My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2076: God catastrophe!

Tang Ye didn't know what Siyuan power was like. But he had heard of Siwon Power early on. Because the power of the blood ancestors of the dark demons invaded a hundred years ago, it was also to control the ancestral land and then obtain the original power of the ancestral land.

It is said that the power of the origin is the power when the heaven and the earth first opened. The opening of a chaotic space requires extremely powerful forces. And only the power of Siyuan can open up the chaos space and create a new world. This kind of power was possessed by God Emperor Pangu. There are also other small parts of true gods, such as girls who create human beings. And most true gods do not have this kind of power. Their power is a kind of divine power under Pangu God Emperor.

Therefore, the Pangu God Emperor, who mastered the power of Origin, is the head of the gods and the ruler of heaven and earth. However, after opening the world, Pangu God Emperor disappeared. There are legends that he has fallen for this world, and some people say that he just left here.

Shenlong spirit said to Tang Ye: "How do you think the book of humans and the book of the earth can restrain the book of heaven? It is because there is the power of origin in the book of humans and the book of the earth. Wang Fuxi has been reused by Nuwa. It is said that the two have a very close relationship. The King of Humans does not have the original power, but he probably got it from Nuwa. As for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he controls the eighteen layers of **** and maintains the cycle of life and death of all creatures, not just managing the human race. Therefore, he is so heavy. The position originally required the origin power. Although the Pangu God Emperor is no longer there, it can still be gifted. The origin power of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is probably his gift. Therefore, both the King Fuxi and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva used the origin. The source of power, created the book of humans and the book of the earth, making it impossible for the book of heaven to interfere."

Tang Ye nodded and said, "Unfortunately, I don't have the energy to deal with fate. Fortunately, if you want to deal with the destiny gods, you have to wait for the true **** to come. This gives me a slight excuse to ignore things here."

Shenlong looked at Tang Ye and was silent. Don't know when it started, Tang Ye actually carried the banner for the human race and ran away for the survival of the human race.

In fact, the spirit of Shenlong occupies the ancestral land and protects the world. The power of the dragon vein is that he fell back then and became the legend of the dragon. This power is everywhere, so he knows many things have changed. However, since it has fallen, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth cannot interfere. There are some things that he knows and cannot make any changes.

However, it is difficult for anyone to see him and talk to him. Tang Ye was sheltered by the old Taoist priest, and Shenlong followed the old Taoist back then. However, he didn't know that the old Taoist arranged Tang Ye. Therefore, he was also curious about Tang Ye. However, since the old Taoist arranged it, he didn't have any grudges. To Tang Ye's words, it was frankly revealed, and if you can help, it will help.

For this reason, he has been considering whether to tell Tang Ye about some things. Because in the process of the great changes in the ancestral land, he spied some things, such as the destiny **** who descended. The destiny **** has come, and it must have been lodged on a certain creature. According to the past, fate is generally lodged among human beings. Because it is the main force of his fate trajectory. When fate came, Shenlong sensed that what resonated with the book of fate was the power of the princess.

A hundred years ago, the power of the princess was very strong, even if it was not as good as the **** Li Haoran, it was not much worse. Such a character is not difficult for Shenlong to sense. Therefore, the princess who resonated with the Destiny Book was guessed by Shenlong as the boarding body of the Destiny Book. In other words, the current destiny **** is the princess!

Such news is undoubtedly a huge blow to Tang Ye, and it will definitely shake Tang Ye's heart. Once said it, I don't know what action Tang Ye will take. Therefore, Shenlong had been hesitant to tell Tang Ye about this matter.

After thinking about it, Shenlong decided not to tell Tang Ye. After all, it is not yet time to deal with the destiny gods, it is important to solve the matter of the true gods first. He said to Tang Ye: "Don't worry about the destiny gods. Now that you have started the plan to capture the divine power, you can't relax for a moment. You are not only enough to deal with the Suzaku, there are other three big beasts, and The four fierce beasts, this is an extremely difficult thing."

Tang Ye smiled and said, "No matter how difficult it is, we have to do it. Fortunately, with you, you are familiar with the four great beasts and the four great beasts, which greatly improves our chances of success."

"It's still far away." Shenlong said: "When you really meet Suzaku, you don't have the chance to start all over again."

Tang Ye expressed his understanding and said, "So I will continue to let them train until I am confident that I will dominate."

"I'm afraid I don't have that much time. Suzaku won't wait obediently. Maybe it will attack actively. Even if it is not you, the people who are attacked are innocent. Facing the supernatural power of Suzaku, others can't stop it. Live." Shenlong said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye frowned.

Everything is as Shenlong said, after Suzaku came out of the volcano, entrenched in the crater, sucking the molten volcano every day, condensing it into a fireball, and then spraying it towards the ground. The place hit by the fireball is like encountering a hot meteorite, and the destruction and casualties are very heavy.

The Red Wall Palace has monitored this matter and has dispatched forces to respond. However, with their strength, how can they deal with the Vermillion Bird beast?

When the Red Wall Palace team came to an independent island in the South China Sea, and saw the huge volcano on the island, and then saw the Suzaku sitting on the volcano, they almost couldn't believe their eyes. The Vermillion bird in the sky, the huge red firebird, there is such a huge creature in the world. How could humans be able to deal with such a fierce behemoth?

However, the shock returned to the shock, the people of the Red Wall Palace must deal with this matter, otherwise the Suzaku will continue to shoot fireballs and the earth will soon be beaten. The palace of the Red Wall used the power of Shenji technology to cover the island where Suzaku was located, but it was useless. After Suzaku shot the fireball, the fireball broke through.

Moreover, Suzaku ignored these people from start to finish, and if they didn't actively attack them, it would be as if they didn't exist. This makes the people of the Red Wall Palace very uncomfortable, lacking strength, and being nakedly despised.

The scary thing is that at this time, a rumor came out, saying that who had offended the gods and asked the gods to send such beasts to punish them. They can't deal with such a beast, they can only kill the beast that makes the beast angry. Therefore, many sects pushed Tang Ye, the Void Lord, and the people of the void organization up, making them the representatives of evil. They need to be eliminated to calm the anger of the Vermillion Bird beast, and let them escape this scene from the gods. Catastrophe.

When Tang Ye learned of such a thing, there was a real anger in his heart. He ran for the survival of the human race, but those sects were inciting such things for their own personal interests. He wanted to kill people very much, but he chose to go alone to the volcano where Suzaku occupies to prevent Suzaku from continuing to destroy.

Tang Zisang and the others continued to stay in the place where the dragon was rising, training methods and experience to deal with the Vermillion Bird.

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