My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2199: Vaguely know!

According to the method of accommodating divine power, without a melting pot, it is impossible to seize divine power. This is a matter of course and is recognized. So there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​gluttonous gluttony, which makes it more confident. The melting pot that can contain its divine power has been killed by it. With this, it thought Tang Ye would not dare to kill it, otherwise Tang Ye's plan would fail!

"Without the divine power melting pot, would you still dare to kill me?" Taotie coldly snorted to Tang Ye.

Although Taotie's attack was very strong, it was not as good as the four great beasts, so Tang Ye avoided any danger. He said to Taotie: "Why is there no power melting pot? Are you so sure? I have sent someone to find it, and I believe I will find it soon. All I need to do now is to suppress you and then take your power. ."

Tang Ye said this deliberately, just to let Taotie relax his vigilance. When it really thought that Tang Ye only dared to suppress it, but didn't dare to kill it, and then suddenly used his soul to cut it, and without accident, he could kill it!

At this time, Tang Ye didn't need to keep the gluttony illusion so small, to make the gluttony illusion bigger, and then cooperate with him to deal with the gluttony.

Taotie saw the Taotie phantom, very similar to it, and couldn't help but snorted coldly: "But what's the use of a puppet? It's a thousand miles away to deal with me!"

After snorting coldly, the gluttonous flew over, biting the gluttonous phantom violently, and the sharp teeth directly bit the gluttonous phantom into two pieces.

However, the gluttonous illusion was formed by Tang Ye using strength and aura to condense it, so it was indestructible. Only by killing Tang Ye can it be killed. Therefore, after being broken up by the gluttony, Tang Ye exerted his strength and the gluttonous phantom took shape again, and continued to cooperate with Tang Ye to attack the gluttonous.

Tang Ye wants to keep the gluttonous illusion alive, because after restraining the gluttonous phantom, he will use the gluttonous phantom to fuse the power of the gluttonous, including that divine power.

If it goes well, the gluttony will be integrated into the gluttonous illusion. But at this time, there is actually one thing to pay attention to, and that is to ensure that the gluttony illusion is still a puppet under his complete control. If the gluttonous phantom gains another gluttonous spirit and divine power, it becomes possessed of its own consciousness, it is very dangerous.

Because in that case, it is equivalent to creating another glutton, and this glutton has two parts of the essence of the deity. Such power is probably stronger than the beast, and it is impossible to deal with it.

Therefore, Tang Ye did a lot of things with the glutton phantom, including not hesitating to weaken the glutton phantom's ability, but also to integrate some green spirit fire into the glutton phantom, just to better control the glutton phantom. With the green spirit fire working, I believe that even if it is gluttonous, it will no longer be able to generate a strong will to prevent betrayal.

"I don't expect the illusion of Taotie to be able to deal with you, of course, I also want to take action." Tang Ye said to Taotie, and then soared into the air, above the air, using the dark magic power to evoke the dark truth, and then holding the dark magic overlord halberd , To fight gluttonous.

Listen to the dark truth, Tang Ye hasn't summoned it for a long time. It was useless because I was afraid of revealing my identity. The Divine Beast is a divine beast close to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It ranks high among the gods and possesses extraordinary abilities. It is said that the supreme Tathagata ancestor of the Western Heavenly World personally praised it and relied on its abilities. Therefore, only Tang Sheng is known to possess the spirit of the Divine Beast and condense the summoned beast.

Then, if you listen to the beasts, people will naturally think of Tang Sheng easily.

Divine beasts are very powerful and can restrain a lot of beasts. The gluttony was born into the void. Although it is not a demon or a beast, the nature of its existence in the ancestral land is both a demon and a beast. Therefore, the divine beast has a certain restraint effect on it.

At this time, the Dark Truth Listening to the Divine Beast became very strong as Tang Ye's strength increased. Therefore, its momentum has even overwhelmed the gluttony!

"Get out of gluttony!" Tang Ye gave an order, and the divine beast rushed down towards gluttony, with a ferocious aura. Then, the gluttonous phantom also rushed to attack. And Tang Ye himself was not idle either, holding the Overlord Halberd to attack Gourmet.

Without the power to reach the true **** level, gluttony, apart from the relationship between physical characteristics, is difficult to injure, difficult to kill, but it is not difficult to suppress it. Tang Ye was enough at this time. He called the Truth Listening to the Divine Beast for this purpose. The divine beast is fierce, rushing in the sky, leaving a short mark wherever it passes, which is very cool.

Then Ding Tie slapped Yu Tie and pressed it down. Yu Tie couldn't stop such a fierce attack and stepped back. Taotie was furious, roared, his body began to change, and finally changed into its true form. That is not the form of human beings, but the form of fierce beasts.

There is a big mouth in the middle of the belly, and the eyes are under the armpits, which seems to be able to move to other places. Then there was another mouth on the neck, and this mouth looked like a dark piranha.

Glutton transformed into a fierce beast and ran away suddenly, and he could also rush away in the air, fighting with Di listen to the beast. The two dark beasts fought in mid-air, rushed into the air, collided with each other, rotated and fought, very violently. At first they were evenly matched, and then listened to the eruption of the divine beasts, and from time to time they would slap the gluttonously and knock the gluttonous down to the ground. The ground was shaking again and again.

At this time, Tang Ye and Taotie Mirage would both pass by and attack. Although gluttonous can continue to absorb power, but now such a fierce attack, the damage received is greater than the absorbed power, and it will become weaker and weaker in a short time. But if it survives this period, it will rise and then reverse the situation. So Tang Ye would use soul cutting on it when it was weak.

After listening to the phantoms of divine beasts and Taotie, as well as Tang Ye's constant attacks, Taotie was beaten to the ground several times and cried out in pain. However, it can always stand up again and then go to meet. The gluttonous stubbornness and the absorption of power invisibly, the heavier the injury, the faster the absorption of power. It won’t take long for it to rise and then reverse the situation in one fell swoop.

But at this time, Tang Ye knew that the gluttonous glutton had reached the most vulnerable time and needed to start using the soul to cut it. So, after Taotie was beaten to the ground again, Tang Ye hit the ground with a punch, summoning a few giant pythons from under the ground, and entangled Taotie.

At the same time, Tang Ye was very cautious, and also opened up the space domain he controlled, avoiding the gluttonous deformation and breaking free, and he himself was disturbed.

Taotie was entangled in chains by Tang Ye's dark power, unable to break free for a while. Then Tang Ye retracted the truth-listening beast and let the gluttonous phantom stay in front of the gluttonous phantom. He had already ordered the gluttonous phantom, and after he cut out the spirit of the gluttonous, the gluttonous phantom would swallow it.

Essence is like a soul, so the method of soul cutting is useful. At this time, Taotie was restrained, and saw that Tang Ye didn't come to attack it, but instead made a seal with both hands, performing some mysterious secret technique. After a pair of death claws appeared, giving people a icy breath of death, gluttonous frightened.

It vaguely knew what Tang Ye was going to do, and directly seized its soul power!

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