My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2195: Not smart enough!

In order to avoid being discovered by Tang Ye, Taotie left quickly and stopped absorbing the dark breath. He arrived in a remote town, where there are also puppets he made. He cut off the source of the dark aura before and made sure that after getting rid of Tang Ye's tracking, he began to absorb power here again.

From the small town to the countryside, in remote places, even if one family is eaten, they will not be found. Because in some places, it's just a family alone in the mountains, where people outside know the situation.

Taotie felt that when he came to such a place, he would definitely not be found again. The gluttonous gluttony cannot be satisfied without enough portion. In such a small town, it is obviously unable to satisfy it. So it feels that those who trace it will definitely not think it has come to such a place.

Taotie knows to avoid and will no longer take risks. He learned this from humans. Human beings have powerful wisdom, and wisdom is precisely where human beings are most powerful. Therefore, after learning the wisdom of mankind and his own abilities, Gourmet believes that he will become invincible, and one day he will even bite the deity of Gourmet, and let himself become the strongest beast of Gourmet.

Now this gluttonous thought has such an idea, which shows his progress. He was studying in humans, and he made rapid progress and became very scary.

Unfortunately, he thought that Tang Ye would not find him in such a small town, but it turned out not. He didn't know that Tang Ye had a gluttonous illusion, and he had the same gluttonous spirit ability. So, even though it took a little longer, the gluttonous phantom still traced to the town.

One day passed, Taotie didn't feel any other power coming toward him, and felt relieved. Then he again began to absorb the human energy that the puppets in the town had absorbed for him. Suddenly, he felt a very delicious power, and he was convinced that eating this power would increase his power by no less than a level. He was so happy that he hurried away, like a hungry dog, rushing towards the felt power.

When he reached a hill where he could see the entire town, he stopped, because he saw this power, it was a gluttonous spirit!

It was...the same thing as yourself!

Glutton was surprised. He didn't expect that there would exist the same things as himself, all of which were the spirit powers of the gluttonous deity. However, he could see that the gluttonous spirit power in front of him had no self-will and was controlled by others!

"Oops!" Taotie reacted immediately, this is a trap.

However, when Taotie wanted to leave, a whirlpool appeared in the midair in front of him, and then a faceless man emerged from it. It is the Void Lord, that is, Tang Ye.

Seeing Tang Ye, Taotie was very angry, and there was such a thing, but he was discovered by the Void Lord! However, this Void Lord found that his methods were so surprising, he possessed the same gluttonous spirit as himself!

"You, how could you have the master's power?!" The gluttonous beast looked at Tang Ye in surprise. He was good, and he directly admitted that he was not the deity of gluttonous deity, and the master in his mouth was not difficult to know that he was referring to the deity of gluttonous.

Tang Ye looked at the gluttonous food in front of him, and was very surprised when he first saw it. The four great beasts of Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong and Baihu did not transform into a human form, but this gluttonous creature turned into a human form. He originally thought that gluttonous must be as vicious as his gluttonous phantom, but now he is a man with a yin and yang look.

No matter what it is, Tang Ye only needs to know that he is gluttonous. He looked at Lutie sneered and said, "I finally found you, Lutie."

"You haven't answered my question!" Taotie was very concerned, staring at Tang Ye with a cold snort.

Tang Ye looked at Taotie and said, "The world is so great that there are no surprises. A few years ago, some people believed that there are sacred beasts in this world, and there are fierce beasts like you? Many things are not impossible, but you have not been exposed to it. "

"What circle are you going around? What I asked is, why do you have the master's spirit ability?!" Taotie stared at Tang Ye and asked.

Tang Ye looked at Taotie in silence for a while, but actually was feeling how strong the power of Taotie was, and to see if he could deal with it. Unexpectedly, he found that the power of gluttony was not very strong, and he could deal with it. Why is that?

Then Tang Ye thought about it, believing that gluttony is different from other fierce beasts or sacred beasts. The gluttony needs to be swallowed constantly to increase its strength. In the past thousands of years, gluttony has not swallowed anything, and its power has not been very strong. Although its starting point seems to be weaker than other fierce beasts and divine beasts, it lacks the most terrifying degree, because even if he is not a god-level power, it can still contain divine power. This is the gluttonous swallowing instinct, a natural passive ability that can hold everything, including divine power.

And if you give time to gluttonously devour it, then it won't take long to overtake other fierce beasts and mythical beasts. When it is strong enough, even fierce beasts and divine beasts will be swallowed by him!

There is another terrible place about Taotie that it cannot be killed. It was born from the void, and the origin of life is unknown. Perhaps as long as there is a void, it can be brought back to life. And the void is everywhere! The whole world can be said to be a void. Therefore, if you want to deal with gluttonous food, you can only seal it, but it cannot be eliminated.

Although gluttony was terrible, Tang Ye was not afraid now. Because the glutton in front of me is not the deity of glutton, but a ray of spiritual power of glutton. Moreover, this strand of spirit power has not swallowed enough power to become stronger, he can deal with it himself.

The scary thing to say about the gluttonous food in front of me is to have self-awareness and strong self-awareness, know how to master wisdom and act with the head.

Knowing how to learn and then practice, it is even more impossible for him to grow, otherwise gluttony will soon grow into an unmanageable enemy!

Now is a good time to experiment with the idea of ​​using the devouring and containing power of gluttony to create an all-powerful furnace. Tang Ye looked at Taotie and said, "Since I have started hunting sacred and fierce beasts, and seizing the divine power you carry, of course I am prepared. You have not swallowed strong enough power yet, you will be killed by me. "

Taotie became furious and hummed to Tang Ye: "Kill me? You are too naive. When have you heard that Taotie can be killed?"

"You're not gluttonous." Tang Ye smiled coldly. The glutton in front of him did not dare to regard himself as a glutton, because he knew that he was just a ray of spiritual power of the glutton, so he did not dare to say, "I cannot be killed."

In this case, it will expose his inner self-confidence. Although he knows how to learn and master wisdom, human wisdom is so profound that he can't finish learning for a while. Observing words, observing colors, and insight into psychology is also wisdom, but also great wisdom.

Taotie panicked when he heard what Tang Ye said. He was always jealous of Tang Ye, for one thing he was not strong enough, and for the second time, Tang Ye was the one who hunted and killed the four mythical beasts in a row.

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