My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2057: Try into the underworld!

To become a Buddha without prejudice is to enter the realm of the holy path, and then gain the body of the Buddha. However, he is still a Demon Buddha. Because the obsession in the heart has not gone, so the strength has not recovered. And he is the Demon Buddha Buddha who has not appeared in hundreds of years.

So there are two main differences between other people's comments on him. Logically speaking, the Demon Buddha can no longer be promoted through comprehension of the Dharma, only through continuous killing to accumulate dark magic power to break through. But Wuwang is through understanding the Dharma. This shows that he still has a Buddha in his heart, and the Dharma still recognizes him, then he can't even be in a demon.

So, is Wuwang a Buddha or a Demon?

Arguing endlessly, after all, it is still a Buddha and a demon, and it is still a demon Buddha.

Tang Ye has never caught a cold with these opinions of others, and Wuwang will not care, let others say it, they are carrying out their own actions. After Tang Ye became a Buddha without prejudice that day, he caught a glimpse of something about the little monk who was Shouxin. This Wuwang and Shouxin are inextricably linked.

Shouxin Buddha has the highest status in Buddhism. He became a Buddha a hundred years ago and became a legend in Buddhism. Wuwang was the child he brought back personally, and he instructed the Buddhist master to cultivate it, and then disappeared. It is only twenty years since Shouxin disappeared. Maybe there are any secrets in it that can be found out.

Tang Ye knew that Wuwang could break through to the holy way, so she let Wuwang go under the Suoluo tree to comprehend, and gave Wuwang Di Hiding Heart Sutra. The Ksitigarbha Heart Sutra is the key to making Wuwang breakthrough. Any Buddhist disciple, if he can get the true content of the Ksitigarbha Heart Sutra, plus he has Buddha's predestined relationship, then breaking through the Dharma is a very simple matter.

Tang Ye just didn't expect Wuwang to break through the body of Buddha, so that the Dharma is the most powerful. But it's okay, so the people recruited now are basically all the holy ways. In this way, the plan to capture divine power can be carried out. In the end, there was still one Gu Youque who hadn't reached the holy path. Tang Ye would not let him fall, but would help him break through.

When Wuwang from outside entered the holy path and became the body of the Demon Buddha, Gu Youque was happy for this friend's breakthrough, but he also felt a little frustrated that his strength did not break through. He has been fighting Alice, but even if he uses all his power, he still doesn't know how to break through until the power runs out.

He was very depressed, he was clearly only one step away from breaking through, so why couldn't he touch it?

After a battle with Alice, he ran out of strength and stepped back to rest first. Alice is a very lively girl, it is rare to fight so happy and very interesting, she has been pestering to continue to fight. Just when Tang Ye came back, she inevitably reprimanded her for her "playful" behavior. Alice felt bored and returned to the music box. After Gu Youwei recovered her strength, she called to fight.

But this is not very helpful to Gu Youwei. Breaking through the Holy Path really requires reaching the extreme, but this extreme does not necessarily mean training, it may also be due to other aspects. Moreover, Fu Mo Shi's breakthrough was more complicated. After all, it was a profession dealing with the creatures of the underworld, and Tang Ye, like Tang Ye, broke through after many lives and deaths.

Experience life and death?

Since Tang Ye is back, she must help Gu Youwei to make a breakthrough. He suddenly thought of a way based on his breakthrough. Now that Gu has no way to break through, and he has no more sure way, he just wants to try this one. That is to let Gu Youque experience life and death, and let Gu Youque experience the real underworld. This might be of great help to the breakthrough of Fumo power.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that he can guarantee that Gu Youque will not be swallowed up by the power of the underworld, and can guarantee his proof, otherwise it is impossible to use this method.

In addition, it is impossible for ordinary Vorabers to use this method to let a person go to the underworld to feel it. That is definitely not what the public at present can do.

Now Gu Youku is resting, his mood is not very high, because the members of the nihility organization, all of them are the power of the holy way, even like Tang Zisang and the corpse kui, they are much beyond the holy way, and are already understanding other levels , And he hasn't broken through to the Holy Path yet, he really couldn't care less.

Tang Ye knew his thoughts, and said, "There is a way that may help you break through the holy path realm, depending on whether you want to try it."

Gu Youque was overjoyed, he was of course willing, and said: "Okay, no problem, no matter what the method is!"

"Any way? Including let you die?" Tang Ye said to Gu Youque.

Is there a moment of lack in ancient times, including death?

It would be meaningless if it died. He knew that Tang Ye couldn't let him die, it must be just a kind of training, then there is nothing terrible. He became firm and nodded to Tang Ye: "Yes!"

"Good." Tang Ye said, "Then I will let you die once."

Then Tang Ye took Gu Youwei to the depths of Luohua Cave, very quiet and not disturbed by others. He also ordered Fengzhu Curtain and them not to allow anyone to come in and disturb them. If an enemy comes, stop them.

The reason why he asked to be quiet and undisturbed was because he was going to cast the first half of the rebirth rebirth. The first half of the cast of the ghost cave reincarnation is actually to completely open the person's thirteen ghost caves and let people enter the state of death. In this state, a person is dead, so the soul can be taken away, and then it can enter the underworld. When the ghost cave is closed and the body is restored, the soul will be quickly sucked back into the body and it will come alive.

However, under normal circumstances, when entering the dead body, there is a period of time when the soul is still floating in the yang, and will not enter the underworld. Since Tang Ye was able to open the door of reincarnation, he could directly let his soul enter the underworld. This violates the precepts, so it is very dangerous and must be kept undisturbed, otherwise it will be very detrimental to ancient defects.

Tang Ye explained this to Gu Youque, and Gu Youque still firmly expressed his willingness to try. In this case, Tang Ye didn't care about him, let him lie on the ground, and then used the ghost cave technique to open the ghost caves on Gu Youque one by one.

Tang Ye has been studying this secret technique, so he will not forget and unfamiliar. After all, this is the secret technique he thinks can fight the true god, reincarnation! Therefore, he attaches great importance to it, including the research of the Shikui on the "Ten Destructions", which is also the study of this secret technique. For this reason, he opened the ghost cave of Gu Youque very smoothly. Gu Youque successfully entered the state of death, and then the soul appeared.

At this time, Tang Ye opened the door of reincarnation and said to Gu Youque’s soul: "Are you ready? Go in when you are ready. I will keep an eye on your situation at any time. If something unexpected happens, you will encounter the evil soldiers and ghosts. Enforce the law and I will bring you back. You can’t go deep into the underworld, you just need to feel your own strength in the underworld.”

"Okay." Gu said with flaws.

Tang Ye watched Gu Youque enter the gate of reincarnation, even if he could recover Gu Youque's soul at any time, he had to be very careful. This secret technique won't give him such convenience in vain, it must be accompanied by danger.

Every leap of success seems to be a gamble!

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