My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2172: Old friend angry!

Mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, can be described as pleasing to the eye. If the beautiful woman is playing the piano, it will be even more perfect. But at this time, whether it was a beautiful woman or Long Qing, they were staring at the shocking scene of the purple electricity falling into the distant horizon.

Such a powerful God Thunder of Heaven's Punishment has never descended on the ancestral land for thousands of years. Now that it is down, I am afraid that somebody's power is threatening the balance of heaven and earth, and Qi Luck has to be tested to see whether it is to regain power or promote it. Now the limits of Qi Yun's shackles have been expanded a lot, allowing power close to the **** level to exist. So the power that threatens the balance of heaven and earth is to surpass the **** level and reach the level of the gods.

Who would have such a powerful force?

Long Qing thought of Tang Sheng, his great grandfather. However, the blood-linked relationship made him feel that people who were not of the Long family's blood would face such a natural punishment.

Originally Long Qing was worried about the life of the Long Family. Since he knew about Tang Zisang's existence, he was very worried about what happened to Tang Zisang. The death of the Long Family has prevented their children from living long. If it is a fateful robbery, based on the experience of the descendants of the Long family, they can't hide, so Long Qing is worried.

However, looking at the purple lightning God Thunder, even Tang Zisang still does not have such a strong power. The people behind the scenes need to use such a strong power to carry out the catastrophe.

So, it was neither the Long Family's fate nor Grandpa Zeng's work, what exactly was this?

Long Qing stared at the purple lightning in the distance, frowning and thinking. There was no such strong God's Punishment Thunder in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, but it appeared outside the big world. This means that it will not be long before the barrier between the Guwu Rivers and the Great World is broken by the overall improvement of the power of the Great World. At that time, the cultural differences between the two places did not know if they would collide and then fight.

Long Qing became a little worried.

"Long Ye asked you to come to me?" When Long Qing looked at the lightning in the sky, the beautiful masked woman suddenly spoke.

Long Qing came back to his senses, feeling very sorry, but bent over and said, "Sorry, senior, I was rude."

As the emperor of the Dragon Dynasty, the highest-ranking person in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, actually bowed to this woman and apologized. Obviously, the identity of this woman is extremely difficult. Originally thought, what is the difference between this handsome man and beautiful woman? Unexpectedly, Long Qing called this woman a senior, very respectful.

At the same time, Long Qing was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this woman knew that Tang Ye asked him to come to her. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak, and he became embarrassed.

The woman turned her head, her eyes were pure and dust-free, like a fairy. However, her appearance is really familiar. Because there was a woman dressed like this one hundred years ago, but the woman who was one hundred years ago has a slightly stronger earthly taste. Now that a hundred years have passed, a hundred years of cultivation is completely beyond the dust. And she, isn't she the music fan of a hundred years ago-Xing Ji?

Xing Ji is a very strong and not simple person. The most prominent point is that she is of the blood of the gods. This life experience is very scary, there is actually the blood of the gods in the ancestral land. Is she a **** or a human? She appeared in the ancestral land a hundred years ago, with the blood of the gods, and mastering the "ancient war rumors", she can call out the illusion of the **** of war Xingtian to attack. At the same time, you can play the ancient war rumors, a kind of enhancement buff that can be used by both monomers and groups, so that the strength of fighters can be increased several times, and they are so fearless and will not retreat until death. Whether it is a personal battle or a large-scale war, the secret techniques Xing Ji masters can play a key role.

A hundred years ago, she wanted to kill Tang Ye, but she chose Wen Dingmo to open the shackles of heaven and earth. However, she was kind by nature, and after weighing the pros and cons, she chose to let go, and even became friends with Tang Ye. She is not a child, she has her own ideas about the situation of the world. Even the blood of the Protoss is not necessarily on the side of the Protoss.

Xing Ji is indeed an extremely beautiful woman. Tang Ye took off her veil a hundred years ago and was dizzy. However, compared with the beautiful face, there is a mark on Xing Ji's cheek that is more attractive.

The mark from the blood of the gods, a fiery red battle axe mark. It is said that it can trigger divine power, but so far it hasn't, otherwise Xing Ji's identity would have been discovered long ago.

After a century of self-cultivation, Xing Ji now has a celestial and transcendent temperament, which makes people daunting, for fear of being laughed at by her, because the world is always a bit tacky, and probably will not be seen by her.

Even Long Qing can't help but feel inferior in this regard. He was also very puzzled, are all the people Grandpa Zeng knew so good? Even if the face is not old, it is still beautiful. It seems that Grandpa Zeng would have a good relationship with peach blossoms!

It is not unreasonable for Long Qing to think so. The three people Tang Ye told him to find, Xing Ji, the knight Li Fuping, and the moon **** Gu Luoxue were all women. Now after a lot of hard work, I finally saw the fans, who is a big beauty. I wonder if Li Fuping and Gu Luoxue are the same?

Xing Ji glanced at Long Qing, did not stand up, did not speak any more, and did not put Long Qing's identity and authority as an emperor in his eyes.

Long Qing didn't care. He never thought that someone who could be compared with Grandpa Zeng would be a simple character, and he was kind to him. He knew that the purpose of coming could not be hidden from Xing Ji, so he could only admit it, and said, "Senior, it was indeed Grandpa Zeng who asked me to come and find you."

Originally, Tang Ye's return to the ancestral land was a secret, he didn't want to say it, even if it was facing someone like Xing Ji. However, as soon as Xing Ji spoke of Tang Ye, he knew that Xing Ji knew a lot, so he could only admit it.

Long Qing felt very stressed, and Xing Ji felt extremely cold, as if she would anger her if she was not careful. If it weren't for Tang Ye to ask him to do this, and the dark demons appeared before, Gu Wu Jianghu needs powerful people to help suppress him. He didn't want to deal with such people, especially those who demanded each other.

It's so stressful that as an emperor, I've become humbly.

Xing Ji heard Long Qing's words and said: "I see, you go back, I will help you when necessary."

"Um." Long Qing was stunned, wondering about Xing Ji's attitude, so simply agreed. However, how did I feel a little angry, as if to agree with anger.

Long Qing hoped to be more happy, and cautiously said to Xing Ji: "Senior...Is it a little unhappy? Is this king...Is the junior doing something wrong?"

"You?" Xing Ji looked back at Long Qing, looked at it, and sneered: "You really don't look like Long Ye. If it's Long Ye, you will have a thick skin. How could it be so polite. If you don't agree to him You will still play some tricks. I didn't expect you to be so upright and open, you deserve to be an emperor."

"Thank you predecessor for the compliment." Long Qing laughed, but she was still very puzzled and still felt a lot of pressure.

Xing Ji saw his thoughts and said, "You don't need to care, I am not angry with you, but with your grandfather Zeng. Since I have come to Guwu Jianghu, I will leave without seeing an old friend?"

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