My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2338: Love is part!

Although the order of the Red Wall Palace has become disintegrated with the increasing chaos, the order of the Red Wall Palace is still relatively good at the feet of the emperor. Now that this young man and woman are launching a brutal killing here, the power of the Red Wall court naturally rushed to deal with it immediately.

A man and a woman who committed the murder were the disciples of the fairy. Because after they started to kill people, they took off the clothes they had worn before, and what was revealed was the yin and yang red patterned Taoist robe that was the standard for the immortal disciples. They started to do it after getting Li Xiang's arrangement. Now Li Xiang was going back to Guwu Jianghu to refine the Shenlong Prison. In order to prevent Tang Ye from discovering what was happening on his side, he asked his disciples to attract attention.

The Red Wall Palace Guards stationed in Yanjing City immediately rushed to see the two immortal disciples and the clothes, they knew they were enemies, and immediately blocked a man and a woman. Because after Professor Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong's ancient battlefield site were attacked by the immortal disciples, the Red Wall Palace conveyed relevant information about the immortal disciples. They came from the ancient Wu rivers and lakes, and they don't know what they are, but they are judged to be enemies. Stay alive if you can, hoping to get some information from it. If it doesn't work, kill it to avoid causing more damage.

The man and woman fairy disciple was very happy to see the people from the red wall court guards coming. They seemed hungry and thirsty, as if they could finally be released. They lurked in Yanjing City these days without revealing their identity. However, they feel that this is too bad for their own powerful ability. Although they don't have the top power like Li Xiang, they are also approaching the **** level, and they are masters second only to the strongest group of people. Even the Ten Profounds of the Red Wall Palace, they are not afraid. Because their strength is at least equal to or even higher than the ten profound. So as long as it wasn't for Tang Sheng's existence, they didn't worry that something might happen to them.

Basically, they found that Tang Sheng was not in Yanjing City, so next, they could act recklessly, it was time for them to revel.

Except for this man and woman, there were immortal disciples in different places in Yanjing City. They are not afraid of revealing their identities, they all wear the robes of immortal disciples. Some of them killed people indiscriminately, whether they were innocent civilians or the guards of the Red Wall court. They come from the ancient Wu rivers and lakes. They feel that the people in the big world are all grass and mustards. There are too many weeds on the side of the road, which will only hinder walking. If they are cleaned up, they will be cleared away.

After Li Xiang issued the order, within a short period of time, there were several attacks by immortal disciples in Yanjing City. In addition, immortal disciples also appeared outside of Yanjing City. Suddenly, this land seemed to have been caused by a full-scale war by the immortal disciples.

"Fairy disciple?" In the Red Wall Palace, Wang Jiuxiao kept receiving news about the wanton slaughter of the immortal disciples, as if to start a full-scale war. He was very angry, and now it was indeed some monsters and monsters, and all monsters had come out to do evil. However, these immortal disciples are human beings. Although they are from the ancient Wu rivers and lakes, they are humans just like the people in the big world. Now the human race is not united, but fighting each other, is it waiting to be destroyed by the monster race, the demons, or the gods?

As the emperor of the Red Wall Palace, Wang Jiuxiao hates iron and steel. Because at this time, facing the survival plan of the human race, what the human race has to do is to unite and cope with the survival plan together.

Since the immortal disciples acted in this way, Wang Jiuxiao had nothing to say, just exterminating. There is no time to talk about other things slowly. As long as there are these stubbornness or unforgivable behaviors, even the human race will be eliminated directly, and these issues will be resolved simply and completely, and then focus on dealing with other crises.

The power of the immortal disciple is very strong, and the Red Wall Palace has already understood that even the weakest immortal disciple has reached the realm of heaven and human, which is comparable to the ten mysterious figures. This is a very amazing thing. I didn't expect all the immortal disciples to be so powerful and master secret skills. They are an army composed of generals, with strength ranging from one enemy to one hundred, or even one enemy to one thousand. They can only let people like Shixuan deal with it, otherwise the other guards, even if they can deal with it, will suffer great sacrifices.

Taking the lives of a hundred soldiers of the escort, or even a thousand, to solve a disciple of the immortal is really too great a loss. Less than absolutely necessary, Wang Jiuxiao did not want to do this. The forces of the Red Wall Palace finally gathered together to form a certain scale, and then through training, with the technology of Shenji Technology, there was a look of modern technology combined with super-technological forces, that is, the army of the latest era. These are all in response to the gods. And train up. It is not mature now, and if the loss is heavy, it will not only be a superficial loss, but will also affect the subsequent response to the gods. In this case, the Red Wall Palace would not have much power.

"Let Shixuan move out first. I will contact Tang Sheng. If Tang Sheng can help and reduce our losses, that would be the best. But you must remember that we cannot rely on Tang Sheng for everything. Tang Sheng Not our exclusive Tang Sheng of the Red Wall Palace, he is the Tang Sheng of Human Race, and his own Tang Sheng. Even if Tang Sheng said that he would not help us, we must not have any complaints. Tang Sheng’s vision has long been not us These are ordinary people." Wang Jiuxiao said to several important managers behind him.

Now that the immortal disciple riot broke out, important personnel of the Red Wall Palace came over for an emergency meeting. Wang Jiuxiao hopes to quickly suppress the immortal disciples and reduce losses as much as possible. His current strategy is aimed at the coming of the gods and the resurrection of the demons and demons. As for the accident that the immortal disciple killed halfway, it was the work of the human race itself, so it didn't take into account.

But even so, he felt too dependent on Tang Ye. Relying on this statement is very bad. If you get used to it, one day Tang Ye is not there, just like Tang Ye suddenly disappeared a hundred years ago, then what should they do?

The other is that Wang Jiuxiao felt too much trouble for Tang Ye, and he was very sorry. Although Tang Ye is a well-known human saint, this does not mean that he has an obligation to help others. Helping is sentimental, not helping can be said to be duty. After all, people like Tang Ye have a lot of things to do and pursue.

There is no better way for other managers and they are silent. The situation is urgent now, and it is the best way to get Tang Sheng to help.

They hope so.

And the one who can do this is Wang Jiuxiao. Wang Jiuxiao's air transport ability can contact Tang Ye at any time.

Wang Jiuxiao sighed and said, "You all go to your own affairs, Tang Sheng's affairs, I will contact you, and as soon as the results are obtained, I will tell you. The immortal disciple must be handled well."

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