My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2230: Control loopholes!

In addition to Wang Jiuxiao who was not controlled by the Destiny God, many people were not controlled either. In other words, the destiny **** cannot control it. For example, the mysterious zombies under Ghost Gate Gorge. The identity of zombies is very special, and it is not certain whether it is a creature between heaven and earth or not. Because the zombies are already floating outside of the Three Realms and Six Ways. In the Three Realms and Six Ways, even if it is the content of the Book of Destiny, there is no such person.

The world now includes the Three Realms. The heaven and the human world can also be said to be the earth world, and there is also the underworld. Zombies are displaced outside these three realms, and there is no record in the destiny book, so they cannot be controlled. However, the Destiny God has been altered for thousands of years. Facing this loophole, he has also repaired it, and will not allow anyone to escape from her control.

Therefore, the witch Murong Huansha and Mu Yue, one of the ten mysteries, even if they were zombies, were still controlled by the destiny gods. At this time, they were also besieging Tang Ye!

Murong Huansha has been monitoring and alerting Tang Ye's existence. Mainly, she is very concerned about Tang Zisang, the bloodline of the Tang family who may have a life catastrophe. Tang Zisang follows the faceless man, thinking that the faceless man can help Tang Zisang resolve the life catastrophe. The current situation is a bit unclear, because since Tang Zisang followed the Faceless Man, Fate Jie has not appeared for a long time.

Murong Huansha and Mu Yue both felt strange. According to normal circumstances, Tang Zisang's fate should have come long ago, and Tang Zisang's strength has also increased dramatically now, and there is no fate to appear. Is it really the influence of the faceless person?

Murong Huansha and Mu Yue were originally curious about this issue, and at the same time they were curious about the actions of the Faceless Man, and at the same time they didn't know how to interfere. For example, hunting beasts and taking the first stage of divine power. How can Murong Huansha not pay attention to these major events? It's just that she hasn't taken a shot, but she is silently watching.

It's a pity that now, when she wants to make a choice on her own, she has been controlled by the destiny god, her memory has been distorted, and she is fighting against Tang Ye with Mu Yue.

Murong Huansha and Mu Yue are zombies. Yes, they are separated from the Three Realms and Six Paths, but they are still controlled. This is the effect of the bug fixes carried out by the Destiny God. Murong Huansha and Mu Yue were transformed by the mysterious zombie. Both their identity and power have roots in the ancestral land, and they are not so strong. Therefore, the destiny **** can use things from a hundred years ago to also control them.

The Destiny God has also been rearranging the contents of the Destiny Book of Destiny, adding the "fish that slipped through the net" to the Book of Destiny as much as possible, so that she can control it.


Incarnate in blood, Murong Huansha attacked Tang Ye in the form of a witch. The power of the zombies is very strong, and they should have the power of the Holy Path a hundred years ago. So now being attacked by Murong Huansha, Tang Ye's damage was not small. More importantly, Tang Ye's heart is very complicated, after all, Murong Huansha's relationship with him is too close.

Seeing Murong Huansha attacking him along with the other ten xuan, Tang Ye felt a little indescribable. The others were fine, but Murong Huansha was also controlled. He knew that Murong Huansha was a zombie, but such an identity was manipulated. So, this time, the destiny **** controlled all the power of the sacred path in all the ancestral lands, did he have to kill himself?

Tang Ye thought so. The destiny **** does not take action by himself, let others take action to kill him. Probably the destiny gods also wanted to keep their traces as far as possible. However, Tang Ye felt that his weight was still very heavy, and he had to use so much power from the Holy Path to deal with him.

"The Void Lord, although I don't know who you are, but you do not agree with the fact that you are going to do it. I originally thought that you were just doing things casually, or seeking pleasure, fighting against the god, but admiring your pursuit. However, if you want to destroy this land now, then I will definitely not allow it!" There is also a wing behind Murong Huansha, a little bat made of blood, and the little bats gather to form wings.

Mu Yue always accompanies Murong Huansha, coordinating with Murong Huansha's attack, protecting Murong Huansha, or creating offensive conditions for Murong Huansha. Mu Yue gave up the active attack and assisted Murong Huansha, because she knew that they were all zombies, and Murong Huansha's power was stronger than hers. She is a zombie transformed from Murong Huansha, with the next level of level, which is natural.

In addition to controlling the gluttonous illusion, Tang Ye now also emitted dark magic power. He also condensed wings behind him, the dark chain wings in the Nine Heavens. Not only can the flight ability be improved, but it can also be stretched out to attack. At this moment, he seems to have become the ultimate big boss, looking like that, it is indeed very similar.

Hearing Murong Huansha’s words, Tang Ye slowly sorted out and came to the conclusion that these people who besieged him now know what he did after returning to his ancestral land, and think he wants to destroy the world, so he came to stop it, only recently. Distorted memory. In other words, their previous memories of him are all that powerful and mysterious Void Lord. Even if it was Fengzhu Lian and the others, he knew that he had cultivated them and allowed them to break through to such a strong force.

But just after he acquired the divine power of the four fierce beasts, he distorted their memories and made them feel that he was a representative of evil and that he wanted to destroy the world.

It happened after capturing the divine power of the four fierce beasts. The fierce beast was originally the incarnation of evil. This situation only appeared when the power of the beast was merged. The destiny **** would choose the time.

"Do you really think that I am going to destroy the world? It's ridiculous." In the face of everyone's attacks, Tang Ye occasionally hummed some words. After all, he was a bit aggrieved. He knew that he was wronged, but others were manipulated and couldn't tell. , There is no way to make sense.

So he didn't intend to make sense, and he snorted as a catharsis, but what he really did was to stop keeping his hands and face Fengzhu Lian and Murong Huansha with all his strength. Since I can't say anything, then all suppress them first.

"You are too noisy, quiet down for me!" Tang Ye snorted again, and a cloud of dark magic power was condensed in his hand, and then hit the ground. Suddenly the ground vibrated, and then broke, and then another dark giant sprang from the ground. Python, while pursuing the besieging people.

Combining the huge dark magic power with the divine power of the fierce beasts, the power is not limited to the holy way, it is close to the **** level, so people like Gu Youque and Miao Yuer just broke through to the holy way soon, and even the heavens have not reached it. , Is unstoppable.

call! call! call!

The dark giant python is fierce and distorted, very fierce, and when it comes out, it acts like tentacles, winding and binding everyone. Phoenix Pearl Curtain and Wang Cangcang possess supernatural powers, but they can resist it. However, Gu Youwei and Miao Yuer were restrained.

"I said, you were trained by me, and you still want to defeat me?" Tang Ye emphasized this fact again, probably because he wanted Miao Yuer and the others to remember the correct fact and not be manipulated by the destiny god.

However, they were too much manipulated, Miao Yuer hummed: "Even so, we will stop you!"

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