My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2333: Restart the **** world!

Now Qianri’s "Change Heaven and Earth" has been cracked by Tang Jiujiu, and Gu Luoxue can use the power of the Moon God again. For this reason, she uses the power of the Moon God to fly out with a moon **** crescent blade energy, sending Tao Jiu Jian, Fu Lu, The lives of the four of Qianri and Qingzhuo were harvested.

Gu Luoxue was not merciful, and killed the immortal disciples who suddenly appeared to kill her. But about the immortal disciples, she felt that there was no end, because since these immortal disciples shot her once, there will be a second time. And she didn't plan to wait for the immortal disciple to come and do it, just because she didn't know what to do, then just kill the immortal disciple.

Gu Luoxue didn't take a look at Tao Jiujian and the others, and walked to Luohua Cave. He came back to see it, because the immortal disciple was delayed. However, when she walked towards the Luohua Cave, there was a sudden surge of power she felt familiar with. She stopped and became a little excited in her heart, very nervous and looking forward to it.

Then she turned her head and looked at the air ahead. Quickly fluffed her hair again, as if to tidy up her image. This is a kind of innocence and beauty. Then I saw that a whirlpool appeared in the air ahead, and then a man in a black hood appeared. At first he couldn't see his face clearly, but Gu Luoxue knew who he was.

Only Tang Ye can do this kind of space jump ability.

After Tang Ye appeared, she was stunned when she saw Gu Luoxue in front of her. Then he lifted his hood to reveal his face, looking at Gu Luoxue, curious, and at the same time, he asked with concern: "Gu girl, really you? Nothing happened to you, I feel your power and strength here. Other forces are colliding, have you encountered an enemy?"

Gu Luoxue looked at Tang Ye calmly, but her heart was nervous, she pursed her mouth, to her, it was like a smile. She said to Tang Ye: "Long time no see."

Before Tang Ye went to Guwu Jianghu, he had never seen Gu Luoxue. He went and left in a hurry. As for Gu Luoxue, Xing Ji, and the chivalrous girl Li Fuping, Tang Ye asked Long Qing to visit. Therefore, he and Gu Luoxue can be said to have disappeared in a hundred years.

When Tang Ye saw that Gu Luoxue was fine, he smiled and said, "Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you here. What happened just now?"

Looking at Tang Ye, Gu Luoxue was happy, and felt that everyone had not changed. The appearance is still the same, and the feeling is still the same.

However, Gu Luoxue was not good at keeping the ambiguous atmosphere for too long. Tang Ye asked what was going on. She glanced at Tao Jiujian and the others who had been killed by her, and said, "These self-proclaimed immortal disciples suddenly attacked me for some reason. They want to kill me, so I will kill them."

"Fairy disciple?" Tang Ye frowned. The Blind Dao and Lian previously encountered in the ruins of the ancient battlefield were also the disciples of the immortals, and now Gu Luoxue also encountered the disciples of the immortals. Look at Tao Jiujian and their clothes, they are indeed the same as those of Blind Dao and Lian before. I didn't expect the immortal disciples to take so many actions, I don't know what they were planning.

Gu Luoxue nodded and asked Tang Ye, "Do you know them?"

Tang Ye shook his head and said, "It's not clear yet. I'm investigating. I've met them once before. But depending on the abilities they master, they are definitely not simple characters."

"Yes, they all have wonderful abilities. It can be said that they have their own strengths. If you are not careful, I'm afraid you and I will stumble. If you didn't get the girl's shot before, I'm afraid something went wrong."

"Right." Gu Luoxue said, thinking of the delicate girl, she was very curious, looked at Tang Ye and asked: "Do you have a daughter? Or besides Tang Zisang and Long Qing, are there other descendants? "

Tang Ye was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect Gu Luoxue to ask. He actually has a daughter, but few people know this daughter, and Gu Luoxue won't know it. It's strange to ask this question. And soon, Tang Ye thought of something. Could it be that Gu Luoxue had met someone, suspecting it was his own blood. It is most likely the daughter she is looking for!

Tang Ye got excited, looked at Gu Luoxue, and said, "Did you meet someone?"

"Yes, a girl, I feel like you." Gu Luoxue said.

"Where is she now?" Tang Ye was even more excited, whether it was his daughter Tang Jiujiu or not, he was going to see him.

Seeing Tang Ye's excitement, Gu Luoxue didn't ask so much, she said, "I don't know where she went, so I left over there. She is very strong, you may not find it."

"Then I will look for it first, and I will look for you when I turn around!" Tang Ye said to Gu Luoxue, and then left in the direction that Gu Luoxue pointed.

Gu Luoxue stared at Tang Ye, feeling that Tang Ye was still up and down. She also had a lot to ask Tang Ye about who that girl was, or Tang Ye and her daughter. However, Tang Ye eagerly looked for it, and she had no opinion, so she could ask slowly when she turned around. When Tang Ye left, she went to look inside Luohua Cave.

Tang Ye caught the breath left by a possibly delicate girl, and wanted to find her. No matter who it is, since Gu Luoxue said that, it won't be made out of nothing, he has to see with his own eyes.

At this moment, Tang Jiujiu appeared on the shore of an unknown abyss, wanting to jump into the abyss, but suddenly turned his head, looked at the back, squinted his eyes, then curled his mouth, looking angry, and hummed: "Cut, I want to find I am so beautiful you, I just don't see you now!"

Hum, Tang Jiujiu waved, a golden light force shot out, enveloped the abyss, and then she jumped into the abyss. The power she had just released was used to cover her breath. Because she knew, Tang Ye was chasing him quickly, and she didn't want to see Tang Ye now.

Originally, Tang Ye caught a little of Tang Jiujiu's breath, but this breath suddenly disappeared. He suddenly lost his direction and had to stop in place.

"She actually wiped her breath away, she knew I was tracking her?" Tang Ye was surprised at this. He was confident that his abilities would not be so easy to be discovered, but the other party suddenly disappeared from any trace. It must be to beware of him. Know his actions.

It shows that the other party is very strong, and Tang Ye has a hunch that this mysterious girl may have something to do with him. Although he lost his breath, Tang Ye was still happy, because he didn't have any clues about his daughter before, and now no matter whether the other party was his own daughter, at least he had hope.

Although he lost his breath, Tang Ye still went around to look around, maybe he could hit the right direction and see Tang Jiujiu.

However, Tang Jiujiu had fallen into the abyss at this time. The abyss was full of dry bones. Although there was a green hill on the cliff, it was dark and scary below. I don't know why Tang Jiujiu came to such a place.

Standing in front of a pile of dry bones, Tang Jiujiu flicked his hand, and then a golden light appeared in front of her, with words on it, and then condensed into a small book, which was the Dizang Heart Sutra.

"The **** world needs to restart, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, I have to find you to see my mother again." Tang Jiujiu snorted softly.

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