My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2254: Plague God!

There is a small town on the northwest border where the wind blows and the wind blows. There are rare human traces. Animals and human bones are faintly visible in the wind sand. Suddenly, a cloud of blue light fell from the sky, and more sand was blown up, and then a huge pit appeared in the sand. When the wind and sand in the sky dissipated, I saw a naked man standing half kneeling under the pit.

This person has bruises on his body, but there are only some flesh wounds. What's amazing is that this person's skin and flesh wounds are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon there is no injury. The naked body is extremely fit, and you might win a prize in a bodybuilding competition.

The man stood up and saw a pair of green light in his eyes. This is probably not a person anymore. Human eyes don't shine like this.

After the naked "man" stood up, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, opened his hands, looked at the sky slightly, and said to himself: "I have finally returned, this wonderful land. Although the wind and sand here is the worst piece of the ancestral land. One of the land, but it is also a hundred times better than Chaos Space. It’s so comfortable..."

After taking a deep breath, the naked "man" opened his eyes, the cyan light in his eyes seemed a bit fierce, and he coldly snorted: "Humans, I represent the Plague God tribe, back! You guys, get ready to meet death! Jie..."

It turns out that this is a god, or a **** of plague.

The matter of "enclosing the gods" is not just to seal only one type of **** like in the myths and legends, such as the **** of plague, water, and fire, not just one. Conferred gods in the heavens are actually tribal gods who choose their own tribal members, who will be recruited if qualified, and then they will be taught magical skills. There are also disputes in the heavens, and the growth of the heavenly **** tribe is very necessary.

Moreover, the heavens will also go to war against other worlds, such as the demon world and the demon world. The Demon Realm and the Demon Realm, especially the Demon Realm, have always been very powerful, and they are entirely a threat to the heavens. The usual battles between gods and demons, even the gods are under pressure, this is the best proof. In such a battle, the gods will die a lot. Therefore, it would be too dangerous to say that the position of the **** is the only one. Otherwise, if a **** is dead, wouldn't there be no gods of this type. Therefore, the gods are divided into tribes.

It is a member of the Plague God tribe, the Green Weasel, who has come to this desert land now.

The Plague God tribe is based on practicing poison. After entering the Plague God tribe, you will learn the magical skills of using poison in the heavens. Among them, the first is to spread the plague and control the virulence. Choosing to let the **** of plague come to the ancestral land first and kill humans is undoubtedly an excellent arrangement. Because of the magical skills of the Plague God tribe, the scope of killing is extremely wide. If a plague cannot be detoxified, it will quickly spread, and then people will die in large numbers.

Not long ago, Tang Ye broke the shackles of heaven and earth's air luck through her eight-stranded divine power, and air luck immediately repelled the return path to the ancestral land that the gods wanted to open, and their return plan failed. And the eightfold divine power is also possessed by humans, not only failed to help them guide the divine power of the heavens down, but also became a threat to them. Because the eight elements of divine power can help eight humans reach the **** level, that is the same as them.

The reason why he was able to return to the ancestral land was because although the passage under the thundering vortex could not be broken, the ancestral land did not have the protective barrier arranged by the old Taoist, so that people from other planes could cross the barrier. However, just as Qi Luck itself has a protection mechanism, anyone who wants to cross the barrier will encounter an obstruction attack, and only if it can withstand it can it cross the past.

The stronger the person, the greater the obstacles they face. Therefore, it is not that the stronger the person is, the easier it is to cross the past. On the contrary, the weaker person has the greater the chance to cross the past. The Plague God Green Weasel was average among the gods, but his ability was very good for slaughtering humans. Moreover, the strength is weaker, but compared to the heavenly gods, when they reach the ancestral land, they are also heavenly gods, stronger than 99% of humans.

Most importantly, it is easier for the green weasel to cross the air transport barrier. As long as the other gods help, you can basically guarantee 100% of your ancestral land.

In addition to the plague gods descended from this desert land, several gods descended from other places. These are the meteors that Tang Ye saw before, the falling stars in the sky!

The plague **** walked in the desert, very happy. He missed the breath of the ancestral land so much, and the environment was so good, he felt that coming back here was like being reborn. Now, he is going to find the **** who will return to the ancestral land with him.

Although their gods are very strong, more than ninety-nine percent of human beings, there is still one percent of human beings that are threats. Especially the one who prevented them from breaking the thunder vortex passage. And considering that the eight-strength divine power is obtained by these people, they are not good at directly launching divine skills on a large scale to slaughter humans, otherwise they may be suppressed. What they have to do is to slaughter humans in secret, and to create conditions for a stronger **** to come without risk.

The power of the ancient jade seal can impact air transport and create a safe passage to the ancestral land. For this reason, the jade seal power held by the human king has become the target of several gods.

The plague **** green ferret was walking in the desert. At this time, an explorer in the desert passed by on a camel. He was also puzzled when he saw a naked man. However, the kind-hearted man was more worried and concerned, thinking that this was the person who was in trouble, and even the clothes were gone. However, he was also curious, if he was in trouble, his body shouldn't be so white and strong.

The **** of plague, the green weasel, is a god, even if he is naked, he is not contaminated with dust and does not appear to be dirty in this wind and sand. This is the image that God will have, no matter when it appears clean, as if there is a holy power to protect the body. Many gods also come with a noble ability that ordinary people will involuntarily worship when they see it, such as the moon **** Chang Xi.

Out of kindness and curiosity, the explorer riding a camel came to the plague **** Green Weasel, got off the camel, and asked, "My friend, what's wrong with you? Your clothes..."

The explorers were embarrassed to look at the naked body of the green ferret. However, Green Weasel did not avoid suspicion at all, because in his eyes, this explorer was a dead person.

He smiled to the explorer Yingying: "It just happens that I need a set of clothes, which is not great after all. The gods' clothes are airy and will be noticed by the mice. The mice are really annoying, so I will cover them first. "

The explorer did not know why when he heard the green ferret. At this moment, Green Weasel stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly on the explorer's face. Then his hand glowed with a blue light, and his fingernails turned black, appearing evil and enchanting.


The explorer's clothes were perfect and undamaged, and was worn by the green ferret. Then he looked at the camel, thoughtfully.

Soon after, an unowned camel came into the crowd and was killed and eaten. As a result, a terrible disease broke out.

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