My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2282: Remaining problem!

The conversation between Tang Ye and Long Qing's you just now has revealed the existence of many Guwu Rivers and Lakes to everyone. Let them spread this out, and Guwu Rivers and Lakes will not appear abrupt. Moreover, Tang Ye's identity was an elite soldier on the side of the Red Wall Palace. He talked about the attitude of the emperor of the Red Wall, so that people would better understand the trends and attitudes of Guwu Jianghu. In this way, they would not think that Guwu Jianghu was still a huge threat.

In this way, Tang Ye not only demonstrated the power of science and technology, but also pushed a wave of Guwu Jianghu. The goal has been achieved, and he plans to do other things. But at this time, Long Qing suddenly frowned, showing a look of bad events. He was very puzzled, looked at Long Qing, and said he asked Long Qing to talk about it.

Long Qing did not hide it and said to Tang Ye: "Grandpa had a very powerful enemy in that meeting. Grandpa subdued him, but did not kill him. Instead, he was imprisoned in the deepest part of the dungeon and told his father not to kill him. , I can only trap him, and then use the dynasty power array to reduce his power. Only after he reveals his true shape, he can kill, otherwise it is useless. My father did as my grandfather said, and then my father told me to do so. However, for nearly a hundred years, I haven't seen this man reveal any true shape. Just now, he broke free from the magic circle imprisoned by the power of dynasty's luck!"

"There are such people?" Tang Ye couldn't help being surprised when he heard what Long Qing said.

Long Qing's grandfather is Long Xi, and that is the son of Tang Ye and Long Qingcheng. As Tang Ye’s direct generation, his strength is extremely strong. After all, the Dragon Dynasty was established at the beginning, and the dynasty was declared established. It will be protected with great luck. This luck cannot be obtained by Tang Ye, otherwise Tang Ye will be punished by the world, because it will He is too strong, so he can only protect Long Xi. Then Long Xi had such a fortune since he was born, and it was unimaginable. For this reason, people who can't even be killed by Long Xi can only be killed, waiting for the opportunity to kill again, what exactly is this?

Tang Ye was very curious, looked at Long Qing and asked, "Who is this person?"

Long Qing shook his head slightly, saying that he was not very sure, and said: "The identity of this person, grandfather and father, as well as when they came to me, have been investigating. However, he is too mysterious. He may be someone from a long time ago. At present. Based on the clues left by my grandfather and father, and what I tracked down, I can only confirm that this person is related to the gatekeeper a hundred years ago. It may even be related to Li Xianzi."

"It's related to the gatekeeper? It's also related to Senior Sister Li?..." Tang Ye was surprised, and fell into thought.

He is the only one who can call Li Haoran, the legendary fairy of the ancestral land. He did not expect to be mentioned about Li Haoran here. He was very guilty of Li Haoran, because he was out of control of the demon that made Li Haoran unable to return to his ancestral land and was trapped in the chaotic space. However, now the fetters of luck in the ancestral land have been broken, and the path to return to the ancestral land is relatively easy. As long as you overcome the dangers of crossing the plane world, it is not difficult to return, just like the descending gods. Tang Ye believed that with Li Haoran's ability, he would definitely return. At this time, Tang Ye had more expectations in his heart, hoping to see Li Haoran again.

Now that I heard Long Qing's words, thinking of Li Haoran, Tang Ye felt even more incredible. Isn't a person related to Li Haoran the same person from a hundred years ago?

Of course, if it is a gatekeeper, this is not surprising. The gatekeeper was a celestial being on earth a hundred years ago, learning the immortal law left by that old Taoist priest, and living a hundred years old easily. The shackles of Qi Luck in the back gradually expanded, and they could live longer by practicing the Immortal Method. However, when the Profound Realm was disrupted, the gatekeeper was completely killed and wounded, and the rest was wiped out by the Dragon Dynasty with a ruthless policy of iron and blood, and the Profound Realm fell apart. It was certain that the gatekeeper would not be able to get up again. However, a hundred years later, there were frequent reports about the gatekeeper.

Soon after Tang Ye returned to his ancestral land, he went to Guwu Jianghu, where someone attacked the profound gate enchantment, the surviving gatekeeper, and this gatekeeper colluded with the demons. So far, it is unknown where the demons came from.

"The gatekeeper..." Tang Ye groaned and became worried. If there are really gatekeepers, then in the environment of the world where the fetters of luck have disappeared, the gatekeeper will enter the path of cultivation by virtue of the immortal method left by the old Taoist priest, which is very fast and will have an advantage over everyone. In this case, it is another strong enemy. The reason why it is an enemy is because the gatekeeper must resent the things of the past. After all, the iron hoof of the Dragon Dynasty broke through the profound realm and slaughtered all the gatekeepers of the attacking faction.

How can a dynasty be established without blood. For stability, Tang Ye didn't show mercy to those hostile. Moreover, he and Li Haoran had to deal with the gatekeepers of the attackers, so he would not show mercy. Even if it is merciful, it will be the enemy.

Tang Ye was a little emotional, but he didn't expect that there would still be many historical issues.

"Why...?" Long Qing couldn't help asking aloud when Tang Ye seemed to be more worried than him.

Tang Ye came back to his senses, looked at Long Qing with a serious expression, and said, "This person you are talking about, you must pay special attention to it. It may be an attacker gatekeeper a hundred years ago. First, he has a great resentment towards us. His strength must be very strong. If you meet him, don't fight head-on. This person needs to be investigated first."

Long Qing nodded and said, "Okay."

After Tang Ye arranged it, he looked back at the old martial arts people, and then looked into the distance. The integration of the two worlds has begun now, and I don't know how much trouble there will be. But no matter how many problems there are, they need to be solved bit by bit.

"I'm going to be busy with things. You know what to do in the next situation. In short, you must pay attention to everything." Tang Ye said to Long Qing.

Long Qing nodded to express understanding.

Then Tang Ye left and continued to look for his daughter Tang Jiujiu. Various problems are constantly appearing, whether they are left over from history or emerging. If you don't look for Tang Jiujiu, you don't know how much time is left.

In fact, besides Tang Jiujiu, Tang Ye also wanted to find someone, Lu Celadon, the heavenly girl. Lu Celadon may still be alive, this is something the Red Wall Palace has always insisted on. At the beginning, Lu Celadon was closed for several months, completed the secret map, handed it to the Red Wall Palace for deployment, and then disappeared. For people like her, as long as they want to live, there is no problem in seeing the way of life. So, she must have arranged something and stayed somewhere.

Lu Celadon's power is extremely strong even in the face of the gods. If she still had the essential ability to see, then it would be easy to kill the gods.

Feelings aside, Lu Celadon's celestial power is indispensable in this situation.

The chaotic war has begun, and if humanity wants to survive, these forces must be assembled.

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