My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2047: Night ghost!

Tang Ye came to the last floor of the warehouse, which was also the deepest floor of the cruise ship.

Opening the entrance plank on this floor, a moldy and rancid smell immediately puffed out the nose, which made people feel sick and uncomfortable.

Tang Ye could only send out a layer of strength to isolate this rotten smell, and then walked down the last floor from a small wooden ladder in front.

Below is a relatively small room, so gloomy and cold, it is estimated that if there is no defensive measure, it will be stimulated to get goose bumps.

In a small room, there is a water tank.

What is surprising is that the water tank is different from the dusty scene in the room. There is no dust in the water tank, and it must have been just put in. However, looking at the entire small room, even the entrance from the wooden ladder, there is not enough width to put this water tank. In other words, has this water tank changed?

No matter what it is, this water tank is definitely not simple. What Tang Ye suspected was that the water tank was filled with water from the place where the drowning ghost was. He stepped closer to the water tank and wanted to open the cover of the water tank.

"Huh! Chuck!"

However, when Tang Ye approached the water tank, suddenly, a huge cloudy wind blew outside the small room, and it became more and more fierce!

It's the drowning ghost here!

Tang Ye completely ignored the arrival of the falling water evil spirits, hitting the water tank with a force, and the water tank was broken.

"Damn it!" The falling water evil spirit screamed, extremely angry. Obviously this water tank has something to do with it, which violates its taboo.

Sure enough, after the water tank was broken, the falling water ghost appeared. It directly condenses into the body, that is, the man who was drowned in the water, his entire body was swollen, there was still rotting flesh on his body, his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were obviously horrifying.

The water tank was broken, and the falling water evil spirit went mad and flew over. The body is exposed, which is very detrimental to it. Either the body is merged and the strength is enhanced.

Tang Ye didn't want to be so troublesome, waved the psychic needle to stop the falling ghost. At this time, a group of Nanlihuo flew down, and it was Dong Xingzhai who caught up after solving the outside affairs. Her Nan Lihuo swallowed the falling water evil spirits that were blocked by the psychic needle. The falling water evil spirits were injured by the psychic needle. They couldn't resist Nan Lihuo and wailed.

The powerful purifying power of Nanlihuo, after submerging the falling water evil spirits, it burned more and more vigorously, and finally burned the falling water evil spirits to ashes.

Dong Xingzhai fell into the small room to see if the overwhelming ghost was completely resolved. And when she saw the corpse falling out of the broken water tank, she failed to prevent the stench in time, and couldn't help turning her head to the side, vomiting a bit.

What was poured out of the water tank was a corpse that had been soaked and rotten. The rotten meat is estimated to melt at the touch. In addition, due to the decay of the corpse, a dense cluster of corpse insects breeded. At this time, it fell to the ground, and large swaths of corpse insects continued to wriggle.

At the same time, the smell was really unbearable, and Tang Ye, who had isolated it with strength, felt very sick.

"You go out first, I will burn this place." Tang Ye said to Dong Xingzhai.

Of course Dong Xingzhai didn't want to stay here, and immediately went out, but the walk was a bit wobbly, and he was too stunned by the stench. If this is the case, she will not come down.

Tang Ye followed and left, and then emitted a ball of flame from his hand, which bounced to the carrion and burned.

This carrion was actually the corpse of the drowning ghost before his death, and the corpse was put into the water tank, probably because the drowning ghost wanted to make himself a survivor. That is, after killing enough people, the ghost can return to the body to gain more powerful power, some like a ghost.

Leaving the gloomy warehouse and returning to the top, Dong Xingzhai breathed in the sea breeze air, feeling as if he was alive. And because the overwhelming ghosts were eliminated, I felt much more comfortable on this first level, probably because the power of the ghosts shrouded here was dissipated.

After Dong Xingzhai recovered a bit, he said to Tang Ye: "Senior, let's go to the second floor."

Now that the evil spirits on the first level have been cleaned up, and the power of the evil spirits has disappeared, there should be nothing more to the surviving people on the first level. Then you can save the people on the second floor. It's just that Tang Ye feels a little strange, it feels like playing a level-breaking game. In fact, he can go directly to the top floor to find the strongest doll evil spirit, and nothing will happen if he solves it.

However, he felt that Gu Youque is constantly breaking through. This is a good training for Gu Youque, so just ignore it, let Gu Youque get enough experience, and then break through the strength. For this reason, Tang Ye agreed to Dong Xingzhai's suggestion to go to the second floor.

Solving the falling water ghost, although you can breathe a sigh of relief, there are other evil spirits on the entire cruise ship, and you must get rid of them to save others. Tang Ye had never thought of saving people so seriously, but Dong Xingzhai cared very much. Seeing her enthusiasm, Tang Ye had nothing to do right now, so he followed her.

On the second floor, you can see that here are some ordinary cabins, which are places for ordinary tourists to stay. Because it is a place to live, it is relatively single, just like the distribution of rooms in hotels and hotels, which are distributed in a certain pattern.

This is good, since it is single, it is much easier to find evil spirits. However, this is not the case.

What Tang Ye and Dong Xingzhai could not think of in the second floor was that there were people in each cabin, and these people were all living people. The people who survived were scared and haggard, and looked panicked. And some of those who are almost able to bear it, their eyes are full of despair.

Dong Xingzhai asked them about the situation, wanting to know what happened, or what the evil spirit was like. But few people can express normally, Dong Xingzhai can only appease them first.

Regarding these matters, Tang Ye didn't care, and he didn't act so enthusiastically, just like helping Dong Xingzhai.

In Dong Xingzhai's view, he really should be like this, because as the mysterious and powerful faceless man, how could he be so enthusiastic to help some ordinary people?

Dong Xingzhai saw the dull-looking people and knew that they were all scared by evil spirits. The cruise ship at this time is like a world ruled by evil spirits. Too many people originally didn't believe in ghosts, but ghosts did appear. Such an impact had too much influence on them.

After Dong Xingzhai comforted them, he thought someone could tell them what happened, but suddenly it got dark. This change is very weird, it seems that the darkness is created by evil spirits.

Seeing that it was dark, the sluggish people hurried to sleep in bed, covering their heads and ears with quilts, very scared and ignored Dong Xingzhai.

Dong Xingzhai felt helpless. There is no clue about this kind of thing. She looked back at Tang Ye. Tang Ye pretended not to be enthusiastic, and simply said: "Their mental situation has been restricted to another world. Being in this world, but living in another world, is like an illusion."

"A ghost that only hunts at night," Tang Ye said.

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