My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2110: Ba% is!

Qiu Yao felt very boring after seeing Jiang Xiaoyu's reaction. He is also a man who can't resist his sister's beauty, vulgar and intolerable. So what fun is there, just let it go. However, Qiu Yao found it interesting again when she saw the hammer and the others. There are two women, who will never be obsessed with the charm of the fox demon.

In fact, Xia Liangliang said that he was not a woman, but Qiu Yao first judged that Xia Liangliang was a woman, and she didn't know whether it was true or not.

Qiuya frowned, looking at the hammer and the others who arrived later, her expression was still serious, and she knew that she might not be able to leave smoothly.

She didn't want to fight with Hammer and them, but she had to do it if necessary. She had already estimated that even if she didn't use the power of the fox demon, she could still deal with them. In this way, even if the identity of the other party is suspected, the other party cannot be determined.

The hammer fell behind Jiang Xiaoyu and reached out and pressed Jiang Xiaoyu's shoulder. Jiang Xiaoyu shuddered in her body, and looked back at Iron Hammer and Lily and Xia Liangliang. She suddenly felt embarrassed and smiled awkwardly.

He was not distracted by Qiuya's charm of the fox demon, he was really moved, but, probably as a fox demon, Qiuya's beauty is invisibly seductive, so Jiang Xiaoyu is also affected by the power of the fox demon's charm. of. Now that they are there with more hammers, even if they are impressed by Qiuya's beauty, it is not so straightforward, and they will feel embarrassed, and then they will be less affected by charm.

"Boss, I..." Jiang Xiaoyu was still embarrassed, because she was delayed on the task because of her beauty, so there was no face to explain.

The hammer shook his head, glanced at Qiu Ya, and then at Jiang Xiaoyu and said, "This is normal, it's okay."

Qiuya is so beautiful, it's normal for young people to be affected, and even his uncle is unavoidable. But as a man who has experienced many battles, at this juncture, his heart is not beautiful and his will is firm, so he is not affected much. However, Lily and Xia Liangliang are a bit contemptuous of Jiang Xiaoyu, and the guy who is bewildered by beauty is really unreliable!

But, in fact, the moment Lily and Xia Liangliang saw Qiuya, they were shocked. Although they are girls, Xia Liangliang's gender is unknown... However, facing Qiuya's appearance, they couldn't help being ashamed, and then they felt unwilling, a little angry, and probably jealous.

The Hammer looked at Qiu Ya, and seeing Qiu Ya's charming look, he thought it might indeed be a vixen. He settled down and was on guard, not wanting to follow Qiuya's way accidentally. He looked at Qiuya and said, "We are investigating a murder case, please cooperate with me."

Qiuya stopped manually under the car door. In the murder case, I tracked them down, and saw that Qiu Yao was the cause of murder. She was quite surprised. She deserved to be the No. 1 ability team of the Red Wall Palace, with outstanding ability, tracking them so quickly.

"What murder case?" Of course Qiu Ya wouldn't admit it, looking at the hammer and said displeased. Everything is acting. With such a serious appearance, she is more like a city prince with outstanding ability, who dare not easily offend and embarrass her, and she has a very strong momentum.

It's a pity that Hammer has gone through many battles, and will not be confused when facing any kind of person. He looked at Qiuya and said, "The murder case happened not long ago in the alley outside the bar in the spring."

Qiuya sneered and said, "This is so far from there, how can it be related to me? This gentleman, can't you be mistaken?"

"Now we are investigating the suspect, not that it must be the murderer, so..." Hammer continued.

Qiuya didn't want to talk nonsense, and interrupted him: "You don't have the right to do this."

"No, I have." The hammer was not afraid of Qiuya, nor did he make any concessions. He handles these cases, and there are dozens of tricky ones, so he is very familiar with and smoothly dealt with them because he was afraid of making things difficult. He said to Qiu Ya: "We are ordered to investigate over the Red Wall. We have all the power to catch people you want to see. You can cooperate with us or not, then we will not be so polite. ."

Qiuya looked even more coldly, and hummed: "So, with the name of the red wall, you can do whatever you want, and you can catch anyone when you see it? This is really particular..."

The hammer laughed and said: "First of all, we will not do whatever we want. Then, we are not arresting people casually. If we track you down, there must be evidence. You will know if you cooperate with the investigation. But why can't you even cooperate with you? What?"

Qiuya stared at the hammer, her expression getting colder. She realized that the hammer would never let her go, but she didn't want to go to war.


At this time, Qiu Yao in the car came down. Qiu Yao was not so polite, and directly sarcastically said to the hammer: "The dog of the red wall palace, with a real nose, actually traced it to my sister and me. I tell you, you do whatever you want. Be careful. You're welcome. Anyway, you won't be polite to my sister and me, just fight, I know your identity, you are very strong, but not the strongest."

"Huh." Qiu Yao snorted coldly, full of disdain, very upset with Hammer and them.

She has such a temper, the ability of the seven-tailed demon fox has long since feared anyone. For the past hundred years, I have been cultivating in the dark and have not been dispatched. It is because I am afraid of those who know their identities, such as the great master of Fumoshi Yun Youlan, because they know that they are stealing Tang Shengqi luck, so I know that they can pass The descendants of Tang Sheng came to deal with them. Tang Sheng's descendants can influence Tang Sheng's luck, if they can disturb their luck, then they will be helpless. Therefore, they are afraid of those who know their secret. Fortunately, they learned that only Yun Youlan knew their secrets. After Yun Youlan's death, they worried that Yun Youlan would still be hiding if she left behind.

A hundred years later, they did a lot of things to ensure that what Yun Youlan left behind did not involve their secrets, so they could take it with confidence. In fact, if it weren't for the influence of the heaven and earth situation, they still wanted to keep hiding until they reached the realm of the nine-tailed demon fox, then they don't have to worry about Tang Ye's luck. In this way, no one can contain them, unless they are stronger than them.

In other words, Tang Sheng's descendants can deal with them. Such as Tang Zisang, such as Long Qing in the ancient Wu Jianghu. However, they ensured Tang Zisang and Long Qing so that no one else knew their identities, so they were not afraid.

Now facing the hammers and the others, they can deal with them without using the power of the fox demon. Qiuyao is not like Qiuya, thinking about peacefully solving everything with mankind. If she is upset, just do it directly, why not talk nonsense.

Just now, Iron Hammer and their attention were all on Qiuya, and they did not expect that there would be another Qiu Yao. When they saw Qiu Yao, they were taken aback again. She is actually a beautiful and celestial woman. Although she feels a bit like a hot girl, she is also a stunner who makes men head over heels.

"This is suspicious, 80% of it is a vixen!" Suddenly Xia Liangliang said.

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