My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2141: Humble!

That is really absurd. It was also said that Tang Sanctuary cultivated the Great Way of Life, which could handle everything from heaven and earth. As long as the strength was sufficient, nothing could not be eliminated. It was an all-encompassing power. Tang Sheng's power is already strong enough, and the weight of Qi Luck is even more unmatched, but now he can't deal with the Void Lord!

Isn't this absurd?

Qiu Yao felt very ironic and very angry, and felt that everything was so unfair. She would not leave alone, so she went to save Qiuya.

Qiuya was cut through the body by the claws of the soul, and was backlashed. If she didn't help to get rid of it, the consequences would be serious enough to die. If the soul is damaged, the cultivation base will be scattered if not dead. Qiu Yao would not just watch what happened to her sister.

But Qiuya was very angry, and then called Qiu Yao and said, "Qiu Yao, hurry up!"

Qiuya had already felt the terrible power of Tang Ye, and the claws that had manipulated the soul-cutting counterattack her. Now her soul is controlled and can no longer deal with Tang Ye, even if it is difficult to cast spells, it is easy to kill her. If you want to deal with Qiu Yao again, it's not difficult. Therefore, she didn't want Qiu Yao to have an accident.

For this kind of result, she had never imagined. She had assumed that the method of soul cutting could not kill Tang Ye, and then she needed herself and Qiu Yao to continue to fight the Void Lord. However, I never thought that the secret technique of soul cutting would be controlled by the Void Lord to eat her back. Because this is absolutely impossible, manipulating the cutting of the soul, besides her, there are only two people who will be there, one is Tang Sheng's deity, and the other is Tang Sheng's Master Nong Baicao!

However, even Nong Baicao, without Tang Sheng's strong luck, can't do the soul cutting combined with Tang Sheng's luck!

Then, there is only one result, that is, the Void Lord, and that is Tang Sheng's deity!

This... Qiuya was in pain, but she was shocked by this amazing fact that she had deduced. Regardless of the pain, she stared at Tang Ye, turned on the Demon Fox Eye Technique, and wanted to see Tang Ye's identity through any detail. See if this Void Lord, as you inferred, is Tang Sheng's deity!

At this time, Tang Ye's concealment of identity revealed a flaw!

He is manipulating the soul to cut back and bite Xiang Qiuya, and Tang Sheng's power needs to be used in it. Even if he was hidden, he was still seen by Qiuya's Demon Fox Eye Technique.

In fact, it was all right that Qiuya's soul-cut claws penetrated into the body just now, because Tang Ye switched to Tang Sheng's body. In Tang Sheng's state, the power of Qi Luck is the same as that of Soul Cutting Claws, so it will not cause harm. If it was in the state of transforming demons and Tang Sheng Qiyun power could not recognize it, then he would still attack his soul.

Now that Tang Sheng's power was used, Qiu Ya, who used his Dao to practice, was a powerful existence with his Qi Luck power, and something would definitely be discovered.

After using the fox demon pupil, Qiu Ya saw the little golden light radiating from Tang Ye's body, unable to hide it, that was Tang Sheng's breath!

It really is Tang Sheng!

At this moment, Qiuya didn't know what to say. The whole person was shocked, staring blankly at Tang Ye without any movement, as if stupid.

Tang Sheng, whom she had always wanted to pursue, was in front of her!

And she actually shot Tang Sheng, wanting to kill Tang Sheng, to seize the power of the beast that Tang Sheng has hunted so hard, this kind of thing is simply...unforgivable!

Qiuya suddenly panicked and felt that she had done something unforgivable. It's like, loving someone deeply, but doing something to hurt the person you love deeply.

At this time, Qiu Yao came to rescue Qiu Ya, she launched an attack on Tang Ye, and wanted Tang Ye to stop cutting Qiu Ya's soul. Her sharp claws grabbed Tang Ye's throat, using all her strength to strike the deadliest attack.

Seeing this, Qiu Ya was shocked, and she should not offend Tang Sheng again!

She whispered to Qiu Yao: "Qiu Yao, no!"

Tang Ye glanced at Qiu Yao, and felt it was necessary to teach this arrogant vixen. He merged a bit of Qiyun power, just like Qiu Yao sent Tang Sheng Qiyun power to restrain him, his attack Qiu Yao could not be avoided. Suddenly, two giant python-like dark magic powers, combined with the power of luck, rushed in front of Qiu Yao. Qiu Yao wanted to retreat, but she was really unmoved. She was easily entangled by the two dark magic powers, and stood upright like a bundle. Mid-air.

Tang Ye said to Qiu Yao: "You vixen, you are extremely hostile, I am afraid that you have killed a lot. Is it such a monster, is it a punishment?"

Tang Ye would not hesitate to kill the two vixen Qiuya and Qiu Yao who came to grab the basal power. He couldn't tolerate the robbing of basal power. And, these two are vixens, whether they are a huge threat to the human race, it also needs to be considered. If it is, it must be killed. If not, probably Yaozu would not be very friendly to humans, right?

What's more, Qiu Yao was full of hostility, indicating that there were a lot of killings. Can't such an existence be said to be kind?

Tang Ye didn't feel much about Qiu Yao. Seeing that Qiu Yao was so fierce, he wanted to teach her first. Then he condensed a monster-killing sword formed by dark magic power in front of him. If it pierced Qiu Yao's heart, Qiu Yao would be seriously injured if he died. Fox demon is not easy to kill, even if it is pierced in the heart, it can still be cured. This is quite special. Maybe this is the benefit that the fox demon gets after eating cannibalism?

It is even said that when the nine-tailed demon fox is reached, there is a theory of nine lives.

Tang Ye pushed the Demon Slayer Sword to attack Qiu Yao.

"Tang Sheng, show mercy!" At this moment, Qiu Ya called out to Tang Ye.

"Huh?" Tang Ye was taken aback, then looked back at Qiu Ya, a little puzzled, and didn't use the Demon Slayer to beat Qiu Yao for a while.

He wondered, Qiuya knew her identity? How did you expose yourself?

If you say you don't admit it, but Qiu Ya suddenly called out Tang Sheng's name, which shows that she indeed knows it and verified it. But, why is she a fox demon calling her subordinates to be merciful?

Compared with Tang Ye's doubts, Qiu Yao was dumbfounded. Originally, she was struggling with Tang Ye's restraint, but when she heard Qiu Ya's words, she was really surprised and watched Tang Ye motionless.

Tang Sheng?

Are you kidding me? The Void Lord is Tang Sheng? The saint of the human race who exudes luck and protects himself so that he can become a demon into a spirit, it can be said that he is a human saint who regenerates his parents?

Who is the most respected but also the most feared person?

"Sister?" Qiu Yao didn't believe in such a thing, she couldn't help but look at Qiu Ya, wondering if Qiu Ya was in a state of insanity, how could he call the Venerable Void Lord Tang Sheng?

However, Qiuya looked resolute. After taking a look at Qiu Yao, she looked at Tang Ye again, with a painful expression, as if guilty and repentant, and said: "Tang Sheng, please let my sister go, I... I didn't expect it to be you! If I knew, I wouldn't dare to give me 10,000 courage!"

Tang Ye was stunned, a little uncomfortable. How did it feel that Qiuya, who was so powerful as to be close to the **** level, this vixen, in front of Tang Sheng's name, was willing to make herself so humble?

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