My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2188: Spirit!

Azure Dragon's dragon element contains all the strength of Azure Dragon, and is about to explode, which is very difficult to stop. If you want to stop it, you must continue to absorb Long Yuan's power. However, in addition to the powerful power of Qinglong itself, the power in this dragon element also contained the divine power he carried, which was definitely not something that people could hold today.

Qinglong was originally a sacred beast, and the head of the four great sacred beasts. Tang Ye and the others could only deal with it together before. Such a huge power, even those masters in the cultivating period, have to slowly absorb it after obtaining it, and it is impossible to integrate it all at once. But now, Tang Ye and the others must immediately absorb it, because Long Yuan will explode, and then the divine power will dissipate, which is not allowed by their plan.

The black dragon has absorbed the dragon yuan of the blue dragon, and without the dragon yuan, the blue dragon is not far from death. But he kept holding on, only to see Long Yuan explode before dying, otherwise he was not at ease. Although he was confident that no one could stop Long Yuan's explosion, he felt uneasy without seeing Tang Ye with his own eyes.

After the black dragon transformed into the dragon body, he swallowed the dragon yuan of the blue dragon into his stomach, and soon he felt a powerful force colliding in his body. He was very painful, and more and more painful, flying into the sky, and the dragons continued to chant. He couldn't help but hit the ground, as if he was going to overwhelm. It's too painful and can only vent in this way.

Qinglong saw the black dragon like this, still a little bit sneer and sarcasm, and snorted: "I can't help myself, the body of a real dragon, and I want to swallow my dragon Yuan? I tell you, even if you are a dragon, you may not be able to fuse me. You are just an evil dragon spirit created by mankind back then. If you didn’t get the power of the ancestor dragon, you wouldn’t be able to transform into a dragon. Therefore, you are not a member of our dragon clan at all. You don’t have a dragon bloodline, how can you bear me? The power of the dragon? No matter how you become stronger, change, or evolve, in the eyes of our dragon, you are nothing but junk!"

For the black dragon, Qinglong is not in the eye. Dragons did not appear out of thin air, nor were they made by others. The dragon clan is a race, but it reproduces less, so the number of dragons is very small. Since it is a race, it is natural to pay attention to some bloodline things. As the supreme of all beasts, the dragon is more concerned and strict about bloodlines. Therefore, a pure dragon bloodline is very necessary. And unorthodox bloodlines, such as the offspring of dragons and Jiao, are despised. As for dragons like the black dragon that were created by humans, the dragon clan would not recognize it, so Qinglong said that the black dragon is **** to the dragon clan, not a sudden depreciation or irony.

Heilong knew that he was not an orthodox dragon, but he didn't think he was worse than an orthodox dragon. Born in the void, it is in fact unmatched by the orthodox dragons. In the secret history of the dragon clan, many dragon clan crises have been recorded, and many of them are the emergence of "alien dragons". This alien dragon is actually a dragon in the void born from the resentment of the dragon clan.

And it was the Dragon of the Void that made the Dragon Race into an extinction crisis. Although the black dragon is not the dragon of the void, his birth is very similar to the dragon of the void. Therefore, he will not be bound by some dragon taboos, and he can drift between the virtual and the real. If the black dragon transforms and breaks through, he is definitely stronger than the dragons of the same level.

At this time, the black dragon swallowed the dragon empress of the blue dragon, and was very painful because of the conflict of power. Tang Ye immediately jumped into the air after seeing it, caught up with the black dragon, grabbed the black dragon, and instilled vitality into the black dragon. He didn't know how to help the black dragon, maybe this could alleviate the black dragon's suffering.

But Heilong didn’t agree with Tang Ye to do this, because Heilong didn’t know when Qinglong’s Longyuan would explode. He was not confident that he could fuse Qinglong’s Longyuan. If it exploded, Tang Ye would definitely be killed by his side. . In this case, it would be meaningless for him to swallow Long Yuan alone.

"Tang Sheng, go quickly, it's useless." The black dragon told Tang Ye to go.

Tang Ye insisted, and said: "Don't worry, you chose to do this. If you really die, I won't take your life in vain. Now that your situation is like this, maybe I can help. If Long Yuan really wants It explodes, and I will immediately jump out of space."

"Try now to see if you can fuse Long Yuan, maybe you have a chance!" Tang Ye shouted to the black dragon.

Heilong knew that Long Yuan hadn't exploded so quickly, so he temporarily obeyed Tang Ye. He tried to integrate the strength of Long Yuan. However, Qinglong's Long Yuan power was too strong and too much, even if he merged with all his strength, he was still surging out by Long Yuan's power, and he was shocked in his body.

If this continues, he will be hit by the strength of the Qinglong Longyuan, destroying the meridians, and his body will be hit and killed.

When something like this happened to the Black Dragon, Tang Zisang, who had originally tried to stabilize the main mother peak, was shocked, because it didn't seem to be all right to see the Black Dragon like that. Feng Zhulian and Wang Cangcang, as divine power holders, could sense the Azure Dragon Dragon Yuan in the black dragon through divine power. They were shocked, and immediately let Gu Youque and the people who only had the strength of the Holy Path Realm leave, because if Long Yuan exploded, only the power of the Holy Path Realm could not stop it.

Fengzhu Lian simply told everyone what happened to the Black Dragon now. They knew that the Black Dragon wanted to protect everyone and prevent the Qinglong Dragon Yuan from exploding. This was to stop it with life. They admire and appreciate this selflessness and greatness. But depending on the situation, it was indeed very scary, and even the black dragon could not bear it, so they had to leave.

But Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao are seriously injured now, and their actions are not very convenient. Unexpectedly, Tang Zisang went to help them and took them away.

Qiuya expressed her gratitude. Others didn't really have a good impression of the two foxes, and they were all curious to see Tang Zisang, a glamorous woman who actually took the initiative to help.

In fact, Tang Zisang didn't know why, he always felt familiar with Qiuya and Qiu Yao, so he couldn't help but help.

Qiuya was very grateful for Tang Zisang's actions, but Qiu Yao took it for granted. When Tang Zisang was growing up, their sisters helped Tang Zisang a lot. Now that Tang Zisang helped them, it was regarded as a bit of gratitude. And they were formed by Tang Sheng's air luck, Tang Zisang inherited Tang Sheng's air luck, and they are connected by air luck, of course they will feel familiar.

Roar! Roar!

The black dragon screamed even harder, Xiao Zi also came over, as well as Fengzhu Lian and Wang Cangcang, they were both divine power holders, and they all wanted to help the black dragon, but it was useless. The Dragon Yuan of the Azure Dragon collided in the body of the black dragon, and the power of the black dragon fusion with the Azure Dragon Dragon Yuan was slow and weak, and could not offset the force of the collision from the Dragon Yuan.

"Unless the strength of Long Yuan can be weakened, or the strength of Long Yuan that collides with the black dragon's body can be weakened, the black dragon will definitely not be able to withstand it. If Long Yuan cannot be prevented from exploding, our plan will eventually fail!" Feng Zhu Lian was very worried.

Wang Cangcang made use of the ability to observe Qi Luck and analyzed: "Long Yuan is actually the Blue Dragon Fright. Now the black dragon is attacked by the soul, so for example, the body, the soul is more painful!"

Tang Ye frowned suddenly, Long Yuan was the spirit of Qinglong?

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