My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2092: Can't hold it!

After Lu Celadon disappeared that year, no one knew her whereabouts, even the emperor of the Red Wall, because Lu Celadon didn't want anyone to find her. However, Murong Huansha believed that she was not dead, and no one could kill Lu Celadon in that situation. Even Murong Huansha felt that even if she was a zombie, Lu Celadon could kill her if she moved fiercely.

Zombies are restrained by the abusive demon, and for Lu Celadon, she can become the strongest abusive demon. Because she has the ability to see through the essence. In her eyes, everything can be turned into a dotted structure map, and then she can see where is the most vulnerable, and then destroy the most vulnerable, and the other party will be gone.

It is like a puppet, which is made up of wooden blocks or other parts. It looks firm, but there is a support point. If this support point is broken, it will instantly lose its balance and then be destroyed. Of course, this kind of support point is protected and secret, and will not be easily hurt. What Lu Celadon can do is to find this support point directly and destroy it directly and quickly. This is to destroy the puppet.

In addition, another ability of Lu Celadon, the secret technique of copying, is extremely against the sky. She can quickly analyze the key to a secret technique, and how to display it is equivalent to quickly learning. Perhaps according to common sense, copying other people's things will not be more powerful than the original, at best it will be the same. However, if it is just copied, it may not be as powerful as the original 50% if it is not studied and understood like the creator. However, this kind of thing will not happen here in Lu Celadon!

Lu Celadon's ability to reproduce secret techniques is not simply a copy. Any secret technique has flaws, and Lu Celadon can analyze these flaws when copying, and then make improvements. For this reason, her secret skills after rewriting are even stronger than those of the original creator. The so-called blue is better than blue.

Back then, the gatekeeper Li Tianfang and Li Diyuan, also under the guidance of Lu Celadon, greatly improved the secret skills, from the weakest to the super strong, and played a huge role in the gatekeeper civil war. Among the gatekeepers at the time, who could have thought that these two unconventional guys would explode with such power?

All thanks to Lu Celadon's guidance!

So if you own Lu Celadon, you can even change the whole battle. Anyone who knows Lu Celadon knows the key to Lu Celadon. Tang Ye didn't know the situation of Lu Celadon, and thought that Lu Celadon had already left. Only people like Murong Huansha who have been living in the ancestral land, know a lot about the things that year, and have enough time, will know and even look for Lu Celadon.

Unfortunately, with Lu Celadon's cleverness, even Murong Huansha would be difficult to find if she deliberately hides it. A hundred years of searching for someone is extremely long. However, even after a century, Murong Huansha still has not found Lu Celadon, but has found relevant clues.

Mu Yue reported to Murong Huanshahui: "The Sky Eye has covered the entire land, but there are still some dead spots. However, after completing the blind spot monitoring at the command post, a figure was found. Although it is vague, I think it is Miss Lu."

"Where did it appear?" Murong Huansha asked.

Mu Yue said: "The land of the extreme north."

"The extreme north?" Murong Huansha frowned. This makes sense. The extreme north, freezing and cold, is not suitable for human life. Naturally, it will not be found there.

Mu Yue continued: "This is not as simple as the extreme north. Among the blind spots covered by the sky eye, the extreme north occupies more, especially the deep abyss further north from the extreme north. The power of machine technology can’t get in at all, and the sky eye can’t cover it. According to Miss Lu’s traces, she has entered the northernmost abyss of the Far North. Where, there are too many mysterious and terrifying powers, even if It’s us, it’s not easy to go in at will."

Murong Huansha silently thought for a while, and then said: "It seems that Lu Celadon did this deliberately. It is not possible for humans to set foot in the extreme north. However, Lu Celadon should be certain to dare to enter. The person who can make the "Heaven's Chance Map" will certainly not easily get into trouble. I just don't understand what she did there. Now it has been a hundred years, is she still alive."

"Although she is a goddess, birth, aging, sickness, and death are the way of heaven and earth. If we can't break away from this way, we can't reverse it. We have broken away from the six ways stipulated by heaven and earth and become zombies, so we are immortal and immortal. But for Lu Celadon, her ability is a goddess. , Comes from the sky? After all, it plays a role in the six realms. Therefore, she can't hide from birth, old age, sickness and death. Unless she can find a way to not grow old within the six realms."

Mu Yue nodded, and asked Murong Huansha: "Then do we continue to look for Miss Lu?"

"Of course, where people can't go, let the machine go. Let the scientific research department develop special machines for the environment of the extreme north. Don't be afraid of failure. Try once if you fail. If Lu Celadon is still there, it is Our indispensable strength."

"Okay." Mu Yue nodded.

Then the two continued to look at the battle between Tang Ye and Zhuque. The island in front has been completely reduced to a land of lava, and the volcano is still erupting, as if a catastrophe is being staged. Outside the island, the palace of the Red Wall kept defending with the power of Shenji Technology to avoid the destruction and damage caused by volcanic eruptions and the power of Suzaku.

Looking at the battle between Tang Ye and Suzaku in the midair, it was much more violent than before. Tang Ye obviously had a hard time dealing with it. Even if he had been hiding, he was constantly hurt, and he was vaguely embarrassed. However, everyone who saw this scene was all amazed at Tang Ye's strength and tenacity. Facing the Suzaku that broke out like this, he could continue to fight for a long time!

However, if this continues, Tang Ye's defeat is destined. For this reason, people like Murong Huansha who can approach the Suzaku to fight, probably think about it and make a decision. Are you planning to just watch the show like this, or do you want to help Tang Ye?

If Suzaku is determined to destroy this land and destroy the human race, then they should take action. This is not the time to worry about the grudge with Tang Ye, or to have other thoughts. Now is the time for the life and death of the entire human race. Even if they are bad people, they still have a place to live. If Suzaku wins Tang Ye, and then Suzaku destroys the earth, then no matter whether it is a good or a bad person, it will die.

So at this time, both good and bad people must deal with Suzaku together.

However, their power is really limited. If the power of the holy path is not enough, then don't go, because it is meaningless, and you may be burnt to death by flames before you get close to the island. In this way, even the role of cannon fodder was not played.

In the air, Suzaku felt that Tang Ye was stranger, because Tang Ye was really not afraid of its flames. It seemed that Tang Ye was stronger than its flame. What kind of abnormal physique is this?

However, Suzaku no longer thinks about this kind of thing, because it knows that it won't take much time before it can kill Tang Ye.

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