My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2042: Not a human being!

Tang Ye is no stranger to Dong Miaozhu, because Dong Miaozhu is like a princess. Dong Miaozhu was also the first person to almost kill him. At that time, Dong Miaozhu awakened to the Dharma, and his thousand-handed Guanyin was amazingly beautiful. At that time, I thought this was Tang Ye's disaster, but the facts proved that Dong Miaozhu was his guide.

Dong Miaozhu's serious injury to him gave him the supreme fusion of Buddhism, allowing him to realize the change of the four seasons and the cycle of life and death after entering the state of death, and then realize the extraordinary magic of withered wood in spring.

Nowadays, seeing the woman who fell from the cruise ship, her face is not like Dong Miaozhu, but her temperament is very similar. Do not fight or grab, there is life in the eyes, compassion for the world, but see through everything, like nothing.

Tang Ye knew that this was the third phoenix of the Red Wall Palace, Dong Xingzhai. The woman from the Dong family felt indescribable.

At this time, Dong Xingzhai's body became more and more transparent. The person who was originally cursed by the doll turned into a ghost within 15 minutes, but the ghost curse in her was faster and would become within five minutes. Dong Xingzhai couldn't crack this other ghost curse, even using the strongest Jingshi Brahma that he had cultivated. She was very helpless and could only say that today is the reincarnation of cause and effect, and she will die.

However, when Dong Xingzhai gave up, a gentle force rose up, wrapped her around, stabilized her body, and then slowly brought her to the sea.

Dong Xingzhai was very surprised at the current situation. She saw Tang Ye in front, a faceless man!

For the faceless person, although Dong Xingzhai has never met, he has heard of it. Many people have heard of it. The Faceless Man has done a lot of sensational things, and now it is even more rumored to be the Void Lord, powerful and unmatched.

Dong Xingzhai didn't understand why the faceless man appeared here, and seemed to have saved her?

"Your situation is very serious." Dong Xingzhai did not speak, but Tang Ye spoke first.

Dong Xingzhai noticed the condition of his body, looked down, and felt cold. More and more places were demonized, becoming transparent, and when the body disappeared, only ghosts remained. Although she saw through the cycle of life and death, she had never thought about the time to die so soon, so she was still a little unwilling.

Tang Ye turned his head and saw that there was no Gu Youque's figure, but Gu Youque was not in danger of life. He was speechless. Originally, he wanted Gu Youque to come back to save people, but now it seems that Gu Youque ran to deal with evil spirits, and he could only save people.

However, probably even if there is a deficiency in ancient times, there is no way to save people. Because this evil spirit curse was swallowed into the body and transformed the soul into an evil spirit. When it comes to the soul, you must be careful. I am afraid that only Tang Ye can directly manipulate the soul now. So, after all, it would be Tang Ye to save people.

"You need to be treated immediately." Tang Ye said to Dong Xingzhai.

Dong Xingzhai frowned, looking at Tang Ye very puzzled. treatment? The healing of the soul? This faceless person said this, can it be treated? It's amazing. There have been many rumors about this faceless man, and it feels like this man is omnipotent. Is there really such a person in the world?

Also, is this faceless person so kind?

Tang Ye continued to say to Dong Xingzhai: "How about I save your life?"

In this way, it is not so kind and not asking for return, as if the negotiation is conditional.

Dong Xingzhai spoke: "What do you want me to do?"

"Without him, I owe it personally. Maybe one day I can use it." Tang Ye said.

Dong Xingzhai was silent for a moment. Such conditions may seem easy and there is nothing to do, but in reality they are very important. For example, when will the faceless person ask himself to do something excessive, do it or not?

However, Dong Xingzhai is not a tangled person. It is easy to see when the matter is finished. All causal reincarnation has today's cause and tomorrow's results. There is no way to explain it. She nodded to Tang Ye and said, "Okay."

Tang Ye looked around and said, "It's not convenient here. Get on the boat."

Then Tang Ye waved his hand and was taken to a certain room on the ship together with Dong Xingzhai, making Dong Xingzhai much more comfortable. It is also much more convenient to cast spells on her. The evil spirit curse seal is very strong, and requires the power of the Fumo master and interference with the soul. It cannot be distracted. A slight carelessness will hurt the soul. The consequences are very serious.

Starting to save people and cast spells, Tang Ye turned into a thin white ray needle. A hundred years ago, he had a psychic needle, but he gave it to Yun Youlan. A hundred years later, he no longer needs to use physical needles, and the power that he emits is concentrated, and he has the same effect as a psychic needle.

In short, he hasn't done this kind of saving for a long time. In closer detail, he learned from medicine. Therefore, the medical skills are fundamental and will not be forgotten.

Dong Xingzhai was very curious about how this faceless man could break such a peculiar evil spell. For the doll's ghost skills, I have not usually seen it, it seems to be a direct destructive force. In addition, how can the soul be cured?

People are sick, and ghosts are sick. The two treatments are different. Her current situation is simply a combination of human disease and ghost disease. If this can be cured, the strength of the healer is truly unfathomable.

Tang Ye popped out psychic needles and pierced Dong Xingzhai's forehead, neck and chest. If it were a hundred years ago, he could not do this. At least you have to go close to your body and touch Dong Xingzhai's body, so that you can grasp the strength without any problems. But a hundred years later, his mastery of power is very skillful and accurate.

After Dong Xingzhai was pierced into the body by the psychic needle that Tang Ye turned into, she thought it would be very painful, after all, it hurts the soul, but she never expected that she did not feel any pain, but felt very comfortable, as if her body was cooled. Something moisturizes. That is a kind of vitality!

Among the vital forces, there is another powerful force of ambushing demons, expelling evil spirits. When the evil spirit power is expelled, it would have an impact on the soul, and then it will be extremely painful, but there is a vital force following it, and the pain will be eliminated under the nourishment. At the same time, the vitality promptly resolves possible life-threatening accidents, making this treatment very safe.

There is no pain, and it is safe. Faced with such a terrible situation that the evil curse seal is corroding, Dong Xingzhai can't believe that this can be done by mortals.

Although Dong Xingzhai was shocked, he did not speak or move. She knew that Tang Ye could not be disturbed now, and everything would wait until after treatment.

Not long after, the evil spirit power in Dong Xingzhai's body was eliminated, and Dong Xingzhai's injuries eased a lot. This was mainly due to the nourishment of that vital force, which not only broke the evil spirit curse, but also healed her many other injuries.

"You..." Dong Xingzhai looked at Tang Ye and wanted to express his surprise and gratitude, but he didn't know how to say it. Faced with such a mysterious and powerful figure, I really feel that he is not a human being.

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