My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2097: Xuanwu wake up!

The plan to seize divine power, while hunting down the beasts, also means creating a god. At this time, the Phoenix Pearl Curtain possessing the supernatural power carried by the Suzaku is equivalent to the second Suzaku.

Having seized all the power of Suzaku, at this time the limit of the melting pot of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain was nearly saturated. So at this moment, she couldn't control herself to burst out a powerful divine power, just like the Suzaku that burst out just now, with an extremely powerful aura, as if to soar into the sky.

After all, Phoenix Pearl Curtain was a body of flesh and blood, and suddenly gained such a powerful divine power that it was unbearable and began to suffer. Her clothes also burned out, and she became a naked child who seemed to be bathed in flames. If it weren't for the painful expression of Fengzhu Lian, she would feel that she was an extremely beautiful woman who could control flames.

"Master..." Feng Zhulian became more uncomfortable, afraid that she could not bear it, and called Tang Ye, asking Tang Ye to help her relieve the pain.

Tang Ye was very worried, and immediately went over to see the situation of Fengzhu Lian. As for Suzaku, it was already dying and he no longer needed to care. He simply ordered Tang Zisang and the others to solve the Vermillion Bird. And Suzaku, a divine beast, is a treasure, which can be used to create powerful weapons, clothes and other equipment.

Killing the sacred beast, but also to disassemble its body, it seems a bit cruel, blatantly killing people and stealing treasures. However, Tang Ye didn't care so much, what he needed to face next was the power of the true god, how could he deal with it without good equipment. Now they are so struggling to deal with a **** beast. If they face a true god, what else can they start?

Now that the divine power has emerged, the Suzaku wakes up, and a second divine beast will soon wake up. Therefore, the next enemy can be said to be of God level, and Tang Ye's strength advantage will slowly be lost, and the battle will become difficult.

The divine power carried by Suzaku already possesses a divine will, if it cannot be merged, it will lose control instead. At this time, Feng Zhu Lian's expression became more and more distorted, and his eyes turned into two **** of flames, just like the appearance of Hua Mo out of control. Tang Ye reached her side and immediately blocked her with dark magic power and tied her up.

However, that was pure divine power after all, just like Tang Ye couldn't deal with Vermillion Bird at the beginning, and now his dark magic power can't hold the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, he is broken away bit by bit.

This is tantamount to dealing with Suzaku in its heyday. Tang Ye didn't want this to happen, otherwise the plan would be wasted. Then he tied the phoenix curtain with dark magic power again, and then quickly left with the phoenix curtain. After leaving the volcanic island, Tang Ye took the Fengzhu Curtain and plunged into the sea, trying to use sea water to relieve the burden of the sacred fire on the Fengzhu Curtain.

However, after plunged into the bottom of the sea, the sea water soon boiled. This is due to the magical flames of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, and the sea water can’t cool her down, and can’t reduce her burden. She is still very painful and difficult to integrate this powerful Divine power.

Tang Ye frowned. In desperation, he opened the space and jumped continuously. When he reached the far north, he brought the phoenix pearl curtain to the extreme cold place, hoping to relieve the burden of the phoenix pearl curtain through the freezing. However, the surrounding ice cubes were affected by the flames of the sacred fire and melted one after another, causing avalanches.

Tang Ye had to hide with Fengzhu curtain. However, Fengzhu Lian's condition finally improved, and she was not so painful anymore. It's just that this still won't work. The constant pain would still make Phoenix Pearl Curtain unbearable, and if it was defeated by divine power and turned into a second Vermillion Bird, the consequences would be disastrous.

Feng Zhu Lian passed out in pain. This is very dangerous. After being unconscious, the will is very weak. If you don't pay attention, you may be defeated by divine power.

Tang Ye had no choice but to withdraw the dark magic power from his body, enter Tang Sheng's power state, and then transform his own flame power to forcibly absorb the flames on the Phoenix Pearl Curtain.

The flame power of Chaos Phoenix is ​​much stronger than that of Shenhuo, so Tang Ye can fuse the flames on the Phoenix Pearl Curtain. However, he could not seize the divine power, that is, he could not become the divine power melting pot. He was puzzled about this. Since he can carry all kinds of power, dark magic power is fine, why is the divine power not?

Probably some secret restrictions of the body. Tang Ye didn't have time to consider this slowly now, and needed to concentrate on reducing the burden of the sacred fire on Fengzhu Lian. Fortunately, everything went well. When he captured the sacred fire of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, the expression of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, who was still suffering after being unconscious, slowly eased.

After capturing a considerable part of the sacred fire, the flame around Feng Zhu Lian's body was almost gone, and Feng Zhu Lian was no longer so painful. Coupled with the coldness of the surrounding glaciers, it also started to play a role. Then, Fengzhu Lian woke up leisurely and found that she had improved a lot. She looked at Tang Ye and was very grateful.

Sure enough, the Lord is extremely powerful, so reliable, really amazing!

Tang Ye was relieved to see Feng Zhu Lian wake up. Now that this burden, Feng Zhu Lian can dissolve it.

But there are some situations that require Feng Zhulian's attention. She now has no clothes and is naked, so it is not very good to be exposed, although there is no one around.

Tang Ye coughed lightly, turned around, turned her back to Feng Zhulian and said, "First, find a place to integrate your divine power, and I will find some clothes for you."

"Huh?" Feng Zhulian was stunned, and looked down, only to find herself naked. It was different from before. Before, she would be angry and feel that she was at a disadvantage. She was taken advantage of by Tang Ye, and she wanted to scold Tang Ye, but now, she just blushed, very embarrassed and extremely shy.

She didn't talk nonsense, hit the glacier ground with a punch, causing the glacier to rise, surrounded by pieces of ice, and piled up into a square space, covering her.

Feng Zhu Lian was not so embarrassed, and said to Tang Ye, "Thank you Lord."

Tang Ye nodded in response, then opened the space and left, and fetched clothes for Fengzhu Curtain. There were no people on the glacier in the far north, and the Phoenix Pearl Curtain was awake and could use power, so he was not afraid of any accidents from the Phoenix Pearl Curtain.

However, he didn't know that just now, when he retreated from the state of transforming demons, he used Tang Sheng's own power to alarm a person in the far north.

It is the sleeping goddess Lu Celadon!

Tang Ye would never have thought that Lu Celadon would be in the far north. He thought that no one would know even if Tang Sheng's power was revealed in this deserted far north. Unfortunately, Lu Celadon is here. If it is an ordinary person, it may not be noticed under his careful cover. But Lu Celadon is not an ordinary person, she is a goddess, and even a person who is infatuated with Tang Sheng, how can he not recognize Tang Sheng?

Therefore, at this time, Lu Celadon, who was still frozen under the abyss of ice, originally raised her eyebrows occasionally, but now she almost blinked. The old man is by his side, and the thoughts in her heart explode, I am afraid she will wake up early.

In addition to the awakening of Lu Celadon, there are still greater changes in this land. Because the far north is to the south, it is the sea to the north. Here, it is the sleeping place of the beast Xuanwu.

Tang Ye brought the phoenix curtain that had absorbed the supernatural power of the Vermillion Bird, and passed through the northern sea area, stimulating Xuanwu. Under the vast abyss of the north sea, suddenly a huge black eye pupil opened!

As soon as these eyes opened, there was a stormy sea on the north sea, sweeping to the south. This sudden huge wave, like a tsunami, shattered ships on the sea and destroyed coastal cities.

Tang Ye, who had gone to find clothes for Feng Zhu Lian, suddenly looked back towards the north sea area with a cold expression.

Mythical Beast Xuanwu, awakened!

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