My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2157: Also friends!

That daring human being came here the first time, so confident that he can deal with himself, isn't it a bit triumphant? Thought that by killing Suzaku and Xuanwu, you would not be afraid of other beasts?

The white tiger on the top of the mountain opened his eyes with cold contempt. The demonized white tiger was wiped out. It knew, and knew that the person who came was the human who killed Suzaku and Xuanwu. Only this human being can deal with the beast, and that powerful dark magic aura is the best proof.

A human being who can use dark magic is really interesting. If it weren't for this human being who did have a human aura, it would think it was just a human being disguised by the Dark Demon Race.

The dark demons are very powerful, and they are the existence that the true gods are afraid of. However, if it was only the Dark Demon, Bai Hu would not worry. What needs to be worried is that a human being can use dark magic.

This human being is unique, able to fight with Suzaku and Xuanwu without dying. He also knows about the divine power melting pot, and now has united two divine power melting pots and obtained divine power. Combining these, this human being has the power to deal with mythical beasts.

But... roar!

Suddenly, Bai Hu stood up, his body was more than ten meters high. It roared, deafening, and jumped and flew until it reached the edge of the mountain. Below was the misty foot of the mountain, but it could not see anything at the foot of the mountain. Bai Hu stretched his head out, his green eyes seemed to be able to pass through the mist to the foot of the mountain, and shouted, "Human, I'm waiting for you on it!"

Bai Hu knew the advantages Tang Ye had now, but he was not afraid, and had the same arrogance as Suzaku and Xuanwu. If it is stupid, such arrogance is useless, and it will only become a joke when it is killed by humans. However, it can be seen from Bai Hu's expression and tone that it knows this, but it already knows how to solve it. Then it has a practical way and self-confidence to deal with Tang Ye.

The white tiger's voice rang for thousands of meters and reached the foot of the mountain. The surrounding trees were still shaken, and some were uprooted. Baihu's roar was extremely powerful, and his name as the King of the Western Heavens was veritable.

Hammer and their strength were almost affected, and they were still affected, almost standing unstable. Tang Ye is naturally as stable as Mount Tai, unaffected by it. He raised his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at the top of the mountain, knowing that it was the voice of the white tiger beast. Since the White Tiger Divine Beast knew that he was coming, he would go up and meet the White Tiger.

"Senior, can we go with you?" Suddenly, Jiang Xiaoyu asked Tang Ye.

Tang Ye was taken aback, turned to look at Jiang Xiaoyu, expressing doubt. It's just that he has no face, looking at people like this, it's quite permeating, and he doesn't speak, and others don't know what he means.

Iron Hammer didn't expect Jiang Xiaoyu to suddenly make such a request. As the captain, he must guarantee the safety of the team members. Going to the top of the mountain to deal with the white tiger is not dead?

"Xiaoyu, what do you want to do?" Iron Hammer immediately said to Jiang Xiaoyu. His tone was not in doubt, but in veto, which meant that Jiang Xiaoyu was not allowed to take such a big risk.

However, Jiang Xiaoyu was very firm and said, "Captain Tie, I want to try. I always feel whether I can break through or not. It depends on this time. If I retreat, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up again."

"You are crazy or something, do you need to fight with the beasts to break through?" Before the hammer could speak, Xia Liangliang was very bad.

The hammer continued: "Yes, Xiaoyu, don't worry this time, there will always be a chance."

Jiang Xiaoyu wanted to say something, but was stopped by the hammer wave. The meaning is obvious, it is absolutely impossible to meet Baihu on the top of the mountain. Don't talk about dealing with the white tiger, they are not qualified to say to deal with it, and the white tiger can kill them half-life with a roar, so how can the crushing power be dealt with, it is to die.

And, if you go, should the Void Lord protect it? They are not so familiar with the Void Lord. Even if you are familiar, going is a burden, dragging the Void Lord. If you can't deal with the white tiger, all humans will suffer. How can it be so hypocritical?

"I..." Jiang Xiaoyu also knows these things, but just wants to go. If you want to gain powerful strength, then a breakthrough is necessary. Especially after experiencing life and death just now, he longed for power. He thought of his grandfather Zeng, who was the boss of the underground power a hundred years ago, and later integrated into the power of the Red Wall Palace. However, civil underground forces have never been able to integrate completely, and forces such as black markets and underground transactions will always exist. And the Jiang family is the boss of these forces.

Others didn't know that Jiang's family actually had a great relationship with Red Wall. Rather, it is the Red Wall who assumes that the Jiang family maintains the position of the leader of those powers and helps the Red Wall to manage it. And the Jiang family can do this, it has to start from a century ago.

One hundred years ago, the underground power, Jiang Xiaoyu’s grandfather Jiang Xiaobai, was one of the three-legged young master. Later, because he met Tang Ye, he got help from Tang Ye and became the leader of the underground power. Later, he eradicated the little prince. The country lives in these and becomes a unified figure.

Jiang Xiaobai is an eclectic person who pursues an interesting and adventurous life, so when he completed the unification of the underground forces, he followed Tang Yehun, and later cooperated with Tang Ye to investigate and monitor the western castle, that is, those few The lurking whereabouts of the vampire. From then on, Jiang Xiaobai entered a whole new world, a magical world that transcended science and was bizarre.

But he didn't have the power in this area, so he asked Tang Ye to teach him some power. According to his preferences, Tang Ye taught him a set of light skills, shuttle in the dark night, assassination and so on. This set of light exercises, called "Zongtian Ladder", is an extremely outstanding light exercise secret.

After Jiang Xiaobai had practiced this set of exercises, he had become a fish in the sea. Now, a hundred years later, Jiang Xiaobai's great-grandson, Jiang Xiaoyu, inherited this set of exercises, so in the Lion Team, he is an assassin type.

However, in the face of divine power coming and people with supernatural powers constantly emerging, Jiang Xiaoyu felt that his power had begun to appear hugely limited, and he wanted to break through and make light work faster. However, breakthrough is not easy, even his grandfather Zeng a hundred years ago, did not know how to break through the limitations of the vertical ladder, then how would he know.

Unless you see Tang Sheng himself and get guidance from Tang Sheng, it will be impossible. However, Tang Sheng is no longer there, so he can only work hard by himself. For this reason, Jiang Xiaoyu wanted to fight Baihu. If he didn't die, he would probably understand it.

However, they did not agree with Hammer, and Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help it. He obeyed the order, since he had abandoned the life of the eldest master of the family, he had this consciousness. He was so sad that he could only wait for the next chance.

Tang Ye looked at Jiang Xiaoyu, vaguely feeling a little familiar, familiar with that face and the light work Jiang Xiaoyu had just seen. After thinking about it, he remembered that it was the unruly young master Jiang Xiaobai.

He is also a good friend. Jiang Xiaobai helped protect Lin Yourong.

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