My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2345: Raise ghosts too much!

Yang Jian Gui was **** off by Tang Ye's arrogance. This eleven mystery is crazy. He didn't think Tang Ye could kill him easily, because he was different from other immortal disciples. He is cultivating the skill of raising ghosts, and it would be very difficult to deal with him without the ability of a demon master. He didn't think that Eleven Profound possessed the power of Fu Mo Shi.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong.

The ghost of Yang didn’t know that the identity of the Eleventh Xuan was Tang Ye, and didn’t know it was Tang Sheng. He snorted to Tang Ye, "Tang Ye, it is said that you are a doctor. You have a great future, but you shouldn’t mess with me! , Provoke me, your life is over!" Yang Jiangui stared at Tang Ye, coldly shouted.

Tang Ye sneered, and said: "Let your little demon out, let me see how strong you are. Immortal disciple, I want to kill one by one. But you don't seem to notice that I can really kill you. , So give you a little chance to be afraid."

"You!" Yang Jiangui felt that Tang Ye was really arrogant.

"Arrogant! Let you see, what about the kid I have raised for a few years!" Yang Jiangui shouted, and suddenly opened the worship box covered with yellow cloth beside him.

At this time, I saw a lot of toys in the worship box, and a small carved wooden coffin in the middle. The scary thing is that the little coffin was stained red with blood. Even the wood of the small coffin felt that blood could seep out by just squeezing it.

Tang Ye squinted slightly when she saw it, and said, "You have been feeding the little devil with your own blood?"

Tang Ye also mastered a lot of knowledge of abusive demons. Although he was not a professional man, he still saw some ways for the equipment of the ghosts of the sun.

The ghost of the sun sneered, a little proud, and hummed: "Why, are you scared? From your look, it seems that you know something about the devil. But it's useless, you don't have the power to deal with me. I tell you, use blood Raising a little ghost is the most powerful, even if you know something on the side of the devil? Can you deal with my blood little ghost?"

"You're a bit ridiculous and pitiful." Tang Ye shook his head with the pride of Yang Jiangui, showing a pitiful sneer, and hummed: "Who told you that feeding the little ghost with blood is the most powerful method? You can't fail. You know you are committing suicide, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Yang Jiangui's face sank, looking at Tang Ye's sneered expression, he felt inexplicably jealous in his heart.

Tang Ye was wearing a hood. Although he couldn't see most of his face, he could still see it on his mouth. That disdain and sneer, Yang Jian Gui could understand.

The ghost of the Yangjian must know the price of his actions, he just didn't expect it, does Tang Ye also understand?

Of course Tang Ye understood, and said, "Raising a little ghost is not for evil. The reason why someone raises a little ghost is because of grief and sorrow, as well as longing. Because their child is dead, they can't bear it, so they want the child to stay with them. Living together. This is the original intention of raising a little ghost. As for why raising a little ghost evolves into a means of doing evil, it is caused by human nature. Humans, great good and great evil, cause and die, sometimes indeed hateful."

"Why nonsense!" Yang Jiangui sipped, not knowing what Tang Ye wanted to say.

Tang Ye sneered, as if ridiculing Yang Jiangui's knowing questions, and pretending not to care about the cost of raising a kid, and said: "You have raised a kid to be a hungry ghost. The hungry ghost's pursuit of food is endless. Yes. If I’m not wrong, you started feeding the kid with a drop of blood, and then it became two drops, three drops, four drops... or more. However, the kid is still not satisfied. Because he grows up, he wants Eat more. And this hungry ghost grew up eating your blood, so naturally you want to eat it the most. Also, I tell you, next, it will eat your meat!"

"Depending on your situation, there is at most one year left. During this year, you will be eaten to the bones." Tang Ye sneered at the ghost of the sun.

"So what?" Yang Jiangui didn't want to be brought into the rhythm by Tang Ye, snorted coldly, and said: "I have my own way to continue my life. Now you can taste the power of my little ghost!"

Stopped by Tang Ye's appearance, there was no way to sacrifice the ghosts under Guimen Gorge. Yang Jiangui threw the girl aside, preparing to kill Tang Yexian.

Tang Ye sneered again, and hummed: "Now when you let the little devil out, you just let out a beast. You may not be able to control this beast, so don't be killed by the little devil."

"Fart!" The ghost of Yang Jian felt that Tang Ye didn't have any brains to speak, and the kid he raised would come and shoot himself?

He released the kid to attack.


At this time, there was a sharp sound in the worship box of the ghost of the sun, which was very harsh, as if it had cut the entire sky. People still feel the creeps when they listen.


At this time, the small coffin in the yellow cloth consecration box suddenly broke another opening, and then blood spilled from the opening, which was very strange.

Surprisingly, the blood spilled little by little at first. But slowly, the blood flowing out faster and faster! As if the small coffin was a pool of blood, there was a lot of blood inside. Not long after, a piece of blood spread on the ground, like a small **** pool.

This is weird! A small wooden coffin can shed so much blood!

However, the blood flowing out is only part of the weirdness. What is even stranger is that at this time, the blood is slowly stirred, the blood is red and black, like chocolate cream. Then, that blood changed! In the middle of the blood in the big beach, the blood gathered, and finally, little by little, shaped the body of a child.

"Hehe!" At this moment, the child let out a chuckle.

What's more scary is the appearance of a child, with a flat head, deformed, pointed ears, and blood red all over, as if blood is flowing. The hands are long and pointed, like the branches of a dryad. The scariest thing is that it has no lower body! It is disconnected from the abdomen!

It is lying on the ground with both hands, as if climbing. Coupled with its gloomy laughter, it makes people suffocate!

This is the little ghost raised by the ghost of the sun.

The scarlet kid looked at the ghost of the sun, smiled happily, and shouted: "I'm hungry, I want to eat!"


After the scarlet little ghost snorted, he changed suddenly and appeared directly in front of the Yangjian ghost who fell on the ground. Then, facing one of the Yangjian ghost's legs, opened his mouth, revealing the pointed teeth, and bit down with a "click".

"Ah!" Yang Jiangui cried out in pain, but he didn't expect the kid to bite him suddenly.

Could it be that this was bitten by the kid? As Tang Ye said, this little devil had been raised too much, and he no longer distinguished between master and servant. This is the price to be paid?

A beast that may not be controlled!

It's not that the ghost of the sun didn't expect this situation, but he kept grasping it. Before that, he was sure that the little ghost did not look like this. But this is the case now, could it be... the influence of the ghost power of Guimenxia!

Yang Jiangui realized something and panicked in his heart.

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