My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2343: Play with black fire!

The shocked shark died under the sharp mouth of the shark group. Tang Ye saw that everyone was no longer threatened. Then the next step was the aftermath of the Red Wall Palace. He didn't stay much, turned and left, to solve the other immortal disciples. .

It didn't take much time to solve Shock Shark, but there were one or two tricks. When everyone saw this, apart from being excited to be saved, they were also grateful to Tang Ye. However, Tang Ye didn't have much time to come, and they were in panic all the time. Now that they recovered, Tang Ye had already left, and they didn't even have a chance to say thank you.

However, they remembered that Tang Ye told Jingsha just now that he was called Shixi Xuan.

They don't know who Eleven Profound is, but they know that Eleven Profound saved them. The Eleventh Profound, a newly added one after the Tenth Profound, spread some inexplicably.

Tang Ye's disguised identity has really changed one after another. It's just that anyone who knows his identity knows everything. As for what you don’t know, you probably need to pay attention to speculation. It’s not difficult to know.

Through his own perception and the message from Shenji Technology, Tang Ye continued to another place where the immortal disciples acted.

He did not expect that this turned out to be a suburb with not many people. However, Tang Ye thought so at the beginning, but it didn't take long to notice that there was a village on the outskirts, which was full of blood, dark flames, and thick smoke, which was very strange.

The village was attacked, and I was afraid that it was already bad. Tang Ye quickly changed his position. When he went to the village, he saw that the village had been destroyed. There were not many villagers and no one would survive. Old and young women and children are not spared.

Kaka. Tang Ye clenched his fist, his bones rattled. He was angry, these immortal disciples had done too much. He already had great anger. In this case, none of these immortal disciples will stay!

At this moment, Tang Ye turned to look at the mountain opposite the village, squinted slightly, then his body quickly rose, and soon fell on the mountain. Then he saw that there was a person standing on the mountain peak. This person was not surprised to see Tang Ye, as if he had specially waited for Tang Ye to come.

This person also wore the robes of a fairy disciple, and he was indeed a fairy disciple. It was strange to see that the village was attacked by some black flames.

This person is the black flame among the immortal disciples, and he has a very powerful secret technique. He knew that Tang Ye would come, so he waited specially, and he could see that his state of mind and mentality were completely different from Jing Sha.

Tang Ye's aura was cold at this time, no matter how much, there was a faint murderous intent, and he looked at Hei Yan and said, "You destroyed that village?"

Hei Yan turned around, looked at Tang Ye, somewhat helpless, shook his head, and said, "This is not my intention."

"You did it?" Tang Ye asked again, regardless of Hei Yan's explanation.

Hei Yan nodded and said, "Yes."

Tang Ye said coldly: "Then you have to die."

Hei Yan looked at Tang Ye and fell silent for a while. In fact, he didn't know Tang Ye's identity, only that Tang Ye was the eleventh profound. This news has just been delivered to their various immortal disciples. Among their immortal disciples, there are also some internal connections. Probably because Jing Sha was killed by the eleventh mysterious disciples was known by an immortal disciple, and then soon every immortal disciple knew.

Because Eleven Profound is very powerful, and is here to kill them.

After silence, Hei Yan looked at Tang Ye and said, "You are the Eleventh Profound? Well, we are bibi. I am very interested in studying the powerful and mysterious mysteries in the world. I use flames, but the flames have been transformed. This It’s an improvement, and it’s also a point of my ability. It seems that we can’t communicate well, so we can only take action first.”

Tang Ye sneered and said: "You are a little bit self-righteous. You take the destruction of a village so lightly, and then tell me, want to exchange secret skills?"

Hei Yan said, "That's exactly what I meant. As I said, I don't want to ruin the village. This is what the master meant, and I just implemented it."

"Master? Who is your master?" Tang Ye asked, staring at Hei Yan. He didn't want to talk nonsense, but from Hei Yan's words, it seemed that he could get some other information about the immortal disciples, so he didn't mind asking more.

However, Hei Yan shook his head and said, "I won't tell you this. I know what I am doing and what I should do."

Tang Ye stared at Hei Yan and said, "If this is the case, then kill you first. Then, go and kill all of your immortal disciples."

"Very good, the problem is, you can do it. Now, let's try to kill me first." Hei Yan looked at Tang Ye and smiled.

They knew it was the Eleventh Profound, but they didn't know it was Tang Ye, and they always felt a little drama. Don't they watch out for Tang Sheng, a super figure?

Or, they haven't been killed enough, so don't you think Tang Sheng has already taken action?

Tang Ye felt that these immortal disciples were really a little arrogant, even if he didn't doubt his identity, he still felt that he could not beat them.

"You can take action first, and then you will know if I can kill you one by one." Tang Ye said to Hei Yan.

Hei Yan didn't refuse, and said: "Then you're welcome."

Then Hei Yan shot, and suddenly there was a black flame in his hand, and then the flame turned into a thin needle, and shot the black flame needle at Tang Ye.

The black flame needle flew out with a fierce momentum, then disappeared in an instant, and appeared again in an instant. The moment he appeared, he had already reached Tang Ye's eyes.


This is a powerful move that Hei Yan has realized!

To cast it in a stunned breath, you must first stop, and then gather enough strength, that is, there must be a process of accumulating energy, and then it is like the body is merged into the black flame needle, and people follow the black flame needle. It can be said that people are black flame needles, and black flame needles are people. This is indeed very mysterious, the skills that the immortal disciples master really have their own merits.

Tang Ye was also a little surprised. Because when he was talking to Hei Yan just now, he didn't expect Hei Yan was already accumulating energy. He didn't notice it, it seems Hei Yan has some other abilities.

It's just that, as for what he is capable of, even though Tang Ye is a little interested, she doesn't waste time to watch it slowly. Because he wanted to kill Hei Yan, Hei Yan couldn't live.

Hei Yan said that he was playing with flames, and he regarded the transformation of flames as his greatest power. This is why it is impossible for him to win Tang Ye. Because Tang Ye played with fire a hundred years ago. Moreover, the flame power that Tang Ye masters, no one can be stronger than him.

Even if Hei Yan transforms the flame and becomes the Hei Yan, as long as it is a flame, it is impossible to cause the ancestor of the flame, the power of the phoenix!

And Tang Ye has the power of Phoenix. Even if Tang Ye didn't know, it was still working. Therefore, Tang Ye was very indifferent to Hei Yan.

"Playing with fire in front of me, even black fire, is very dangerous." Tang Ye said to Hei Yan.

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