My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2292: More important people!

The captain shot and approached the blind path of Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong, avoiding the blind path. Although Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong were very scared, they did not lose their minds and did not act in a panic. Chen Yourong, the girl, is calmer than she looks. She grabbed Chen Kefu's hand and pulled Chen Kefu to avoid the blind.

"Grandpa, go!" Chen Yourong is easy to wear. There is no obstacle to her at this time, and she drags Chen Kefu out quickly to avoid being caught by the blind road.

Blind Road is not in a hurry to catch them. Now that they have been prevented from boarding the airship, there is no need to worry about them escaping. Now the Blind Road feels that it is necessary to solve the people who hinder him like the lagging leader, or rather, those who are useless to him. Useless people are clean if killed.

The captain held two guns and fired at the blind. Seeing that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong were not harmed, he felt relieved and re-adjusted his strategy. He planned to replace it with a paralyzing bullet, and it was a spreading type, even if he did not hit the blind. The blind canal can also be affected by odor diffusion.

Spear skills include not only a person's mastery of a gun, a pre-judgment of a square shape, a sensitivity to body movements, and the types of bullet functions. Some bullets are just pure bullets, and are damaged by physical collisions. But some bullets have other abilities added, such as poison. These poisons can be applied to bullets, or they can spread by themselves. Some of them are not poisonous, but have fog effects added, which can produce fog bomb effects when shot out.

Only by using these flexibly can it be called spear technique. The spear technique is powerful, and it is indeed not inferior to the cultivation power.

The captain's spear skills are very strong. Since he is an elite trained by the Red Wall Court, he can protect someone like Chen Kefu, and he must be able to deal with it even against a master of the Holy Path. The power of technology has slowly shown itself.

However, if the power gap is too large, even if the captain has powerful spear skills, it is useless. At this time, the Blind Road no longer plans to slowly fight the captain, their immortal disciples have a lot to do. The new world, their journey has officially begun. Facing the captain's shot, he faced the impact.

The force generated by the bullet hitting it will cause convective fluctuations in space, and the extent of the impact of such power fluctuations, these are all perceived by the blind. Therefore, when the blind road rushed to the captain, even in the face of one bullet after another, he could dodge perfectly without being hit at all.

This kind of thing is difficult for those who can see things. Power fluctuations are not visible to the naked eye, and rely solely on perception. The self-destructive eyes, the blind way of perceiving, is stronger than others in perception. So, he did this very well.

Perfectly dodge the bullet and rushed to the captain blindly. This was just a matter of a moment. The captain did not expect the blind path to be so powerful. He also thought of using a few bullets to contain the blind path and then replace it with an anesthetic bullet. But now, he has no time to change bullets. He had to withdraw later, first to avoid a wave of blind attacks.

However, it never expected that the blind knew he was going to avoid it and where he would avoid it. When he took a step back, and then left to go out a little bit, he swept blindly and appeared behind him.

"This... how is this possible?!" The captain thought it was too incredible. No matter how powerful the perception of the blind path is, it would not be possible to judge the direction of the change so perfectly. It's almost like, the movement of a dust can be felt!

It is impossible for the captain to avoid the blind road and approach his attack in an instant. As a spearman, being hit by close hands can be said to be fatal.

"Yes, I can even perceive the change of a dust." At this time, the blind road seemed to see through the captain's psychology, and said lightly, and then kicked the squadron captain in the chest.


The captain's body received a violent impact, and he immediately vomited blood. He felt that his body was broken into pieces. No wonder the captain just now died after being kicked. It seems that I can't be spared, so badly injured, it's not dead!

Blindly looked at the captain flying out with a calm expression, and then said: "In other words, I have the ability to predict."

Once the surrounding things change, he will immediately notice and judge the trajectory of the change. This is equivalent to that he has foreseen the next move of the other party. This can indeed be said to be the ability to predict.

The captain flew out and hit the stone, grinning in pain, and vomiting a few more blood. He couldn't breathe anymore, even his breathing was painful. He knew that the inside of his body had been shattered and couldn't live, but he tried his last breath to ensure that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong escape. This is his mission and his loyalty.

The captain got up with difficulty, shook his head, raised his pistol, and wanted to continue shooting at the blind. But Blind Road didn't give him a chance. When he swept his legs, he sent out a strong force, rushed to attack the captain, and the captain flew out again, hit a rock, screamed in pain, finally couldn't bear it, and completely died.

Blindly looked at the dead captain and said calmly: "I admire your loyalty, but this stubbornness is very boring, boring to ignorance."

Bang bang bang!

Although the captain was killed, there were other soldiers who shot at the blind lanes. However, the captain couldn't help being blindly, they were even worse. Therefore, the blind track was just a few jumps, easily avoided their shooting, and then also kicked a soldier to death.

Blind Road's leg skills are very good, so far, only seeing him sweep and kick with his legs, has solved the elite soldiers here.

Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong originally wanted to return to the airship, but no soldiers helped them block the blind track. The blind track came to them easily, and they were destined to not get on the airship.

Chen Yourong stood in front of Chen Kefu, staring blindly, and said, "Don't hurt my grandpa!"

Blindly laughed, not looking like a bad person, and said: "I will not hurt anyone, as long as he knows how to do it. It doesn't matter if no one is killed, but if it doesn't affect me, there is no need to waste the effort. ."

Chen Yourong stared at Blind Dao, she felt that Blind Dao was a person who had no emotion at all. Although it looks harmless, it is extremely indifferent to life. She can't identify with the blind way, she is a kind-hearted person, with the name of tolerance, inclusive of all rivers, tolerance is great.

However, this name reminds people of a person, that is Tang Ye's beloved Lin Yourong, who later became the princess Han Qianyue, and now she is the goddess of fate.

Although Chen Kefu is old, he is not afraid to die so that his granddaughter will stand in front of him. He pulled Chen Yourong over, confronted Blind Road, and snorted coldly: "Something is coming to me, don't hurt a girl!"

In fact, Chen Kefu knew that the appearance of these blind people must be for Nuwa's **** stone. In fact, Chen Yourong is much more important than him for the Nuwa God Stone!

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