My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2262: Already in action!

Tang Ye had always wanted to find Tang Jiujiu's daughter, but because of the imperative to weaken the gods, he was the only one who could do this in the ancestral land. He could only run around this first. Now, the plan to weaken the gods has been successfully completed. Although the gods have come, the gods are now acting secretly, and the formation of the three-legged dispute will probably last for a long time.

So, taking advantage of this little time, I must go to find my daughter. There are too many concerns, and guilt.

Although there has been no news about Tang Jiujiu for a hundred years, Tang Ye believes that since Tang Jiujiu was born in the ancestral land, there must be traces. Tang Ye would find out even the smallest traces, and vowed not to stop until he found his daughter.

"During this period, I will look for a long time. If there is something that can’t be solved, you can contact me. Black dragon and Xiaozi will probably stay at the red wall court. They have divine powers and can be compared to lower-level gods. As a leader, if it weren't for the problem of the **** level, it should be solved." Tang Ye said to Wang Jiuxiao.

Wang Jiuxiao nodded and said: "Okay, with Cangcang and the others, there should be no problem with the current issues to be dealt with. Now the only thing to worry about is the people. Now the existence of demons has been fully exposed and cannot be covered up. Then people will do this. Panic, I don’t know if the people around you are demons and ghosts. The collapse of the worldview, it will take a long time to adapt."

Tang Ye was silent for a while and said, "When life is threatened, even if you don't adapt, you will instinctively react. Half a year is enough time for them to realize that this world has been subverted."

Wang Jiuxiao didn't speak, looking at the scenery passing by on the ground. He couldn't do anything about the world being subverted. After all, it was the trend of heaven and earth. For people, this is just the beginning of the nightmare, far from over. However, from the perspective of modern civilization, it should not be difficult for people to accept it. After all, there are so many fantasy disaster movies, or apocalyptic movies. The situation at this time is actually like those movies. Of course, seeing these scenes is different from being immersive. Watching a movie may feel very refreshing and fantasize about becoming a hero in such a world. But the reality is that when you are truly in this situation, you are too weak to guarantee whether you will be alive in the next second!

If you die, you have nothing. No one wants to die. Therefore, many people collapse first because of fear of death. Without power, in such a world, it is destined to be a tragedy.

"There is a demon below." When Wang Jiuxiao was silent, Tang Ye looked at the dense forest on the ground and said.

Wang Jiuxiao smiled and said, "There are demons everywhere now, and these are temporarily out of control. If you see evil among people, you definitely can't just sit back and watch. However, now the demons should also have a way of commanding them. It’s just getting up, if you want to mobilize, it will be a dead end. What's more, they can see us and we are there. They hide underneath for fear of trembling, fearing that they will be wiped out by us."

The emperor's car, that representative is not the emperor but also a very strong person. Such a person, even the Great Demon King, is not easy to deal with easily. The monster races that have risen in the forest now are all young people, afraid that it will be too late.

Tang Ye smiled when he saw Wang Jiuxiao saying that he didn't put the monster in his eyes. Of course he knew that Wang Jiuxiao was not arrogant and despised the monster race. Wang Jiuxiao's words just show that he still knows the situation of the monster clan very well, and he is also collecting a large amount of information about the monster clan to fully grasp it, so that it will not be so difficult to deal with the monster clan. This is the vision and means that the emperor of the Red Wall must have, as well as the vigorous and vigorous handling of things.

Wang Jiuxiao squinted his eyes, and said: "The demons are fully up, and it is not difficult to understand their situation. Besides, they are still extremely brutal. There are not many demons who get enlightened, and most demons are still It can be called a'monster', even if it is powerful, it can be dealt with with a little trap. However, the situation of the demons is more worrying than the demons. The demons must have been born, but the current collection There are very few demons that have arrived."

Tang Ye pondered for a while and said, "I will pay attention to the Demon Race, and I will tell you what news I find."

"Thank you Tang Sheng, then." Wang Jiuxiao thanked.

Tang Ye waved his hand and asked him to be polite, and then said, "You were blocked by the monster clan before? When I was fighting with Fengzhu Lian and the others, I felt the power of your emperor sword and the breath of four powerful monsters. .Is the Yaozu attacking you?"

Wang Jiuxiao nodded and said, "I was blocked by the Four Great Demon Kings. I wanted to use the power of the ancient jade seal to help you. I knew Cangcang and the others had a problem, so I wanted to use the ancient jade seal to reverse it. They were attacked by the four great demon kings. They are different from the general demon race, they are much less brutal than other demon races, and they are extremely intelligent."

Speaking of the Four Great Demon Kings, Tang Ye remembered the Tiger King and Lion King who set up traps to capture the power of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain Suzaku last time. The four demon kings of the demon clan have extremely high open minds and are recognized by Qi Yun, which must be a mechanism for balance under the adjustment of Qi Yun. Then, the abilities of these four demon kings must not be underestimated.

Since it is the vanguard force in restraining the balance, it is normal to reach the **** level. Now it is full of luck again, and the strength of the four demon kings will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. The most important thing is that they themselves inherit the blood power of the ancestors of the demon clan's royal clan in the past, and inherit the powerful secret techniques of the demon clan in the past. Last time I dealt with the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, the ancient monster fierce formation used was the best proof. Before they were far from being Phoenix Pearl Curtain's opponents, but after using the Ancient Demon Fierce Formation, they easily suppressed the Phoenix Pearl Curtain. Such power is very powerful.

Tang Ye frowned, and said, "These four demon kings have extremely high wits, and they are now as powerful as the lower-level gods. And they inherit the royal bloodline, as well as the ancient demon clan secret arts, and the killer clan holy path experts It's easy. We must be careful. The four monster kings of the monster race and their tribes will all be the backbone of the monster race."

"The tiger tribe, the lion tribe, the snake tribe, the scorpion tribe, it seems that these monster tribes must focus on tracking." Wang Jiuxiao said. The last time the air luck was adjusted, it was these four monster races that got their minds enlightened. Kaizhi, the leader of the clan in the monster clan, will affect the clan members together, so that the clan members also enjoy the benefits. Then, these four demon tribes are definitely stronger than other demon tribes.

These things are not good for Human Race, and the situation of Human Race will become more and more severe.

Tang Ye thought for a while and said, "How did the descending gods track?"

Wang Jiuxiao sighed and said, "The gods did not track them, but the gods have already acted. In a small town outside the northwest desert, all people suddenly contracted strange diseases, and some people died. Before, a meteor fell on Over there, it is one of the gods. Then things in the small town are by no means occasional, I am afraid it is the gods."

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