My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2078: The land cannot compete with the sky!

Suzaku knew that Wang Jiuxiao could not stop its power, it was only trying to kill Wang Jiuxiao. It's not that Wang Jiuxiao annoyed it, but because Wang Jiuxiao was noisy in front of it, and it was upset. In this land, the only thing it cares about is the person who killed the fire spirit it sent last time.

The fire spirit it sends is extracted from its flame essence, and it also incorporates divine power. It believes that no one can kill the fire spirit in this land. As well as being able to defeat the Fire Spirit, the Fire Spirit will not disappear completely. However, Fire Spirit disappeared completely. It was equal to that the flame essence it separated, the undead fire spirit with divine power, was completely wiped out.

Able to completely eliminate the fire spirit, either by driving the fire spirit into the void, or by fusing the fire spirit. Both of these situations, no matter which one, are extremely strong and deserve Suzaku's attention. Into the void, that is divine power. It was even more terrifying if the fusion fire spirit could withstand the heat of the fire spirit.

Perhaps it's fusion, then a person who is a melting pot of divine power is most likely to do it. But Suzaku sensed that the person who merged the fire spirit was not a divine power melting pot, but someone else. This person is the only person it values.

It knows that this person is also the one behind the plan to seize its divine power, so it knows that this person will definitely come to him. To this end, it does not need to take the initiative, just wait. And taking advantage of this waiting time, it will deal with humans and reduce the number of humans, which can be regarded as helping the gods in the "war of freedom".

The battle of freedom is to deal with the destiny god, get rid of the control of the destiny god, and gain the true freedom of one's life.

Wang Jiuxiao was shocked when he saw the huge flame ball gradually forming in the mouth of Vermilion Bird. This Suzaku really didn't plan to talk to him at all, and now he was about to hit the flame ball again. Moreover, this flame ball is aimed at himself, is to kill himself!

"Suzaku, you are a sacred beast and are admired by the people, why do you do such a thing!" Wang Jiuxiao accused Suzaku.

At the same time, Wang Jiuxiao also used the ability of sound transmission. This is so that everyone who gathers on the island can hear it. Let everyone see that the Vermilion Bird is not the legendary bird they imagined, sheltering the earth and blessing the common people. What it does is not good!

In addition, the levitation technology of Shenji Technology, where Wang Jiuxiao is standing, is also capable of camera recording. The conversation between Wang Jiuxiao and Suzaku can be put on TV. So everyone can see Suzaku's attitude clearly. Then, those who still think that Suzaku is a divine beast, the incarnation of justice, should pay attention. Suzaku continues to destroy and even destroy this earth, ignoring the many creatures and killing endlessly, is it still just?

Suzaku still ignored Wang Jiuxiao, and the look of contempt did not make it appear to be arrogant, because it has absolute certainty that no one can stop it. It has no risk. Then the risky word arbitrarily is not enough to describe it.

"Noisy." Suzaku sprayed out at Wang Jiuxiao after condensing to form a flame ball, while humming two words with arrogance and contempt. Just like, Wang Jiuxiao is so long-winded, just kill it.

Wang Jiuxiao was really angry and shouted in a low voice: "Suzaku, if you want to treat us like this, don't blame us for rebelling against the gods, we will resist to the end!"

Suzaku squinted her eyes, a little concerned about Wang Jiuxiao's words. Because a long time ago, when a war between the gods and humans broke out, the human kings at the time had such a momentum and determination, and then led the humans to resist constantly, causing the gods to suffer a lot.

In this case, it would be even more important to kill this human king. Suzaku let out a sigh of relief, making the fireball expelled more quickly and fiercely, which is certainly not something Wang Jiuxiao can stop.

Wang Jiuxiao didn't dare to block such a flame ball head-on. He immediately backed away to avoid him, then showed his attitude to Suzaku, and shouted in a low voice: "Since you insist on doing this, don't blame us for disrespect, we will fight to the end!"

This is not a declaration of war, but it is better than declaration of war. If the gods want to destroy them, then they will resist to the end, even in war. It's a matter of life and death, what can be concessions.

beg for mercy? Slave? It's a pity that the gods don't give such opportunities, and they directly destroy and destroy them.

Wang Jiuxiao backed away, and the power of Shenji Technology began to take effect, forming layer after layer of shield, which may not be able to withstand the flame ball, but it can be weakened.

This time, Wang Jiuxiao was here, he wouldn't let the flame ball hit it again, hurting the innocent. If this cannot be stopped, then the existence of the Red Wall Court will have to be criticized. The Red Wall Palace has protected people, who else can protect?

Click, click, click!

The flame ball came over, and the power of Shenji Technology created barriers after another. However, the flame ball was unstoppable and hit the barrier, which broke easily. Then he came to Wang Jiuxiao. Wang Jiuxiao used all the power of Tianxiong Yuxi to surpass the realm of the holy path, exerting all his strength, and directly resisting the flame ball with his hands. Behind him is a huge bear, also blocking the flame ball with both hands.

The power and movements of Wang Jiuxiao and Tianxiong are synchronized. Whether they can protect the earth from damage and people from harm depends on whether he can block the flame ball.

Fortunately, the flame ball stopped moving, it was blocked by Wang Jiuxiao!

But this is not because Wang Jiuxiao's power is so strong that he can block Suzaku's flame ball. This is because the power of the magic machine technology has consumed the huge momentum of the flame ball, otherwise Wang Jiuxiao will not be able to stop it.

Suzaku was a little surprised to see that his flame ball was blocked. It knows that the same thing as the blue light waves just consumed the momentum of the flame ball. It vaguely knows that this power is called technology by humans. But it looks down on the power of these so-called technologies and feels that technology cannot be compared with divine power.

Now the flame ball was blocked, but the flame ball did not disappear. Suzaku still showed such a contemptuous expression, and then spit out a small ball of flame from his mouth. The small flame ball is extremely fast, and the power feels no weaker than the huge flame ball. When this little flame ball hits the huge flame ball, the huge flame ball seems to have gained tremendous power, and then quickly goes away.

At this moment, Wang Jiuxiao's power couldn't stop it at all, and Wang Jiuxiao and the giant bear behind him who were in sync with him seemed small and vulnerable. They were propelled by the huge flame ball, quickly went out, and were slowly swallowed by the flame ball. If they are incorporated into the flame ball, they will probably be burned to the bone.

The king of the earth is far from being able to compete with the divine power of the heavens!

"My lord!" Seeing such a scene at the red wall palace guard below, he was shocked, so that the emperor would die!

However, Wang Jiuxiao, who is protected by the strength of Tianxiong Yuxi, can't stop the flame ball, and they can't help it.


Seeing that Wang Jiuxiao was about to be swallowed by the flame ball, a group of dark magic power rushed, causing the flame ball to slow down.

Seeing this, Suzaku's despising expression was greatly moved. The human that it cares about, here comes!

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