My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2367: Not like a novice!

Hong Lian Ji had already attacked, Tang Ye's movements remained the same, standing quietly, as if ignoring Hong Lian Ji, this gave people the feeling of a great disdain.

"You are more arrogant than I thought, and arrogant is annoying." Honglian Ji was very angry at Tang Ye's behavior, and stared at Tang Ye very angrily while attacking.

Tang Ye shrugged, and looked a little bit like he just came out a hundred years ago, and looked scornful, a little bit silly. But now, it should be old and dishonest. After all, they are all over a hundred years old. But this kind of mentality and change is somewhat good. After all, he was a little dull in the past. Even for women, it's a lot lighter.

Tang Ye looked at Honglian Ji and said, "I have always distinguished between friends and enemies. Since you are an enemy, your words will have no effect on me. Besides, the so-called arrogance is only because you feel uncomfortable. I think I did something. Very good, because it makes the enemy upset, I am very happy."

"Huh, really a good mouth." Honglianji sneered and hummed: "Your strength is indeed good, but I want to see how good it is!"

Hum, Hong Lian Ji stopped talking nonsense, trotting two steps, and the flame sword in her hand struck Tang Ye. Tang Ye didn't speak any more, facing Honglianji.

It is a good choice for Gulianji to use her powerful water force to restrain her. Tang Ye is not a person who uses water elements, but with so many experiences, and also on the way to the devil, he has also become very good at mastering the power of the five elements. The water element, and the water element becomes ice, can be manipulated somewhat.

For this reason, he plans to use the power of the elements to deal with the Red Lotus. When it comes to the elements of the five elements, dead wood plays a great role in spring. So he used the dead wood Fengchun, and then directly extracted the power of the water element from the dead wood Fengchun. Withered Wood Fengchun has such a magical place, it is like a treasure house of power. The power of the five elements between heaven and earth is constantly flowing in it. There is no shortage of wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning.

Now Tang Ye discovered that the mystery of the secret technique of Withered Woods Every Spring was even stronger than expected. Even now that the shackles of luck are broken, he still hasn't realized the next stage of the dead wood in spring, "the iron tree blooms". Moreover, he slowly felt that the power of dead trees in spring is not just to provide endless power. There is even a source of power in it. Perhaps, the power of dead wood every spring comes from nature and itself is related to the power of Origin.

Gulian Ji's flame sword attacked, and a scorching sensation hit, like a heat wave, and the whole person felt that he was thrown into the stove and roasted. However, Tang Ye, who has the power of withered trees to meet spring, is not afraid of these in the slightest. When the flame sword approached him, he waved his hand, and then a white and blue sharp blade came out.

This is ice under the power of the water element. In the past, Tang Ye didn't use such power very much, and he was not a strong person in this area. The princess is the master of ice. However, under his current power, even if he doesn't know the essence of the secret technique of ice technique, it is actually very powerful to use water element to form ice to deal with enemies with a large power gap.

Tang Ye's white and blue ice technique sharply hit Honglianji's flame dagger, and it shattered directly. But this was not a power gap, but Tang Ye deliberately did it. The sharp blade was originally formed by the condensation of water elements. After it collapsed, the fragments did not disappear, but all covered the flame sword. Then, the white and blue fragments merged into the flame sword. Then I saw that the entire flame sword seemed to be frosted, and the flame sword turned into a crystal ice sword.

The ice sword didn't last long, and Tang Ye took advantage of this to strike a force, the force impact, the ice sword shattered, and the flame sword was also scattered.

Seeing this, Honglian Ji squinted her eyes and saw that her hands had become empty. Then she looked at Tang Ye and hummed: "As expected of Eleven Profound, it seems that you have a good control of the elemental power. You are mine. This is the first person in the Far East who can directly crack my red lotus fire."

Tang Ye sneered and said: "This is not praise. You immortal disciples have just appeared. How many people can you fight against? I tell you, there are countless strong people in this land. Don't think that you can think highly of yourself if you know a little bit of strange art. "

With that said, Tang Ye actually caught a key word. Gulian Ji said the Far East? That means Guren Ji is not here. If this is the Far East, it is the West. Could it be that Honglianji came from the West?

"There are indeed countless strong people here, but it may be that I was unlucky and didn't encounter it much." Honglianji sneered ironically, and another flame came out of her hand to slap Tang Ye.

Honglianji threw a big fire, and Tang Ye saw that the momentum was wrong, and jumped back to avoid it. He now suppressed his strength, and seemed a bit "average strength", and it didn't seem to have the advantage to fight with Gurenji.

The flame of the Red Lotus Fairy hit the ground. The magical thing was that it bounced like a ball, and then even more amazing was that it burst into several small fireballs, and then several fireballs flew towards Tang Ye.

Several fireballs were like tracking bombs, and they were very fast, rushing directly in front of Tang Ye, and then attacking Tang Ye together. Even the flame ball at the beginning exploded.

"Bang bang bang!" With several bombardments, Tang Ye was plunged into a burst of flames.

"Master Eleven Profound!" Liu Li and Liu Su exclaimed worriedly when seeing Tang Ye doing this.

Gu Lian Ji squinted at her with sneer. Her red lotus fire is actually a kind of magic. This is the name under the power of the Western Earth God System. And she, an absolute genius among the fire magicians, masters the powerful red lotus fire, which can be directly extracted from the elements, and can be condensed into flames with fire elements in an instant, and manifested in various forms. Therefore, her attacks are very flexible and varied. She is proficient in both close combat and long range combat. In the past battles, the enemy could not even get close to her.

She is undefeated. At least the past battles were like this, no one had let her fail.

After several flame **** burst, flames were still raging around Tang Ye, what was going on with him, Honglianji and Tassel Liuli all watched.

Tassel and Liuli were very worried, while Gulianji had a calm face, but she was still on guard. She didn't believe that Tang Ye would be defeated so easily. If so, she would find it very boring.

The flame went out, and the three of them saw Tang Ye, Tang Ye was naturally fine.

It surprised the three of them. Tang Ye was surrounded by a layer of crystal white ice, like a magical ice shield.

This is Tang Ye's power to control the water element. He can master the five elements freely, just like magic. Honglianji used fire, and he used water, which was completely able to withstand it. So even if he was bombarded by the flame ball just now, he was still intact.

Just looking at him like this, he didn't seem to be a novice using ice technique at all. Those who practice ice art, if they knew it, would not know if they would vomit blood with anger.

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