My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2237: No choice!

Wang Cangcang wasn't someone who was good at attacking. Now he called out the power of twelve koi carps and instantly sensed Tang Ye's changing position, which played a role that she really should have.

However, in this way, she would need someone else's protection, otherwise Tang Ye would be the first to deal with her, then her role would not be played out.

When Feng Zhulian saw Wang Cangcang doing this, they knew they wanted to protect Wang Cangcang. Therefore, Feng Zhu Lian immediately used the eternal landscape map to call out the number of celebrities under her limit, five in total, to protect Wang Cangcang after appearing.

At the same time, other people continued to attack Tang Ye.

Tang Ye saw Wang Cangcang using the power of the twelve koi carps and snorted coldly: "The twelve koi carps are truly outstanding creations of heaven and earth. The ability to observe qi luck seems to be blessed by qi luck. Reason. However, even the treasure of heaven and earth, if it falls into the hands of an ordinary person, it will not be able to exert its power. Wang Cangcang, is it an ordinary person, is the king of your land Female. Unfortunately, the cultivation level is not enough. Otherwise, you alone can contain most of me."

With that, Tang Ye made a space jump again, trying to crack Wang Cangcang's twelve koi observations. As he said, Wang Cangcang's power is not small compared to him, so the power of the twelve koi can't be noticed instantly. And the instant time was enough for him to solve Wang Cangcang.

Of course, it is still necessary to solve the five famous generals that the Phoenix Pearl Curtain uses the eternal landscape map to call out. The power of these famous generals is related to the strength of the people they summon. But this is not to say that these famous generals are weaker than Fengzhulian. These characters have an aura of historical merit, and to a certain extent they carry some historical luck. Therefore, these famous generals are even stronger than Fengzhu Lian. Otherwise, Wen Dingmo, a hundred years ago, refining the eternal landscape map, it is impossible for this treasure to almost subvert the Red Wall court.

"Everyone, be careful!" Seeing Tang Ye stepping into the space, Feng Zhulian let out a low cry, and she moved closer to Wang Cangcang. In this way, she can protect Wang Cangcang, but if Tang Ye is not going to attack Wang Cangcang, or to attack other people, then other people need to be more careful.

At this time, Wang Cangcang had entered the state of perception of twelve koi carps, and he needed to observe Tang Ye's position. As Tang Ye said, because of the power gap between her and Tang Yee, she couldn't perceive the time instantaneously. When she sensed it, she shouted and said, "Above me!"


As soon as Wang Cangcang drank it, Tang Ye's attack had already arrived. Tang Ye held a halberd transformed from dark magic and stab Wang Cangcang's head. However, he did not harm Wang Cangcang, nor was he able to break Wang Cangcang's twelve koi, because the Phoenix Pearl Curtain blocked his attack!

Feng Zhu Lian is not stupid. She has allowed five historical generals to guard Wang Cangcang in all directions, but the sky is not guarded, so she pays special attention to the sky. Sure enough, her guess was correct, and Tang Ye attacked from above. Fortunately, she was right there and blocked in time.

Tang Ye was not angry when he saw the Fengzhu Curtain standing under him, but he was happy that Fengzhu Curtain had such an ability. These people are indeed outstanding talents. Only in this way can it be possible to fight against the gods.


After the Phoenix Pearl Curtain blocked Tang Ye's attack, Tang Zisang screamed and attacked with a purple golden halberd, as if carrying purple lightning. She attacked Tang Ye, and could alleviate the pressure on Fengzhu curtain again. Otherwise, Feng Zhu Lian confronted Tang Ye alone, fearing that it would not last long.

Immediately afterwards, the attack of the black dragon, the attack of Xiao Zi, and the attacks of others all followed. Tang Ye had to go back and stretched a distance. However, he quickly jumped into space again, using this method to quickly reduce the number of combatants on the Phoenix Pearl Curtain side.

Now that Fengzhu Lian could not sense him immediately, he would not attack Wang Cangcang for now. Soon, he appeared beside Wuwang.

"Wuwang!" At this moment, Wang Cangcang cried, and Wang Cangcang sensed Tang Ye's position, but he was still slower.

Unexpectedly, Wuwang reacted very quickly and immediately used the Dharma to protect his body. In this way, even if Tang Ye hits hard, he can ensure that he will not directly lose combat effectiveness like Miao Yuer.

However, to Wuwang and the others' surprise, Tang Ye didn't directly hit him hard.

At this time, Tang Ye stood beside him and sneered: "Buddha is boundless, without arrogance, and your growth is very fast. This strength is probably ready to go to the Buddha. But, don’t forget that you have become a demon Buddha, yes. I lead. Demon Buddha is not demon, not surprising, as long as you control your inner demon. But, your inner demon, I can help you restrain it, and also help you release it."

With that, Tang Ye didn't attack Wuwang, just released a dark magic power, wrapped around Wuwang's body, and then slowly penetrated in.

"Ah!" Then he heard a painful cry from Wuwang, and then Wuwang broke his Dharma protection by himself, and cried out in pain, clutching his head.

Following Wuwang's painful cry, waves of dark power spread around Wuwang's body.

Then, Wuwang seemed to be mad, yelling, screaming, not knowing who to attack. He fell into a state of madness. When he was not so crazy, he seemed to have entered an illusion again, turning a blind eye to the current situation.

With the constant collision, Wu Wang left the battlefield, not knowing why. As a result, Wu Wang could no longer fight, and Feng Zhu Lian lost a bit of strength on their side.

Seeing that something was wrong with Wuwang, Feng Zhulian and the others stared at Tang Ye with extremely serious expressions. They all knew that they were brought out by Tang Ye. Tang Ye knew each of their shortcomings. Therefore, in view of these shortcomings, Tang Ye could almost solve them in one move.

Even if it kills them.

Tang Ye saw Feng Zhulian's expressions becoming heavy, and coldly snorted: "So you should understand that it is difficult for you to beat me. You'd better leave before I am completely angry, otherwise you will not only be seriously injured. I may have lost my life. I train you to be useful, not to make you an obstacle to me."

Tang Ye said this, threatening, if Feng Zhu Lian gave up on their own, it would save trouble.

Unfortunately, he knew in his heart that this kind of result was very slim. If Feng Zhu Lian and others were such people who gave up so easily and would give in like this, then Tang Ye would not have recruited them.

Sure enough, none of Feng Zhu Lian gave up, staring at Tang Ye, still so cold and determined. Feng Zhulian snorted coldly: "If you can't stop you, you will be dead. If you don't stop you, you will probably die too. So, there is no other choice but to stick to the end."

When it was cold, Feng Zhulian slapped his face, and a huge historical general appeared behind Tang Ye, closed his slap and slapped Tang Ye.

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