My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2094: Hunt!

Suzaku's expression became more gloomy when he saw one by one of the powerful saints appear. It knows that these people are here to hunt it. Not only that, but also want to seize the supernatural power it possesses. The best proof is the emergence of the power melting pot.

These arrogant people!

Suzaku looked at Fengzhu Lian and them, full of anger. A group of ants want to fight with God in vain. Today it will kill all these people and tell humans not to fight with God in vain!


Suzaku screamed, and immediately attacked the Fengzhu curtain. It has understood what these people want to do, that is, hunting it and taking its divine power. And to seize divine power, you must have a divine power melting pot. If the power furnace is gone, then everything is over.

So the primary goal is to kill Phoenix Pearl Curtain!

When Feng Zhulian saw Suzaku rushing towards her, she was not afraid. No one else was afraid. They have all trained in the Suzaku fantasy world for a few days, and they are already familiar with Suzaku. Although the outburst of Suzaku looks more turbulent and powerful, they can still remain calm.

They are all geniuses among human beings, and they are all outstanding in wisdom, understanding, and strength. Therefore, after training, no more low-level mistakes will be made.

Faced with the impact of the Suzaku, Fengzhu Lian immediately evaded, while painting and releasing the defensive colossus, which is the power of the ancient landscape. Then, everyone else seized the opportunity to attack Suzaku. After the corpse Kui swallowed the power of the dead members of the Refining Ten Destructions, the corpse control technique was upgraded. For this reason, the corpses he summoned can be mutated, extend wings, fly up to the air, and fight the Suzaku.

Although this attack failed to injure Suzaku, it also played a deterrent effect. One person’s attack plays a small role, but the combined effect of several people’s attacks is greater. Even Suzaku can't ignore this kind of thing. But what Suzaku had to do was to kill Fengzhu Curtain in the first place. If you get a little blow, but you can kill the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, it doesn't matter. Therefore, it unswervingly went to kill the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, letting Ziekui and Tang Zisang attack it.

However, Suzaku thought it could attack the phoenix pearl curtain, so it would be able to eliminate the weak human being in just one shot, but at a critical moment, Tang Ye appeared in front of the phoenix pearl curtain to protect it.

Tang Ye released the maximum dark magic power, opened six dead doors, and the surging darkness magic power all over his body was shining like the flames burning on Suzaku. Then he did not use a weapon, but directly fought against Suzaku with a pair of fists.

There was a bang, as if the whole sky was shaking. In front of Tang Ye's double fists, a black Tai Chi pattern appeared, like a Tai Chi shield formed by dark magic power, blocking the Suzaku!

In this way, the phoenix curtain will not be hurt.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Because they felt that Tang Ye's dark magic power was more than doubled. Now they are close to Tang Ye's side, they are all tightened by the aura of darkness magic. Because the dark magic itself possesses strong persecution, which human beings cannot adapt, it forms an invisible attack on them. They didn't dare to imagine whether they would survive a second if Tang Ye used such full force to kill them.

And even more amazing is the power of Suzaku. Because even though Tang Ye blocked the Suzaku, it could not last long. Before long, the Tai Chi shield of dark magic power began to break, and Tang Ye had to retreat himself.

"You all know what you are going to do, I am responsible for blocking it, and you do what you do!" Tang Ye shouted to everyone before the dark magic Taiji shield broke.

In a battle to hunt the beasts, Tang Ye's position was very clear, that is, the tank was specifically responsible for carrying damage and protecting other people. The positioning of other people is also very clear, except for the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, they all contain and consume Suzaku. The Phoenix Pearl Curtain is the most important, and is responsible for finding opportunities to absorb the power of Suzaku's true god.


Suzaku didn't expect Tang Ye to still have such a powerful dark magic power, capable of catching her attack. So just now, this faceless human was still not exhausting all he could while fighting with himself?

"XX@&......!" Suzaku's mood was so swearing that she couldn't express herself clearly. It was so angry that it was actually played with by a human being. It still retains the power to deal with it, that is, is he underestimated by this human?

Although it was extremely angry, Suzaku had to be cautious. Because now there are a few more powerful saints, and there are still furnaces that can seize its divine power. If it is delayed for a long time, it will be very detrimental to it. It doesn't want to be defeated in the hands of humans, and it can't bear the responsibility of being seized of divine power and affecting the great plan of the true god.

So, Suzaku flapped its wings and rose up, generating a fierce flame whirlwind every time it waved its wings.

"Retreat now and stay away!" Tang Ye immediately yelled at everyone when seeing Zhuque like this. Suzaku is going to release a full screen of whirlwind strangulation, if you don't escape the range, you can't avoid it anymore. When strangled by the whirlwind, they all had to die.

Thanks to Tang Ye already knowing Suzaku's full-screen nirvana in advance. After he reminded him, everyone immediately tried their best to withdraw. When Suzaku's release was completed, they had already left the island without being affected by the flame whirlwind. Strangling.

Tang Ye didn't evade, he turned into a flame, merged into the flame whirlwind, and changed, so that the Vermillion Bird would not chase him again. When the flame whirlwind dissipated, he transformed into a human form and moved immediately to avoid being chased by Suzaku.

Suzaku's full-screen whirlwind attack requires huge power and cannot be released all the time, so it can only continue to pursue individual pursuits. At this time, anger in its heart and other emotions arose and became complicated. Such as anxiety. It couldn't kill Tang Ye, and then went to kill Fengzhu Lian, but was blocked again. In addition, people it cannot deal with have dealt a blow to it. Especially, everyone opened the way for the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, let the Phoenix Pearl Curtain act on it and absorbed its supernatural power.

The loss of divine power can be sensed. Every time it was delayed, it felt that some of its divine power had been lost, and the aura of divine power began to accumulate on the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, and it had accumulated to form divine power, which could even be used to deal with it.

This kind of thing makes it shameless, seizes its power and uses it to deal with it. In the face of a divine attack, it will be directly injured!

Anxious, eager, jealous, even panic. Suzaku had such emotions. It tries to suppress itself from doing this, but the reality is to make it start like this. It started to panic, and wanted to kill someone to vent first, but it was still blocked by Tang Ye.

Tang Ye still blocked it with the Tai Chi shield formed by such turbulent dark magic power. It doesn't understand that such a powerful Tai Chi shield requires huge power. However, after Tang Ye used it, it seemed that it would take a while to replenish enough power.

Such a thing, even its beast could not do it!

The onlookers watching this battle of hunting and killing mythical beasts felt unspeakable at this moment. They were all deeply shocked by what these humans did.

You can really hunt the beasts!

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