My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2106: track!

The place where the murder took place was an alley outside the back door of a bar. When Hammer and them arrived here, they had already sealed off the surrounding area, along with the bar. The people in the bar also controlled and requested to cooperate with the investigation. Because it was suspected that the murderer might be mixed in the bar, he was released after the investigation.

I suspect that the people in the bar are reasonable, because in the eyes of the Volunteer, the bar is an excellent place for the fox demon to act. The fox demon can seduce men who have fun in the bar with beauty. With the fox demon's beauty and a little more charming ability, ordinary men have no possibility of resisting it. They will easily follow the fox demon and leave it under the control of the fox demon.

The charm of the fox demon is a powerful ability, not just the so-called beauty. Therefore, even if you are a cultivator, you must have enough mental concentration to resist it, otherwise you will be tempted by the fox demon, be fascinated by the fox demon, and then be manipulated by any fox demon.

The murder scene was not bloody, on the contrary, it was very simple and clear, it was a person without a heart. However, this method of death is very scary, and the heart is taken away by life, which always makes people feel abnormal. Therefore, apart from the people of the Red Wall Palace, no one else should approach, so as not to cause panic. The Red Wall Palace concealed this matter from the outside, but if it could not hide it, it was an ordinary murder.

After checking the surroundings of the alley, there was nothing unusual, and then went to the bar to check. The Fumo master in charge of the matter said: "If it is a fox monster, I may not be able to see it. After all, the fox monster is charming and good at hiding, but can instantly display the illusion. She blinks, may be an illusion, making people true or false. The false distinction is unclear. Therefore, we have to record everyone, and we can’t check it here. We can also investigate the identity and background from the records one by one afterwards.”

"Good." The hammer nodded. Then let Jiang Xiaoyu and Xia Liangliang follow the Fumoshi to investigate in the bar, while he and Baihe continued to investigate outside.

Everyone in the bar must be registered. Since it is not possible to see the authenticity of the identity immediately, this is the only way to go. Of course, simple ID card confirmation requires scanning and checking. However, if it is a fox demon, I don't know how many years it has been hidden in this world, it is not difficult to get a valid ID card. Even, she is a person she usually sees and has been living a human life, but no one has ever discovered her identity as a fox demon.

This is very difficult to investigate. If it is really a fox demon a hundred years ago, a lot of information can be improved in a hundred years. It is very difficult to investigate back to what was 100 years ago. Because a hundred years ago, Shenji Technology was just established, and it didn't record everyone's situation, let alone a rare demon.

Jiang Xiaoyu and Xia Liangliang followed Na Fumo to investigate in the bar, but Hammer and Lily were still outside. Lily was a little strange, and asked: "Captain, we have already investigated outside, are there any questions?"

The Hammer stared at the surroundings and said: "We can't just preconceive this matter, thinking that the murderer is a fox monster, and then investigate it according to the idea that the murderer is a fox monster. Until the murderer is really investigated, don't think about the murderer. Identity, maybe someone else."

Lily expressed his understanding and said, "Then what are we going to do now?"

The hammer walked to the wall by the side of the alley, looked at it, and said, "There has been a fight here, do you know?"

"Huh?" Lily was stunned, walked over and looked for a few times, but found no traces of fighting, and there was no damage on the wall. She couldn't help but wonder: "Where do you see it?"

Hammer smiled, Jiang was still hot. After he came down from the battlefield, he performed more tasks than Lily and the others, and he was naturally richer in experience. He walked to the middle of the alley, closed his eyes and felt it, his hands suddenly clenched into claws, whirred for a while, then stopped, and soon saw signs of damage to the surrounding walls.

Lily was watching and didn't see the hammer hit the wall, but the wall had been damaged. She saw that the damage to the wall seemed to be done by sharp claws, but the degree and shape were different, indicating that two people left behind. This means that two people have fought here.

Lily understood now and looked at the hammer and said, "It turns out that this is the case, so I can continue to investigate."

The Hammer was able to detect this trace of battle, in addition to his rich experience, but also because of some abilities. They are the first team of powers, and the obvious one is that they are the people with powers. Good in their respective fields. As a leader, Hammer possesses the same ability as an eagle eye, and can detect many things that are not noticed by others. This also allows him to advance or recognize enemy attacks in battle, and then defend. In team combat, he takes the position of the meat shield.

The hammer went over the wall and looked at the damage. I didn't see this trace just now because it was covered up. From this point of view, the hammer can confirm that the person who fights has abilities. Because of the ability, it can be quickly covered up, possibly because of some secret technique.

Then the damage was caused by the claw attack. Then two people can guess that they have claws. In this case, it is indeed possible to speculate in the direction of the demon fox.

It's a pity that except for the traces of fighting, the hammer can't find anything else, so I have to return to the bar to see what Xia Liangliang has gained from them. But then Lily said that he could continue the investigation. Lily took out a medicine bottle and threw the medicine bottle to a place where there were signs of fighting. The medicine bottle was smashed and the potion spilled out, and the potion evaporated and sublimated, and then a little green light appeared in the air.

Lily explained: "This is a potion for tracking taste. It is my latest research and development. It can be tracked based on smell. If I add poison, it can be pursued in battle. In addition, it can also deal with invisible people. Now this potion There is a green light, that is the smell left by the people fighting here. I can use this potion to trace them through the smell, but it will take some time."

Iron Hammer did not expect that Lily had developed such a useful thing, and praised: "This is very good. You will track it right away, and you will work with Xia Liangliang and the others."

Lily nodded, and began to use the taste tracing potion to detect traces little by little.

Huhu, Ka Ka!

At this moment, on a certain hill, under the hazy moon, the two figures were fighting fast. These are two women, vaguely seen, they are both extremely beautiful and very similar, probably twin sisters.

The only scary thing is that under the fight, the two women have sharp claws out of both hands. This is obviously not a human being!

Looking closer, under their hips, there is a fluffy white tail swinging, it is actually a fox!


After the two women's claws fought each other, they withdrew, and then confronted each other, and each released two vitality bullets, colliding together, and exploding. Then the outcome was not divided, the strength of the two was not much different, and the attacks were more similar, and then they confronted each other.

At this time, the woman with the silver earrings said: "Sister, if you kill people indiscriminately, something will happen!"

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