My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2290: Useless people!

It was an immortal disciple who was blindfolded with a blue cloth to stop Chen Kefu and the others from going. Literally, Blind Tao means blind Taoist priest. Since he is one of the disciples of immortals, it is definitely not a simple role.

Although I haven't seen the blind way make a move, the elite soldiers of the Red Wall Court know that this is definitely a person with powerful strength. They came into contact with many powerful characters, and this blind path gave them the same feeling, even stronger than this.

"Professor Chen, please take your granddaughter to retreat immediately. We are responsible for stopping him!" The soldier who persuaded Chen Kefu to leave is the captain of the elite protection team. After seeing the blind passage, he determined that this was a terrible enemy and was ready. The consciousness of death. But to die is worthwhile, you must ensure that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong leave safely.

After the captain spoke, a dozen other elite soldiers immediately came up and quickly separated two people to protect Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong, and led them to retreat from the other side. The plane they were about to escape was not a simple plane. If it were a normal helicopter, it would be very easy to be shot down by the current deified power. This aircraft, to a certain extent, has the technology of sci-fi airships. Because it makes full use of the power of the Nuwa Divine Stone, it can fly extremely fast, can jet, and can even make two space jumps!

This is an airship specially used for escape, just to deal with various accidents and dangerous situations. As long as you get on the airship, you can ensure that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong can safely return to the Red Wall court. Back there, with the protection of the red wall palace, he would not be easily killed.

Although there are gods descending and powerful kings of the demons and demons appear, the Red Wall Palace is the center of the human camp and the strongest place of the human race, and they dare not go there directly. If you dare to do this, it means you don't need to fear Human Race.

"Who are you?!" The captain stopped in front of the blind road. He certainly didn't speak really to know who they were, but to delay time so that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong could escape more smoothly.

At this time, there is another immortal disciple in action, he is massacring other stationed personnel. Those stationed personnel were equipped with weapons of Shenji Technology, but they were still easily slaughtered. They blocked the members of the immortal disciple, just playing a cannon fodder blocking effect, at most they could delay for a few minutes. This is the reason why the captain is very jealous. With the top weapons equipped with Shenji Technology, even ordinary monsters are difficult to break, but these people who appear suddenly and wearing red monsters with different Yin and Yang patterns can easily hit Kill them.

If the enemy is just one person, they have almost completely wiped out their side, so there is a blind path, and they are destined to be breached. The captain does not expect to defeat these mysterious people, but hopes that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong can be removed smoothly.

The blind track stopped, not hurriedly, seemingly not worried that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong could escape, and said to the captain: "I'm sorry, your goal won't succeed. That person cannot leave. I need the information he has."

It was a little unexpected. This blind speech was very gentle, without the kind of arrogant sneer and playing with the weak. And when he faced the captain, he didn't look like he was blind, as if he could see people.

Probably this is a characteristic of the blind path. Although the eyes are covered with blue cloth, for him, this does not make him invisible. On the contrary, he can feel other things more clearly than seeing with his eyes. Be clear.

Some people are just like this. They are accustomed to feeling the surroundings in the dark. If one day they can see things suddenly, they are not used to it. The power they exert will become weaker. Perhaps the blind path belongs to this category of people.

The captain stared at the blind road, very vigilant, and at the same time paid attention to Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong to see if Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong got on the airship smoothly. Now, he just needs to buy a little more time. He felt that he could do it, and the most unbearable thing was to sacrifice the life of this team!

He said to Blind Road: "I will not let you hurt Professor Chen. No matter who you are, I will definitely stop you. On the contrary, I think you are very hateful. Now that the Human Race is facing a crisis, you, as human beings, are trying to deal with it. Are we not afraid that the human race will be destroyed?"

The Blind Way moved his head slightly and looked at the captain without any hurries, and said: "The fate of the human race is the responsibility of our immortal disciples. Some things must be done in order. Although we are willing to take on the heavy responsibility of the human race, we are not There is not enough strength. So we need to gain strength first. This is the order in which we do things, gain strength first, then take responsibility. There is no problem."

"Get strength by killing the same race?" The team leader disagrees with what Blind Road said, even angry, and feels hypocritical and disgusting when Blind Road keeps saying that it is responsible for the survival of the human race. How can he say such things so calmly , When you are exercising righteousness?

Blindly smiled, and said to the captain: "Useless people, kill them if you kill them, why not?"

"You..." The captain was exasperated. This blind way directly treats him as a useless person, who will get angry if he changes. However, the captain always remembered that his task was not to fight the blind road, but to ensure that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong left safely.

He looked blindly and said: "There is no useless person in this world. Since there is, there is a reasonable place. You think it is useless, but you think. That is just your opinion, not correct."

Blindly laughed, and said: "I have not said that my approach is correct. Indeed, those views are only what I think. But is this not enough? What I have to do is not based on my own heart. Left and right? So, for me, what I think is correct."

The captain felt that there was no way to communicate with the blind, as if he could never wake up a person pretending to sleep. However, from the very beginning, he never meant to persuade the blind, so he didn't care much. He looked back and saw that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong were about to board the airship, knowing that the purpose of the delay had been achieved. He said to Blind Road: "It seems that our position is very different, so there is no need to say more."

He smiled blindly. Although he was blindfolded, he "looked" towards Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong and said, "Even if you say more, I won't let them leave. Your goal cannot be achieved."

After finishing speaking, Blind Road raised his foot in the direction of Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong, and made a one-to-one movement, then slammed down and stepped on the ground.

Suddenly the ground vibrated like an earthquake, and then it split from the direction of the leg of the blind track, splitting in the direction of Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong, just separating Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong from the airship.

"Success!" Seeing this, the captain shouted badly.

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