My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2265: Power suppression!

The girl just came out of the world, the specific situation is not very clear, so some of the views are the same as before. Since it is a monster race, how can he care about the catastrophe on earth? On the contrary, most of the past human catastrophes were organized by demons. So now I met Qiuya and Qiuyao and claimed to stop the demon. The girl didn't believe it.

Besides, Qiuya and Qiuyao are going to deal with the Void Lord, and the identity of the Void Lord, she doesn't think it is the great demon. Although she had just come out, she knew the identity of the Void Lord as soon as she felt it. Even though the identity of the Void Lord was directly revealed, she did not see it. But she didn't see it, she also knew who it was, so she had what she said just now.

Qiuya looked at the girl and always felt that the girl did not look like an evil person. If it is an evil current, the breath will be very different. The girl in front of her looked smart and gentle, very harmonious with the earth, where could she be an evil person. Maybe it was a master who had been hidden for a long time who came out when the world came out. Without knowing it, he saw that they were a monster clan and shot.

Qiuya and Qiuyao have seen the strength of this girl, powerful and mysterious. Let alone whether they can deal with it, even if they can deal with it, it will take a lot of time. Because a lot of time has passed from before to now, and they can't beat this girl, and they can't break away from this girl.

They want to prevent the Great Demon from destroying the world, so they can't be delayed. Therefore, if the girl can stop blocking them, whether it is fighting or persuading, they are willing.

However, listening to what the girl said, she didn't intend to let them get away. She also said that as a monster clan, it is hypocritical to care about the catastrophe on earth. Probably this girl thinks that all demons are evil.

Qiuya looked at the girl and said, "The world is not only the human race, but my monster race, and various other creatures. If the world is destroyed, how should we survive? So, this is a common thing for all the world!"

The girl frowned, thought for a moment, and said: "You make a lot of sense, but I don't believe that the Void Lord will destroy the world, so I won't let you go."

"You..." Qiuya was quite speechless. How could this happen? This girl looked so lovable, she was so stubborn.

Qiu Yao always doesn't like this kind of person who looks very low-key and indisputable, but is really dragging. Seeing the girl like this, she couldn't bear it at all, and shouted in a low voice: "Sister, don't talk nonsense with her, nonsense will only waste time!"

After drinking low, Qiu Yao shot the girl again. She no longer used sharp claws to attack, but issued the "phantom clone" of the fox demon secret technique, through the mystery of the illusion, to copy the clone, so that several clones can be issued at once, and then form a general attack.

After the welcome clone was launched, dozens of Qiuyao suddenly appeared around, taking up the surrounding area. Then, these clones attacked the girl together. At this moment, no matter how the girl dodges, she will basically be chased immediately.

However, such an attack is not a threat to a girl who can be turned into a fake. Because when these clones attacked the girl, the girl became illusory, and Qiu Yao clone hits like air.

Seeing these situations, the girl felt a little helpless, and said: "I have said that your attacks are useless to me, so why are you doing so useless?"

"Virtual reality, broken!" However, at this moment, Qiu Ya, who did not make a move, shouted in a low voice. I saw that in front of her, a huge mirror appeared. The mirror shone forward, just in time for the girl.

Then, Qiu Yao's clone attack came. Hit the girl, this time, there was a physical collision. In other words, Qiu Yao hits a body that is not illusory, then it is a girl's entity!

The girl's illusion deprivation mystery was broken. Under the virtual reality activated by Qiuya, when she turned into an illusory body, she was irradiated with the position of the entity, and then Qiu Yao was hit.

This is a secret technique that is located in the illusion, but out of the illusion.

As a powerful monster family close to the eight-tailed fox demon, Qiuya is very good at constructing illusions. At the same time, he is also very good at cracking illusions. The girl's strength is indeed very powerful, it has captured the illusion she created, and in turn trapped her. However, this does not mean that she can't crack her illusion.

Now, being forced to be urgent, she no longer hides her privately, but uses the virtual reality. This is not to decipher her illusion, but to decipher the girl's secret technique of switching between reality and reality.

The girl was indeed hit by Qiu Yao, but she was not injured. She just took a step back when she was hit by unexpected force at the moment she was attacked. But after taking a step back, Qiu Yao's attack could no longer shake her. Then she waved her hand like a weed on her sleeve. I saw Qiu Yao's clone being flung out. It can be seen that the power of the girl is also very strong.

However, the secret technique of switching between virtual and reality that she had always maintained was broken, and that was one of her failures.

The girl looked at Qiuya and Qiuyao, her expression a little uncomfortable. Although the girl looked gentle and low-key, she always smiled. However, she also doesn't like failure. In the face of failure, it becomes cold, like a person has changed.

But Qiuya and Qiuyao don't care about the girl's changes, their goal is to deal with the Demon. Qiuya looked coldly and said to the girl: "I just want to tell you that we are not unable to defeat you. If you have to stop us, then don't blame us for not dying with you. In addition, you can capture my illusion, as I can Crack."

The girl looked at Qiuya, her smile gradually solidified, and she became despised!

That's right, it was a kind of contempt, very contempt, and completely ignored Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao. She was a failure, and then she changed her temperament. Probably, this girl actually has a personality problem.

And, all of a sudden, the girl seemed to be extremely tall, cold and arrogant, no longer the gentle and gentle girl. The corners of her mouth were turned upside down, and her provocation, sarcasm, and contempt for Qiuya and Qiu Yao were very obvious. She said to Qiuya, "A mere eight-tailed vixen, dare you talk to me like this?"

"No, you haven't reached the realm of the eight-tailed fox demon, so kill you with one finger, right?" The girl said, suddenly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, she was behind Qiuya.

"What?!" At this moment, Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao's eyes widened. It's not that they haven't seen a speed like a girl, Tang Ye can do it, including maybe they can do it themselves. However, at this time, the girl gave them the feeling that it was not only extremely fast, but also suppressed. And the suppression of this momentum comes directly from strength.

Qiuya and Qiuyao couldn't move their bodies at this time. It's not that they don't want to move, but the power from the girl is so powerful that their bodies are instinctively stiff. Even the instinctive reaction was gone, they realized that the strength of this girl was much stronger than them.

When the girl reached Qiuya, she stretched out a thin, white finger, facing Qiuya's head, and said, "You can go to death."

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