My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2331: alike!

Qingzhuo and the others are really curious about the identities of the delicate girls. Such a powerful person, they have no information. From the fact that they live in the Guwu rivers and lakes, but also know the big world very well, it can be seen that their eyes have been placed on the big world long ago, so after they have reached the big world, they will not have any Unwell. In other words, under Li Xiang's operation, they have long been connected with the big world.

They have a lot of information about the big world, including what kind of characters there are. As for the people of Guwu Jianghu, they know even more. However, in so much information they have, there is nothing about this delicate girl. They think that all powerful beings that can threaten them are already in their grasp. And the appearance of this delicate girl was a blow to them.

In fact, it is not only Qingzhuo them, anyone who has been in contact with a delicate girl will be curious about her identity. The same is true for Qiuya and Qiuyao before. Qiuya and Qiuyao are very powerful fox monsters, they are basically god-level, but they are easily suppressed by delicate girls. Then the strength of the delicate girl is far above the **** level?

The identity of this delicate girl is indeed very curious.

The delicate girl didn't intend to reveal her identity, she said that she didn't find it interesting. After seeing the person she should meet, she would naturally understand. I said it specifically, as if to show off his identity. So she just smiled at Qingzhuo and said, "If you want to know who I am, you can check it yourself, I won't tell you. Now I ask, are you trying to seize the power of the Dragon Gate Mirage?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, it looks like you are a mysterious and strict organization. These organizations seem to have their own set of things. If you don't say it, then let the Moon God kill you, I I don't want to bother." The delicate girl said.

Qingzhuo is so mad, is it so casual? He thought that if the delicate girls couldn't find the answers they wanted, they would be tortured. Unexpectedly, the delicate girls are not going to toss, they don't say, then let Gu Luoxue kill them. Qingzhuo felt unwilling because he had always been calm-headed. Since the delicate girls wanted to know some information from them, they might be able to rely on the delicate girls to find a chance.

Isn't it lifeless for a pretty girl to say so now?

Qingzhuo felt that she couldn't give up this opportunity, she always had to try, and talk about a deal with the delicate girl. He said to the delicate girl: "If I tell you what is our purpose, what benefits can we get?"

The delicate girl was taken aback, looked at Qingzhuo and frowned, and said, "Benefits? No benefit. I haven't considered this issue."

"Then you don't want to get any information from us!" Qing Zhuo said in a low voice.

The delicate girl rolled her eyes and said, "I said, I don't want to force this. Now I don't care about you. Just do whatever Moon God wants to do to you."


Qingzhuo had no doubt about the delicate girl, she really hated this woman, she thought she could catch a little bit of life, she didn't expect to be so casual.

Despite this, Qingzhuo still didn't want to let go of this chance of life. He said to the delicate girl: "If I tell you our purpose, can you let us go?"

Proposing this kind of thing on the initiative is actually putting himself in a passive position, because he exposed his needs, and their needs are to survive. And such a demand is greater than any demand, after all, it is a matter of life. In this way, if the delicate girls want to negotiate, they can offer better terms.

In negotiations, and even in many dealings, whoever exposes their needs first and whose needs are more urgent will often fall into a passive situation.

Gu Luoxue felt a little anxious when she heard Tao Jiujian's words. Looking at the delicate girl, I don't know what the delicate girl thinks. She wanted to kill Tao Jiujian and the others, and she really couldn't let go of those who wanted to kill her. However, if the delicate girl needs to use Tao Jiu Jian to negotiate terms with their lives, she can only agree. She can accept it because she can't kill Tao Jiujian and the others now, and then she can kill them. After fighting Tao Jiujian and the others, she would not let herself be restrained by the Moon God power again. In the Moon God mode, it is not difficult to kill Tao Jiu Jian and them.

At this moment, Gu Luoxue wanted to open it, freely what kind of decision the delicate girl would make.

The delicate girl looked at Qingzhuo and thought for a while, as if she was thoughtful. Seeing this, Qingzhuo was overjoyed, feeling that there was a great possibility that he could win life from the delicate girl.

"I think it's okay. It's boring to negotiate terms with you. Who are you and what you plan to do? Just check it. Even if I don't check it, he will check it. If he shoots, I don't care about him. , I don't want to worry about it, hum." The delicate girl suddenly seemed to be angry, and hummed softly.

But this anger doesn't look big, just like anger.

"Wh, what... mean?" Qingzhuo looked at the delicate girl and felt inexplicable. He couldn't understand at all, and was going crazy. What kind of answer is this, are you not planning to negotiate with yourself? So what's the matter, and what is it?

Can this damned woman speak well? !

Rao was always calm and turbid, and was also made a little anxious. Because this is a matter of life, he wants to do it well, but the words and deeds of the delicate girls are completely beyond his expectations!

The delicate girl looked at Qingzhuo and laughed and said, "It means, I won't negotiate with you. Now you belong to the Moon God. If the Moon God wants to kill you, then you die."

"You..." Qing Zhuo was extremely angry. Looking at the delicate girl, she thought she was a harmless little girl, but she didn't expect to be so ruthless. At this time, Qingzhuo felt that the delicate girl was extremely vicious. It's like not seeing life in the eyes at all, with a distorted psychology, it is a pervert!

The delicate girl shrugged and was too lazy to care about Qingzhuo. She looked at Gu Luoxue and said, "Moon God, I won't bother you, you can continue."

"Good, good..." Gu Luoxue nodded. To be honest, she never expected such a reaction from the delicate girl. She had just prepared to have no chance to kill them, but she didn't expect the delicate girl to ignore them, then she could kill Tao Jiujian and them again.

The delicate girl smiled and planned to leave. She turned around and looked at Gu Luoxue again, as if she knew Gu Luoxue, she didn't see Gu Luoxue outside, and said, "I'll go first."

Saying hello like this is really like an acquaintance.

Gu Luoxue was taken aback again. She didn't think she knew this strange girl. At this time, the delicate girl turned and left. When she saw the delicate girl's profile, her heart trembled suddenly. As if to find some big secret, watching the delicate girl opened her mouth, as if she knew the girl's identity.

That profile is really like that guy Tang Ye!

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