My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2245: Die first!

The Jiulong initiation, even if it was a hundred years ago, Tang Ye's father in the Long Family in the ancient Wujiang Lake did not comprehend this trick. Because this trick is too powerful, it was simply not allowed by luck. Even Tang Ye really began to comprehend this trick after reaching the Nine Heavens.

In Jiuzhongtian, it took Tang Ye a hundred years to realize that the four dragons are still some distance away from the five dragons. Therefore, he was really surprised that Tang Zisang was able to comprehend the Three Dragons so quickly. Tang Zisang's talent can be said to be higher than him. Fortunately, Tang Zisang only understood the three dragons, he could easily crack them with the power of the four dragons, otherwise he would not be able to deal with it, and the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, Tang Zisang launched the secret technique of changing life for power, which was actually the burning of the unimproved Long Family essence and blood a hundred years ago. Tang Ye didn't want to use this secret technique again, after all, it had to be at the cost of life. Although Tang Ye has been improved, this secret technique still exists, and it has terrifying explosive power. In the case of unavoidable circumstances, to die with the enemy, or to create vitality for other people, this trick can also be used.

What Tang Ye didn't expect was that Tang Zisang had actually reached this point with determination. But he was half to death. Is this big demon himself so realistic? Must be treated like this.

Fortunately, the burning of Tang Zisang's essence and blood hasn't been activated for long, Tang Ye can use Tang Sheng's aura power to dissolve it, but in this way, his identity will be exposed. And the plan he originally wanted to lay out would fail because of this. And that move was meant to deal with the destiny god, but he didn't expect that the destiny **** arranged it first, but it failed.

However, in this situation, he also knew that the destiny **** wanted to kill him. Or, kill Tang Zisang. For him, neither result is acceptable. This can be regarded as a lesson given to him by the Destiny God. He, who has escaped the control of the Destiny God, has actually not gotten rid of it at all!

However, Tang Ye would not let himself die, and Tang Zisang would die. It was enough that the destiny **** had teased him, and if one more person died, the destiny **** would have won all the victory. He won't let the destiny gods succeed, so he just wants to make himself and Tang Zisang not dead.

Now this situation, Tang Ye also believed that it was the fate of the destiny **** manipulated Tang Zisang. Then, it was time to crack Tang Zisang's fate. For this, Tang Ye has always had a solution. He let Tang Zisang follow him, as long as Tang Zisang's fate comes, he can help Tang Zisang resolve. Therefore, he was prepared for this.

"The Void Lord, you should disappear into this world!" At this time, Tang Zisang sent out three giant dragons to give Tang Ye an initiation. With such an imposing manner, the gods and buddhas can stop them and destroy them!

Tang Ye is not a **** and Buddha, but Tang Zisang's grandfather Zeng, Jiulong initiation were all passed on by Tang Ye.

Tang Ye looked up at Tang Zisang and said, "Zisang, I said, don't use things like life burning, don't use it indiscriminately. When people die, there will be nothing. You should reflect on this."


Tang Zisang was taken aback for Tang Ye's words. When did the Void Lord say this? Don't use life to burn, it is the ancestor motto of the Long Family, and it is the motto set up by Tang Sheng after reforming the burning of essence and blood. What is it with this Void Lord?

When Tang Zisang was strange, she swooped down, suddenly, her eyes widened, looking at Tang Ye below, she almost suffocated.

She saw that the Void Lord, who was full of dark magic power, suddenly retreated. The power that had been hiding on Tang Ye's face also receded, revealing Tang Ye's true appearance.

That resolute, full of stories and traces of time, time precipitated full of courage, and yet handsome face, seems to have a kind of magic, people look at it very respect, worship, and fascinating!

"Zeng...Zeng...Grandpa?" Tang Zisang called out in a daze when he saw Tang Ye like this.

She saw Tang Ye’s true face once, that is, after she followed Tang Ye, Tang Ye took her to the top of the mountain where the spirit of the dragon dragon ancestor dragon raised his head, and let the spirit of the dragon ancestor help shape the fantasy state of mind, and Tang Zisang entered the fantasy state of mind The devil was Tang Sheng. Tang Sheng brought her a huge inheritance power and a reputation under the sage. However, the Tang family was also responsible for this. Many people died for the country and the people, and Tang Zisang lost his family. For Tang Sheng, Grandpa Zeng, she didn't dare to love or hate. This is her demons. In order to help her break her heart demon, Tang Ye showed her true face in her heart demon illusion. Tang Zisang was relieved when he saw the real Grandpa Zeng.

After she was arrogant, she admired Grandpa Zeng very much. And he worked very hard, hoping to reach the height of Grandpa Zeng one day. At the same time, she also vaguely touched that Grandpa Zeng might not have fallen, but went to another plane of the world. If possible, she wants to pursue it.

But now, the person she wanted to destroy with her life in exchange for strength turned out to be her great grandfather!

This... Tang Zisang doesn't know what to do anymore, this kind of thing is like a dream, it's impossible to happen!

Could it be that the Void Lord is Grandpa Zeng, and Grandpa Zeng is the Void Lord? !

Feng Zhulian, Wang Cangcang and others were shocked to see Tang Ye's true face. Although they haven't seen Tang Sheng with their own eyes, the legend left by Tang Sheng, as well as the statue of Tang Sheng, or Tang Sheng's related materials, have long made them remember Tang Ye's appearance. Although a hundred years have passed, Tang Ye's appearance is different from that of a hundred years ago, but the overall outline and appearance are still the same. Therefore, after seeing Tang Ye's true face, they just froze for a while, and then they recognized that it was Tang Sheng!

Then they were astonished as Tang Zisang, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

They tried their best to kill, turned out to be the Great Sage of the Human Race, Tang Sheng, the first person of the Human Race?

That great hero that everyone respects and admires?

What's the point of the desperate fight just now? And, what should I do next?

They definitely didn't believe that Tang Sheng was a great demon and wanted to destroy the world. Because Tang Sheng was a hero of salvation a hundred years ago!

Reality can't be so dramatic, once a hero of salvation has become a demon. This is a TV series to have a plot!

At this time, Tang Ye wanted to crack Tang Zisang's Three Dragons empowerment and resolve Tang Zisang's life burning, which can also be said to be Tang Zisang's fate, so he ignored everyone's reaction and gave out Tang Sheng's power of luck.


The golden light was shining, and a layer of sage aura shining with human eyes appeared, covering Tang Ye. Tang Ye like this is actually better than everyone at once. Tang Sheng is a mountain that no one can cross now. In a hundred years, no one has surpassed Tang Sheng.

After Tang Ye mobilized the force of Qi Luck, he did not immediately initiate the Jiulong initiation, but made a curse seal movement. No one understands what kind of secret technique it is.

And the destiny **** in Guwu Jianghu sneered at this, humming: "Even if Tang Ye cracked Tang Zisang's attack, no one can stop Tang Zisang's fate from falling from the thunder."

"The Long Family, one must die first." The Destiny God sneered.

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