My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2326: Change the world!

Now that Qianri and Qingzhuo have come to Fulu and Tao Jiujian, it is possible to kill Gu Luoxue. The four of them had already seen the strength of Gu Luoxue, which was beyond their expectation. Originally they thought that Gu Luoxue was not so strong, but now they understand what Li Xiang told them. Gu Luoxue must not be underestimated. people.

They faced Gu Luoxue with serious expressions but no fear. Tao Jiujian didn't care much about the swordsmanship of Tao Jiujian that Gu Luoxue said just now, but it was far less than Li Haoran. He looked at Gu Luoxue calmly, and said: "The swordsmanship of the younger generation is naturally not as good as one-tenth of Li Tianxian's, otherwise, killing the Moon God will not feel difficult."

"Heh..." Gu Luoxue sneered without being stimulated by Tao Jiujian's words, and said: "It's really not as good as one-tenth, so you can't kill me."

Tao Jiujian's calm expression became cold. To say that he had no idea about Gu Luoxue's words was false, and now that the shackles of luck have been solved, he can be regarded as the strongest group of people. As a swordsman, he said he was inferior to Li Haoran, he admitted, but he also wanted to surpass Li Haoran. Although he had not seen Li Haoran, he knew Li Haoran's existence from Li Xiang. And he practiced Tao Nine Sword, and also had a great relationship with Li Haoran.

He likes swords. Once again, he saw Li Xiang's simple but terrifying swordsmanship, so he asked Li Xiang for advice. However, Li Xiang said that it was not his swordsmanship, but Li Haoran's. The reason why Li Xiang played that kind of swordsmanship was because he remembered Li Haoran as his enemy. He imitated Li Haoran's swordsmanship, and then wanted to understand how to crack Li Haoran's swordsmanship.

He knew that Li Haoran, like Tang Ye, was not dead. If Li Haoran came back, with Li Haoran's talent, she had been in a world outside of the ancestral land for a hundred years before, where there was no fetters of luck, which meant that her strength could be increased unlimitedly. So, now she must be an extremely powerful existence. Heavenly **** level, even stronger, to true **** level.

Tao Jiujian asked Li Xiang for his swordsmanship, which is actually Li Haoran's style. Li Xiang felt that since Tao Jiujian wanted to learn, he would give pointers. Maybe Tao Jiu Sword will become the second Li Haoran. In this case, it would be good for him to study Li Haoran's swordsmanship. Tao Jiujian is undoubtedly a very talented person, who knows what powerful swordsmanship he will create? If even Li Haoran could fight it, it would be perfect.

Of course, although the current Tao Jiu Jian is very strong, it is impossible to compare with Li Haoran. Li Haoran is an existence that even Tang Ye can suppress. Of course, it can also be said that Tao Jiujian still has a lot of room for improvement, and his future is unlimited, as long as he can go on.

The premise is that he will not be killed by Gu Luoxue. Because he wanted to kill Gu Luoxue, Gu Luoxue would not let go of mercy.

Facing Gu Luoxue's self-confidence, Tao Jiujian pointed out Taomujian and said, "If you can kill or not, you will know in the end."

"As you wish, this last will come soon." Gu Luoxue coldly snorted.

The battle started again, and Gu Luoxue had to face four people now. She appeared very confident on the surface, as if she didn't put Tao Jiujian in their eyes, but in fact, she was very alert inside. Because she knows that these people have extraordinary abilities. These abilities may restrain her. In addition, she knew that the organization of the immortal disciples was clearly planned. From the first two people to the current four people, if there are a few more people, it will be very unfavorable to her. After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and evil tigers are also afraid of wolves. It is extremely possible for a person to be killed when besieged by many people with extraordinary strength.

So now, Gu Luoxue didn't take any contempt, and used the top and powerful moon mystery technique. Every time she uses the secret technique, she is determined to kill. However, she failed to kill the enemy twice. This was not because she underestimated the enemy, but because the enemy had unexpected secret skills. This kind of thing reminded her of the battle with Tang Ye, and it would be the same. This somewhat brings a shadow. Fighting Tang Ye did have some nightmarish experiences.

She didn't want that kind of thing to happen again, so now, she once again used the strong moon mysterious ability to kill Tao Jiu Jian and them. She clapped her hands together in prayer, and then her eyes turned silver and glowed. Then I saw the white light shining around her body, which made the Moon God power more surging.

The power of the Moon God rushed out, making Gu Luoxue bigger and bigger, and soon, a giant Gu Luoxue appeared.

Luna Colossus!

This is what Gu Luoxue used to kill Tao Jiu Jian and the others. This trick is a top-level mysterious technique of the month. A ten meters tall Gu Luoxue, still in the Moon God mode, is a giant god. This form is not too huge to affect the flexibility of the action, nor is it not huge enough and not powerful enough. Under the Moon God Colossus, everything is still several times more powerful than before. Therefore, if the meteorite falls again, Tao Jiujian and the others will definitely be unable to resist.


The moon **** colossus formed, and Gu Luoxue controlled it inside. This is actually like Gu Luoxue driving a robot. However, she and the Moon God Colossus are integrated. To operate the robot, various buttons and switches are required, and she is entirely based on her own will and her actions. , Is the action of the Moon God Colossus. This is a perfect giant transforming secret technique, it is more than enough to kill Tao Jiu Jian and the others.

At this time, Gu Luoxue put a Moon God vitality bomb down. In the form of a colossus, the vitality bomb was also more than ten times larger. The coverage of this vitality bomb alone could make Tao Jiu Jian and the others too late to escape, and they could not resist. In other words, this vitality bomb was enough to kill them.

"Jianri, come on, only you can save us!" Qingzhuo shouted at this moment.

Qing Chuo knew very well that they couldn't resist any of the power of secret skills under the Moon God Colossus. Just now, Gu Luoxue's ordinary Moon God mode attacks were so difficult to resist, and now the power has become more than ten times stronger, and he is still resisting a fart. Although they all knew that Gu Luoxue entered the form of the Moon God Colossus, it would not last too long, after all, this secret skill consumed too much power. However, even if it didn't last long, only one secret technique could kill them. They can't play Gu Luoxue. If they want to survive, they must use their last box pressing secret, which is the "change of heaven and earth" that has been hidden to restrain Gu Luoxue.

Qianri knew exactly what he was going to do. After Gu Luoxue entered the form of the Moon God Colossus, he began to cast the secret skill of "changing heaven and earth". This is a secret technique based on the ability to interchange between fantasy and reality. It first constructs a fantasy world, and then swaps the sun in the fantasy world into reality, so that a sun is created in reality. And this scorching sun environment is aimed at Gu Luoxue's Luna Mode!

The coexistence of the sun and the moon is actually very common, not so strange. However, it is very effective against the Moon God. In normal daytime, if there are both the sun and the moon, then it is not difficult to observe that the sun is radiant and the moon is eclipsed.

Therefore, when the shining sun appears, the full moon will be distressed, which can crack Gu Luoxue's moon **** mode!

Qianri's illusion and reality exchange ability was used by Li Xiang to deal with Gu Luoxue from the beginning. This is why Qianri and Qingzhuo were arranged here in the South China Sea. After breaking Gu Luoxue's Moon God power, killing Gu Luoxue would not be difficult!

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