My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2101: Kill the heart!

The basalt beast is not just like a turtle. It is a giant beast where a tortoise and a giant python are fused together. The overall appearance is a tortoise, but with a giant python entwined, it looks extremely fierce, not as good-natured as people imagine.

The sea was turbulent, huge waves rose into the sky, and basalt emerged from the sea, causing violent changes. The waves spread out like a small tsunami. In the face of such power, the ship seemed very weak and weak. However, the people on the ship came prepared and would not be knocked down so easily. Among them, cultivators and people with supernatural powers released their power to resist this huge wave. Those who master the power of science and technology open up technological barriers to protect ships from being swept away by huge waves.

The huge wave opened its mouth like a beast, rushed down, and swallowed the entire ship. After the rumbling, the turbulent waves slowly subsided. Surprisingly, the ship was still there, but it was shaking badly. From this point of view, the ship blocked the huge waves from the Xuanwu floating head.

At this time, the people on the ship saw the basalt beast that appeared in front of them, and they were all shocked. They couldn't believe that such a giant beast really existed in the world. Seeing it with my own eyes is more shocking than any imagination or film and television. They looked at the Xuanwu of the turtle and snake, but if they looked at the tortoise's head, they felt quite docile and honest. However, when I saw the giant python head entwined next to him, I felt this terrifying.

This is equivalent to having two heads, a tortoise head and a giant python head. Everyone felt that the head of the giant python must be more aggressive, so they planned to hit the head of the giant python of Xuanwu first.

However, the Xuanwu that emerged, whether it was the Xuan** skull or the snake snake head, did not look at the ship. The two heads looked forward, as if there was something worthy of their attention.

However, there was nothing ahead, and there was no movement for a long time.

Regardless of the number of people on the boat, after accumulating strength, they attacked the head of Xuanwu snake python.


A volley of several shells, coupled with the strength of the master cultivator, hit the Xuanwu side. However, these forces did not touch the head of Xuanwu's snake and python, and were blocked and intercepted directly outside. And Xuanwu did nothing. This is just because Xuanwu is known for its strong defense power, and it has a natural defense barrier, and ordinary forces cannot pass through this natural defense barrier of Xuanwu.

In other words, the power emitted from this ship was so ordinary to Xuanwu.

Several people on the ship saw that their attack not only failed to get close to Xuanwu, but also turned into nothingness at a distance from Xuanwu. They couldn't help but be astonished. What was going on, Xuanwu didn't move, and this blocked their own. attack?

Several people were unwilling to attack Xuanwu again, but the result was still the same, their attacks couldn't get close to Xuanwu.

Xuanwu had been looking ahead, and suddenly became unhappy with the attack from the ship, because he felt it was an eyesore, and the explosion of the bomb affected his vision. The giant python's head was low, but it looked understatement, and he hummed: "An eyesore."

After speaking, the giant python's head sighed at the ship, and it suddenly hit the ship like a huge wave. The ship was submerged in the huge waves and turned into nothingness, and there would be no bones left.

These few people on the boat probably didn't expect that they would be gone like this, and they have not yet entered the fierce battle. Xuanwu just sighed and they were gone. It was too easy. So insignificant, why bother to die. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine for them, they can only regret at the moment of death. It is impossible to obtain treasures and become a hero who hunts down the gods, as if it had never existed.

For Xuanwu, they existed like this, they could ignore things that didn't exist, and couldn't make any waves.

After the ship was cleared, Xuanwu continued to stare forward. Suddenly, the head of Xuanwu's giant python accumulates a force, and then it sprays out towards the front.

"Get out, why hide away again." The head of Xuanwu's giant python roared out low.

The ejected force was a violent wave of water. The ordinary high-pressure water gun hits people very painfully, and such a powerful water wave is even more terrifying. Just like the ship just now, it was directly beaten into nothingness.

Xuanwu felt a familiar force before staring at the front, and then attacked. That familiar power is the power of its companion Suzaku. However, it knows that Suzaku has fallen, and it can no longer be Suzaku, that is, the person who has seized the power of Suzaku. It was angry at this kind of thing. Originally, it would not wake up so quickly, but at the moment Suzaku fell, it felt that it was angry and heartbroken. The four great beasts, the Eastern Blue Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Suzaku, and the Northern Xuanwu, are brothers and sisters, and even have a deeper relationship. Suzaku was killed. They failed to help. It was an agonizing thing. The awakened Xuanwu vowed to make the life of Suzaku worse than death!

After the shock waves ejected from the head of Xuanwu's giant python hit, if it is not stopped, I am afraid that somewhere will be destroyed again. But at this moment, the water wave seemed to hit something, and could no longer hit it, splashing up, down, left, and right. After a while, the shock wave disappeared.

Only then did I see that a person was standing floating there where the huge wave hit. It was Tang Ye, the faceless Venerable Master Tang Ye with a black hood.

After Tang Ye appeared, he flickered a few times and approached Xuanwu. At this time, Xuanwu also showed most of his body, no longer two heads. The Xuanwu that emerged from the body was like a hill in the sea, huge and amazing, and a real behemoth.

"Human, you killed the Vermillion Bird?!" Xuanwu looked at Tang Ye and drank angrily.

Tang Ye looked at Xuanwu and said, "What if I say no?"

Xuanwu was indeed not considered to have been killed by Tang Ye, because it was Fengzhu Lian who really killed Suzaku. The phoenix curtain absorbed Suzaku's divine power, and the Suzaku was exhausted. Of course, as he who formulated and led the plan to capture divine power, he was naturally the culprit of everything. Suzaku died because of him.

Both of Xuanwu's heads spoke, overlapping anger, hoarse and sharp, as if the sound effects were adjusted. The tortoise's head and that of the giant python's head were intertwined and overlapped, and shouted in a low voice, "You can't lie to me, you have the power of Suzaku, if you didn't kill Suzaku, how could you have the power of Suzaku!"

Tang Ye has the power of Suzaku, which is actually not the power of Suzaku, but the divine fire of Suzaku. After Feng Zhu Lian absorbed Suzaku's power that day, his whole body burst into flames. In order to relieve her pain, Tang Ye captured a part of the flame. This is probably the reason why there is a little Suzaku breath in his power.

Tang Ye looked at Xuanwu without arguing any more, and said, "What if I killed Suzaku? Since you have a condemnation of my human race, why can't I kill you?"

"You..." Xuanwu suddenly became extremely angry, rampant human beings.

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