My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2329: Not saved!

Unexpectedly, the beautiful and beautiful girl who appeared, turned out to be the one who easily suppressed Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao that day. Her strength is really unfathomable. According to what she said to Qiuya and Qiu Yao, she seemed to have something to do with Tang Ye. As for her identity, no one currently knows.

At this time, whether it was Gu Luoxue or Tao Jiujian and the four immortal disciples, they were all very surprised. Because they were drawn into the water drop illusion, at the same time their movements were stopped. They can see the surroundings, but they can't react. They want to give out their power to break this restraint, but they can't loosen a single bit.

This kind of ability, I am afraid it is too bad. For example, now that oneself is static, wouldn't it be very easy to kill oneself?

When shocked by the delicate girl's abilities, the delicate girl pulled Gu Luoxue away, so that Gu Luoxue didn't have to be exploded in the turbid space, the five-color magic talisman of the talisman, and the sword stroke of Tao Jiujian. These were fatal to Gu Luoxue.

In other words, the delicate girl saved Gu Luoxue.


After the delicate girl rescued Gu Luoxue, the water drop illusion disappeared, and then everything that happened just now continued. However, Gu Luoxue had deviated from Tao Jiujian's attack range, and Gu Luoxue was fine.

"You are..." Gu Luoxue was the first to react, staring at the delicate girl in shock. She was very grateful, but she did not expect such a peculiar girl to appear and save her.

"Thank you girl for saving." Gu Luoxue immediately thanked the delicate girl.

The delicate girl laughed and said, "In fact, even if I don't save you, you won't die, you are the Moon God. It's just that there are some things that don't need to show up so early, right?"

"Huh?" Gu Luoxue was very puzzled. As soon as she heard this delicate girl speak, she judged it. Don't look at this girl's delicate and innocent appearance. In fact, she knows a lot of things, and she is definitely not a simple person.

The delicate girl smiled lightly, she didn't intend to say more, she just looked back at Tao Jiujian and the others, and frowned slightly.

Gu Luoxue's attention returned to Tao Jiujian and the others. Thanks to the delicate girl who rescued her, she got rid of the heavy restraint and shackles. At this time, she could fight Tao Jiujian and the others. Although it is still difficult for one to four people, she can guarantee that she will not die. Moreover, she believes that the effect of changing days and changing days will not last too long. After regaining the power of the moon god, it will be easy to kill Tao Jiu Jian and the others.

Tao Jiujian and the others also realized this. At this time, their mood is actually very heavy and angry. Because they missed the opportunity to kill Gu Luoxue, they knew that there would be no chance again. At this time, their best course is to retreat, because after Gu Luoxue can use the power of the Moon God again, they are not opponents, and they will end up dead.

Fu Lu, Tao Jiujian, and Qian Ri Qingzhuo each looked at each other. It was a kind of tacit communication, and finally they came to a decision that they all wanted to retreat.

But Gu Luoxue knew their intentions at a glance, and snorted coldly: "You want to go? It's impossible. If you can't kill me, then you are dead!"

He had been suppressed just now, even if he had a powerful secret technique, he could not use it. At this time, after getting out, Gu Luoxue could use it. Before she awakened as the Moon God, her power was also very strong. Aside from other secret skills, Bainiao Chaofeng and Wanli Chaolong are wonderful secret skills that will never go out of style. She exploded with strength all over her body, doing some actions similar to summoning with her hands, and then stretched out her strength, and she saw a blue phoenix formed in front of her. This is a blue phoenix, not a flame color. The blue phoenix groaned and flew into the air, with the phoenix head facing up, and the body erected like a human. Then it flapped its wings, and then saw that the sea next to it began to surge, condensing into one after another. Bird flying towards the blue phoenix.

This is Hundred Birds Chaofeng.

Hundreds of birds face the phoenix, and the changes are endless, which is like an army. In addition to the Phoenix is ​​a super powerful general, the other birds are also very powerful. Moreover, they can change through flight and combine various magic circles. Hundreds of birds face the phoenix, not to say that there are birds flying together and worship the wonders of the phoenix. Hundred Bird Chaofeng is essentially a secret skill, which contains the way of heaven and earth, and only those who use it and those who are besieged can understand the mystery. Only when you are in it will you find that there is still a lot of space in it. If it is a friendly army, it will benefit in every possible way. And if it is an enemy, it will be extremely dangerous and will die forever.

Seeing that Gu Luoxue displayed such a powerful secret skill, Tao Jiujian and the others knew that they had lost the opportunity to kill Gu Luoxue. Victory or defeat is very important, but there are things more important than victory or defeat, such as life, such as a long-planned plan. They can't lose the most important things because of a temporary failure. They are very sensible and can see the result of the failure, so they retreat without hesitation.

This is also the difference between them and some others, knowing which option is the best at any time.

However, Gu Luoxue's Hundred Birds Chaofeng had been released, and they were not so easy to get out. At this time, hundreds of birds are facing the phoenix, and around the blue phoenix, there is a group of densely formed birds of seawater flying around. They executed Gu Luoxue's will, and flew out to block Tao Jiujian and the others from leaving.

The blue phoenix spread its wings and flew around, then surrounded Tao Nine Swords and the others, and the densely packed birds formed a solid screen. They tried to break the flock of birds, but they did not succeed. The combination of the flying birds has formed a powerful confinement area. For a time, Tao Jiujian and the others were unable to withdraw.

In addition to preventing Tao Jiu Jian and the others from leaving, a part of the flying birds group combined into an attacking circle, launching attack power from the flying birds group. Such power is enough to penetrate them to death. Now it was Tao Jiujian's turn and they fell into a passive situation and avoided one after another. As for the attacks of the flying birds, there are more methods, and one flying bird directly flew past, with sharp mouths and claws, attacking Tao Jiu Jian and them.

Tao Jiujian and the others still had a lot of power, and issued a powerful counterattack, instantly dispelling a large group of flying birds. However, these flying birds live in circles, and they break up a group, and will soon recover through circulation. Trapped in such a wonderful secret technique, Tao Jiujian and the others will be in more and more dangerous situations.

At this time, Li Xiang appeared in the sea where Gu Luoxue and Tao Jiujian were fighting against the coast. Li Xiang appeared calmly, and he also looked back at Tao Jiujian and the others trapped by Gu Luoxue, but he did not go to rescue Tao Jiujian and the others. He stepped slowly on the surface of the sea without making a sound. Gu Luoxue didn't notice it.

When he arrived at the remnant Dragon Gate illusion, Li Xiang took the remaining dragon spirit power.

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