My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2288: Retreat first!

The ancient battlefield does exist, just like those hidden ruins. Although with the development of modern technology, the ancestral land has been developed and explored, and satellites and other coverage can be observed almost anywhere. However, the mystery of the ancestral land has not been fully excavated by these technologies, and there are still many mysterious places that are not involved by human power.

In other words, it is the power of humans that cannot be involved at all.

At this moment, the picture on the screen, who is wearing a robes with a pattern of yin and yang, is not the immortal disciple led by Li Xiang? The staff of Shenji Technology present were slaughtered to death by a member of the disciple of an immortal. They had no ability to resist, like cutting grass.

It can be seen how powerful the immortal disciple is.

"Who are these people?" Murong Huansha frowned and snorted as he watched the people from Shenji Technology on the screen being slaughtered by a disciple of the fairy.

Mu Yue also looked at the screen. She saw the person wearing the yin and yang Taoist robe. She thought for a while. There was no information about such people in her memory. She said to Murong Huansha: "I don't know who they are. Check it out."

After all, Mu Yue took a tablet-like device, tapped a few quickly, and then entered an interface, and then scanned the image of the members of the fairy disciple on the screen, and the Skyeye system began to search. The search results came out soon, but unfortunately there is no record of them, they belong to unknown people.

However, according to the actions of the immortal disciples, some information was traced through the monitoring of the Sky Eye system. The information shows that these people have just appeared in the big world, and the place where they first appeared was the boundary between the ancient Wujiang Lake and the big world, that is, the collapsed profound gate.

Tang Ye was taken aback when he saw the image of Xuanmen Land, and said, "They are the people who came out of the ancient Wujiang Lake."

Mu Yue and Murong Huansha glanced at Tang Ye, somewhat puzzled. Guwu Jianghu and the others know it, but Guwu Jianghu has always had enchantments. Could it be that the enchantment is gone, so the people inside can come out at will?

These weather shackles are lifted, and the whole world is changing. Murong Huansha and Mu Yue need to pay attention to many places. Among them, they focus on the relics of the ancient battlefield, because they found the Nuwa God Stone there, and then let the **** Machine technology has achieved a huge breakthrough and development. They believe that with the contact of the fetters of luck, more fetishes will appear in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, so they focus on it here. In this way, they didn't know much about Guwu Jianghu.

Tang Ye briefly explained the situation of Guwu Jianghu to them, and they quickly understood the reason after hearing it. They all frowned slightly. As soon as the people from Guwu Jianghu came out to the site of the ancient battlefield, it was obvious that they knew the secret of the ancient battlefield site. In this case, their work was greatly hindered.

If there is a fetish, it may also be taken away. In this case, you must rush to the ancient battlefield ruins immediately, otherwise the gods will appear and be taken away by these unidentified and decisive people, and you don't know what harm will happen.

At the same time, the land of the ancient battlefield relics will quickly attract the attention of others as the shackles of air transport are lifted, based on the characteristics of the many traces of gods. At that time, the demons, demons, etc., would probably go to the ruins of the ancient battlefield.

Obviously, the land of the ancient battlefield remains is no longer a place exclusively occupied by Shenji Technology. The lives of the staff stationed there have been seriously threatened.

"We must go to the site of the ancient battlefield immediately." Murong Huansha said. Then took a look at Tang Ye. She was asking Tang Ye to see if Tang Ye would go together. According to her thoughts, Tang Ye must go together, and if she is not going together, is she in her heart?

Tang Ye saw Murong Huansha's expression and knew what Murong Huansha meant, but what he wanted to do most now was to find his daughter Tang Jiujiu, but now the matter of the ancient battlefield remains, the mystery that came out of the ancient Wujiang Lake The organization, as well as the Nuwa God Stone that Murong Huansha had found from the ancient battlefield ruins he had learned earlier, there is no doubt that this matter is about the balance of heaven and earth. Either party can greatly increase its strength by obtaining the gods of the ancient battlefield. So this matter really brooks no delay.

"I'm with you..." Tang Ye spoke.

"No, you hesitate, you can do your own thing." Murong Huansha interrupted Tang Ye.

Tang Ye was speechless, looking at Murong Huansha and said, "I'm going with you. He hesitated because this situation broke out and conflicted with my original arrangements."

Murong Huansha looked at Tang Ye very coldly and arrogantly, as if saying that you don't need to explain, since you hesitate, you don't care enough about them.

Tang Ye waved his hand and said that he was speechless, and said, "Huansha, you don't have to be so harsh on me. Everyone is over a hundred years old. Could it be that you don’t love me enough, you just don’t love me? That's hypocritical."

Mu Yue listened to the side, seeing Tang Ye and Murong Huansha like this, a little bit wanted to laugh, but given Murong Huansha's personality, she should be silent and serious at this time, and she resisted it. But she felt very warm in her heart, which was like the time when the three of them were together a hundred years ago.

Mu Yue felt very fortunate that a hundred years, such a long time, did not deprive them of their original intentions. They became zombies, immortal and immortal, a hundred years, in fact, can be said to be very short. But when he first became a zombie, it was easy to be troubled, tortured by that kind of loneliness, and even degenerate and go astray. But she and Murong Huansha didn't have it, and they survived. Now, when she reunited with Tang Ye, she was back together, like she was back in the past, she felt very happy.

Murong Huansha glared at Tang Ye and wanted to fight Tang Ye. This kind of thing might be out of place, and she would feel gaffe after responding, but she couldn't help but sink into it. Because she feels that her life has become wonderful, that's when she met Tang Ye. Tang Ye is a variable, she doesn't follow the rules very much, because it changed her a hundred years ago.

However, now that the staff of Shenji Technology was slaughtered, Murong Huansha could not continue to be immersed in the reunion and getting along with Tang Ye. Monitoring the video on the ruins of the ancient battlefield, there was a sudden scream, which was called by a staff member after being killed in pain. This let Murong Huansha, Mu Yue, and Tang Ye know that they can't continue to delay time, they must rush over there immediately!

Tang Ye can use the ability of jumping space to directly take Murong Huansha and Mu Yue forward, and before that, Murong Huansha issued an order to the staff stationed in the ancient battlefield ruins through communication equipment: "Everyone retreats. , Take away important information, destroy it if you don’t take it, leave the rest alone, save your life!"

Obtained by Murong Huansha's instructions, the personnel in the ancient battlefield ruins immediately acted and retreated without confronting the immortal disciples. Although Shenji Technology's weapons can stop them, they are not their opponents after all.

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