My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2258: There must be!

When everyone saw the reactions of Murong Huansha and Mu Yue, they actually felt a little weird. Because even though Murong Huansha and Mu Yue concealed their faces, it can be seen from their figures that they are very **** and beautiful women. Such a woman hummed and left, with some hypocrisy. Inside, there is a great ambiguity. So, what is the relationship between Tang Ye and Murong Huansha?

Is it just an old friend you knew a hundred years ago? If it's an old friend, Murong Huansha's reaction should be different.

This makes everyone think of something that hasn't been recorded but there are many rumors about Tang Sheng a hundred years ago. That's right, the romantic figure has an unusual relationship with many women who had both wisdom and beauty at that time. Just like a hundred years ago, Wang Jianjia, the eldest lady of the Wang family, one of the first ten mysteries, sitting on the azure blue moon chasing bow, became one of the Valkyries on the battlefield.

With a face full of beauty and such a powerful ability, how can such a woman be worthy of an average man. But if it was Tang Sheng, it would be acceptable. In fact, the kind of relationship between Tang Sheng and Wang Jianjia is recognized, after all, Tang Ye was brought out by Wang Airen, the elder of the Wang family. Later, if it weren’t for Tang Ye’s disappearance in the ancestral land and Wang Jianjia died on the northern border battlefield, the matter of the two gradually faded away. Later, the poisonous sacred Mu Caisang gave birth to Tang Sheng’s son, making the relationship between the two even more obscured. Something bad after all. The Red Wall Palace has also done some work, and their affairs are somewhat embarrassing.

However, the relationship between the Tang family and the Wang family is very close. Some things are probably hidden and tacit in their hearts.

Seeing Murong Huansha and Mu Yue leaving, Tang Ye knew that they were angry and wanted to catch up to talk about it, but then there was a golden light on the other side. Looking back, Wang Jiuxiao was coming.

The Four Great Demon Kings who originally wanted to kill Wang Jiuxiao had no accident in Tang Ye and successfully broke the shackles of luck, they knew that it was difficult to kill Wang Jiuxiao. If Tang Ye rushed over, then they might all have to die, so they chose to retreat.

No longer blocked by the Four Great Demon Kings, Wang Jiuxiao naturally rushed to where Tang Ye was. Although the shackles of Qi Luck are now broken, and the God-Sharpening Plan is considered a success, the next thing to face is more and more severe. And since Tang Ye's identity has also been exposed, as the human king, he has to worship the saint throughout the ages and go to the heroic cemetery to worship the statue of Tang Sheng. Now that Tang Sheng himself appears, he must go to show his gifts.

"I have seen Tang Sheng." Although Tang Sheng's identity was known earlier, it was a different situation to see Tang Ye in front of everyone. Wang Jiuxiao didn't have a king's air. After he appeared, he looked at Tang Ye and bowed slightly and asked.

Tang Ye waved his hand quickly and said, "It doesn't have to be this way, I'm actually an ordinary person...Don't be so cautious."

This makes people speechless. If ordinary people were like this, what would a godly person be like. Of course everyone understands that this is a polite remark. It's just that the proper etiquette and inferiority are still necessary.

With Wang Jiuxiao here, others thought it was much easier to talk to Tang Ye. Wang Cangcang is the daughter of Wang Jiuxiao, who breaks through the realm of the holy path and obtains the power of basaltic power, which Tang Ye helped. At this time, through Wang Jiuxiao breaking the embarrassing atmosphere, she went up to look at Tang Ye, and respectfully said: "I saw Tang Sheng, but I didn’t expect the Lord... It was actually Tang Sheng that we have been looking up to, who has been leading us all the time. It’s Tang Sheng, Cang Cang really doesn’t know how to express his gratitude and excitement. If there is something wrong, please forgive Tang Sheng."

After Wang Cangcang exited, behind the Fengzhu curtain and the others, they each looked at each other, and they all had a tacit understanding. They walked up and asked Tang Ye: "I have seen Tang Sheng and the Lord, thank you Tang Sheng for his assistance and teaching... …"

It's all polite words. Tang Ye felt embarrassed when he saw them like this, and said, "You don't need to do this, you don't have to be cautious. Tang Sheng...I am actually nothing great, but I am more capable than you, and I must do everything I do. Yes. I hope you will be better as before and relax. You can call me Tang Sheng, or the Lord, of course, you can call Tang Ye directly."

"No, Tang Sheng, you laughed, how can we offend you like this." Feng Zhulian said.

Tang Ye looked at Feng Zhu Lian, Feng Zhu Lian and Tang Ye looked at each other, and then immediately lowered his head. Tang Ye shook his head and sighed: "Then it's up to you, there are still many things to do, so don't stay here for now, just go back."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded. It seems that Tang Ye has become the one calling the shots. Fortunately, he is Tang Sheng, otherwise Wang Jiuxiao, the emperor of the Red Wall Palace, would be embarrassed.

Now everyone's goal is the same, to deal with gods and demons. So they have acquiesced to become the power of the Red Wall Court, so when they go back, they will all return to the Red Wall Court. If Tang Ye's identity is not revealed, or the Void Lord, then Feng Zhulian and the others will still obey Tang Ye's arrangements. Now the Void Lord is Tang Sheng. Tang Sheng has always helped the Red Wall Court maintain order and protect this land and people, so he must be returning to the Red Wall Court.

Before everyone turned to go back, Tang Ye stopped a few people, "Bead curtain, Cang Cang, Heilong and Xiao Zi, wait a minute."

The four stopped and looked back at Tang Ye. Tang Ye waved his hand and conjured an incomparably powerful gluttonous phantom. From it, he took out the divine powers of Vermilion Bird, Xuanwu, Azure Dragon, and White Tiger, and said, "These divine powers will be returned to you."

The four of them were stunned, but they didn't expect Tang Ye to give them divine power. Although these divine powers were previously owned by them, they were also obtained by Tang Ye's help. But now Tang Ye's gluttonous phantom can fuse these powers, so facing the gods, perhaps it is used here in Tang Ye, concentrated and turned into a power that is strong enough to kill the gods.

Tang Ye knew what Feng Zhu Lian was thinking, and smiled, and said, "It doesn't matter, this is your strength, you should make good use of it."

Having said that, Tang Ye divided the four divine powers and fell on the black dragon and the phoenix curtain. They regained their divine power, and suddenly the whole person's momentum changed. And now that there is no gas and luck shackles, and he has divine power, then he has reached the **** level. This is a whole new level, and they feel wonderful.

Stepping into a new realm, there are too many things to be familiar with, to understand, and to look forward to, they are eager to try.

Tang Ye still understood their thoughts, waved his hand, and said, "Go, feel how it is to reach the realm of **** level without the shackles of luck. However, you must be careful, now that the gods have come, and they Hide away, don't be dealt with secretly by them."

"Yes!" Feng Zhu Lian and the others responded, then turned into four rays of light and went to the sky.

When the others saw this, they all cast envious eyes. Tang Ye smiled and said, "Work hard, one day, you can reach this level."

Everyone nodded excitedly and expectantly. I always feel that Tang Ye is here, this kind of thing will definitely happen.

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