. He knows this method, and this method he can carry out. Now he is meditating, thinking of Master Nong Baicao again. He can use the devouring method, which is actually the powerful secret technique "soul cutting" taught by Nong Baicao a hundred years ago.

Thinking about it now, he felt that when Master Nong Baicao taught him to leave, it was a very meaningful behavior. He was thinking, did the master know that there would be such a situation?

He was also thinking about where the master would be now. He believed that the master who had accomplished the holy path of medicine would not die so easily. Living a hundred years is difficult for others, but not difficult for Nongbaicao. If the master was still alive, where would he be and what he would be doing.

Tang Ye also had doubts about his own background. As the person who adopted him, Nong Baicao must know something. However, Nong Baicao never told him the specific situation. He originally thought that as his strength continued to grow stronger and the level he was exposed to higher and higher, he would know these things. But now, even if he reached the **** level, he still didn't know.

Could it be said that even the gods do not deserve to know some things behind them?

That would be a little scary.

Tang Ye sighed for a long time, feeling that it was really incredible. A hundred years ago, I thought that many secrets would surface when they became stronger. But a hundred years later, it was discovered that even if it was strong to the **** level, many secrets were still very far away. Perhaps, for those things in the past, a century is nothing at all.

Seeing Tang Ye's contemplation, Shenlong Spirit said again: "In fact, even if there is a way to swallow it, it is not that easy. Not everyone can fuse other powers, and not everyone has the secret skills that can seize the power of others. Even the gods. , The same is true!"

The look in Tang Ye's eyes, Shenlong Soul, suddenly became a little subtle. It knew that Tang Ye had a powerful and mysterious "capture, devour, fusion" type of secret skill like "soul cutting". Then, Tang Ye could break through and become stronger by swallowing this method. But for others, it's not that easy. For this reason, as long as Tang Ye is willing, he can still create an advantage in advance and stay at the forefront of the peak.

Tang Ye still knew what Shenlong Spirit meant. He fell into deep thought again, considering whether to use this method.

Shenlong spirit said again: "Tang Ye, you are kind and benevolent. You feel that it is very cruel to take away the souls of others and extract your power. However, in the face of those gods, if you want to kill all of you humans, it is useless to be kind to them. On the contrary, it will harm yourself. Of course, if you want to say that all things are equal, if others are evil to you, and you are evil to others, then you are no different from the wicked... Don’t say it is ridiculous, but only say one. Others can do good deeds, but you can’t.”

Tang Ye looked at the spirit of Shenlong and squinted. Only oneself can't?

He is indeed the only one who can't. Because facing the current situation of the world, if it is the best, it will definitely not be able to deal with the gods, as well as the demons and monsters. Then, there must be someone who wants to wander between good and evil.

This person is the one who can save the world. And now only Tang Ye had this ability.

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