My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2272: One-eyed butcher!

Coming to the big world is a kind of relief for most people in Guwu Jianghu. Because now the shackles of Qi Yun have been lifted, and the entire world can be practiced anywhere, if it is still restricted to such a space as the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, it will be an obstacle to cultivation. Most cultivators want to come outside, the world is vast and free to explore and travel.

With the style of Guwu Jianghu for a long time, in fact, the weak and the strong that existed in the world of cultivating immortals existed, and the fittest survive. The existence of the Dragon Dynasty played a role only in managing ordinary people, as well as restricting cultivators, avoiding random disputes and killings, a bit similar to the imperial interference in the arena. This kind of thing was also a system that was established only after Tang Ye fought various big families a hundred years ago. Before that, the Guwu Rivers and Lakes were lined with families and alliances, and there was no dynasty. This is why even though the Dragon Dynasty was established, there have always been opponents. A new social form is always unstable in the initial stage.

A hundred years is short for a new social form, and many things cannot be perfected. On the contrary, those who oppose the Dragon Dynasty have not changed them in a hundred years. Instead, they feel that they have been oppressed for a hundred years and are now liberated, and they will definitely vent a lot. The strength of their cultivation in Guwu Rivers and Lakes is basically stronger than that of people in the big world, and to a certain extent they can do whatever they want. And if they do this, the threat is too great, then the final result is to be dealt with.

At the moment when the human race is alive and dead, this kind of result is very bad. They are all powerful forces in the human race, so why hurt each other. However, if you are forced to be helpless, instead of being troubled by these things for a long time, letting it go, and continuously causing harm, Tang Ye will still deal with it directly!

If you can't keep it under control, you will kill one hundred. Tang Ye has experienced so many things, in fact, he has already buried a wave of hostility and irritability in his heart. In the handling of many things, his tolerance and patience have been drastically reduced, and he often chooses a quick, simple and straightforward method. The so-called disagreement is to take action, and it is not long-winded to solve it.

People from the big world were attracted by a "new place" revealed and came there one after another. Nowadays, people who practice martial arts have also been upgraded and entered the path of cultivation. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, fist and palm techniques, etc., have all received an upgrade. Many people have re-understood and gained real benefits, breakthroughs become stronger, and enters a new realm. , So everyone knows that cultivation is feasible, so they join in. Then, activities such as exploration and treasure hunting became people and formed a big wave.

Now a new place has appeared, and many cultivators think it is a "secret realm" under the change of heaven and earth. There must be treasures or places full of spiritual energy. They will not miss such a thing, because it is a good opportunity to increase their strength and break through the limit.

Soon, many people stood outside the Guwu River and Lake, watching. Then at this moment, the cultivator flew out from the Guwu River. The strength of these people is generally stronger than those who have just practiced outside the big world. The people of the big world know their aura is stronger than them. The strength and momentum are obvious, and you can see each other. Seeing this, the cultivators of Guwu Jianghu couldn't help but swell. I feel that outside the big world, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, the people in the big world can't help them.

"You must not injure people indiscriminately!" After a few people from the Guwu rivers and lakes flew out, a few others came out, but they were wearing armors and equipped with uniform weapons. They were from the Dragon Dynasty.

It turned out that the few people who had just flew out were criminals under the control of the Dragon Dynasty. They are cruel by nature, and they often kill the Quartet in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, and they have powerful forces. With their personalities, outside the big world, they will definitely kill them, vent their dissatisfaction, and satisfy their inner desire to kill.

Originally, Long Qing was mainly watching these people, but when the Xuanmen barrier was broken, the Guwu rivers and lakes were impacted, and the luck expanded. Many people benefited, good people benefited, and evil people benefited. Many of the criminals in the prison also broke through their strength, then broke the prison in one fell swoop, rushed out, and went to the outside of the great world, and the Dragon Dynasty people chased them with all their strength.

"Huh, the people of the Dragon Dynasty are too nosy. As it is today, is it the Dragon Dynasty that has the final say? I want to see if you can keep Grandpa and me!" A bald man with a single eye holding a big knife , Looked fierce, very dissatisfied with the Dragon Dynasty soldiers who were chasing after him. With a low voice, he lifted the sharp sword in his hand and it was a slash, and then sent out a terrible blade phantom, impacted and directly cut a Dragon Dynasty soldier in two. .

"Your grandfather, I have endured it for a long time. I want to kill all the running dogs of the Dragon Dynasty!" The one-eyed man yelled, and then went out with the knife, jumped to the several Dragon Dynasty soldiers who were chasing him, and fought. He was more powerful than a few Dragon Dynasty soldiers, and after two blows, he killed a few Dragon Dynasty soldiers.

"Bah!" The one-eyed man was really cruel. After killing a few Dragon Dynasty soldiers, he carried a broad knife and chopped a few more times, cutting off his hands and feet, breaking his stomach, and even cutting off his head.

People in the big world saw this scene, their scalp numb, and they were so cruel and inhuman! They live in the big world and humanitarianism is more profound. Naturally, there are wicked people in the big world, but they are certainly only a minority. And even the wicked would not be so cruel. So cruel, there are only those psychologically distorted abnormalities.

People from the big world who come here are here for the purpose of practicing treasure hunting, and may have the heart to fight, but there is definitely no way to kill so easily and be so cruel. Therefore, after seeing the atrocities of the one-eyed man, they were very angry and couldn't help but criticize.

"What's the matter with you, you have done such cruel behavior, you are not human!" a middle-aged man accused the one-eyed man.

"Huh?" Hearing the accusation from others, the one-eyed man snorted and turned to look. He saw that he was a man of a big world, and his power and momentum were far weaker than him. He couldn't help laughing out and looking at the middle-aged man The man said: "The big world...haha, are you people in the big world so kind? But, is your strength worthy of your kindness? Is the world you live in so beautiful that you feel like killing Individuals are a big deal?"

"Nonsense, killing is not a big deal, is it still a trivial matter?!" The middle-aged man shouted again.

Outside the big world, after arriving in the modern and famous society, killing must be a big deal. Even if it is just a fight and wounding, it is also a great thing. It is subject to legal punishment and criminal sanctions. Although the world is chaotic now, the concept of the rule of law is still very profound.

However, at this time, the one-eyed man suddenly threw his big knife out of his hand, unable to touch the ground, the big knife pierced the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man was killed on the spot.

The one-eyed man jumped up to the middle-aged man, drew his **** knife, and sneered at the other frightened people: "I'm a one-eyed butcher, I have never lost my name. Who else wants to reason with me? Hahaha ..."

The one-eyed butcher was notorious for being a brutal man in Guwu Jianghu, but he was so powerful that he learned the martial arts of the overlord sword and went rampant. It was Long Qing who shot himself personally to subdue him. Now that he is freed, a killing is inevitable.

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