My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2032: Top cause!

Wang Jiuxiao was very busy, but for Tang Ye, he never dared to neglect. Tang Sheng could reverse the overall situation a hundred years ago and protect the great world. A hundred years later, since he returned, there must be something extraordinary. Perhaps it is about common people. Wang Jiuxiao knew that he was weak, so Tang Sheng who could support this kind of thing would definitely cooperate vigorously.

Tang Ye had already arrived at the Red Wall Palace, in order to investigate Li Wuchang's life experience. He appeared in the courtyard where Wang Jiuxiao usually rests. Wang Jiuxiao felt the movement and walked away from the guards, letting Huatian guard outside the yard, not allowing others to come in and disturb.

"I have seen Tang Sheng..."

"It doesn't need to be this way, it won't be necessary in the future." Wang Jiuxiao wanted to salute Tang Ye, Tang Ye stopped him, smiled, and said: "This way, the more you live, the more you go back."

Wang Jiuxiao smiled, then it's not so polite. He asked Tang Ye: "I wonder what's the matter with Tang Sheng coming?"

Tang Ye said: "Now Li Wuchang has broken through the holy way."

"Really?" Wang Jiuxiao was very surprised. He really didn't expect Li Wuchang to break through in such a short time after leaving the Heroic Spirit Cemetery. He glanced at Tang Ye, his expression became even more incredible and weird. Because he found out, everyone who followed Tang Ye had a huge opportunity. Could it be that Tang Ye is a holy way manufacturing machine?

However, since it is Tang Sheng, thinking about this kind of thing, it is probably possible. Even so, he found it too incredible.

Tang Ye saw Wang Jiuxiao's surprise, shook his head, and said, "This is not my reason. Although I can help, it is Li Wuchang himself that plays a fundamental role. The Holy Path breakthrough is not as fast as possible. It is even more important to pay attention to the distribution of air transport restrictions. If there is no air transport restriction, then the test of the weather force on the birth of the strong is to directly drop the sky thunder. If there is a sky thunder test, then such a rapid breakthrough will not be able to deal with the sky thunder. Basically unable to hold the foundation, then it will only fall short in the end. This kind of thing, I am not allowed to happen. Although there is no sky thunder test, but the modulation of the will of heaven and earth, there are inevitably other forms of testing. Therefore, I demand every Everyone does it one step at a time. Since it is a leap, I have to come back and make up."

Wang Jiuxiao understood Tang Ye's meaning, and sighed that Tang Sheng was thoughtful. Changing to another person, breaking through to the holy path, I must be dazzled by happiness, or ambitious, and continue to think about breaking through to the realm of heaven and human, where to care about the foundation of the breakthrough. Most people will not consider this matter carefully, because they will feel that if there is no foundation, how can a breakthrough be possible. Now that the breakthrough is made, the foundation is stable. However, this is not the case.

"So how do you think about impermanence?" Wang Jiuxiao asked Tang Ye.

Tang Ye said: "Impermanence can break through so quickly, I think it has something to do with her life experience. So I came here just to ask you about the life experience of impermanence."

Wang Jiuxiao frowned. Obviously, he was very concerned about Li Wuchang's life experience, and he had a very simple background. But now it was Tang Ye who asked, Wang Jiuxiao knew that he didn't need to hide it, and said, "I don't know the life experience of Li, Black, Black and Li Wuchang. To talk about this, we have to go back to the adult one hundred years ago. You must be aware of the lifting of Li Wuchang and Li Black and White’s **** that day."

Tang Ye nodded and said, "It's true, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang's Binding Spirit, the place of the grave is their foster father, but they are connected with the Son of Heaven a hundred years ago. But this is very incredible. , Could it be said that Li Black and White and Li Wuchang were born a hundred years ago?"

Wang Jiuxiao nodded, this is an amazing secret!

Li Hehui and Li Wuchang were not born in this era, they just grew up in this era. In fact, they were born a hundred years ago!

Tang Ye frowned greatly. If Li Black and White and Li Wuchang were born a hundred years ago, then after a hundred years of being conceived in the cemetery of the heroic spirits, as ghost babies, they are extremely powerful. It was born a hundred years ago and will not die a hundred years ago. It must exist in the form of ghost babies. The question is, during this century ago, where were they as ghost babies?

Is it necessary to look at the grave of the emperor a hundred years ago? This is very disrespectful. Last time I moved the tomb of the emperor a hundred years ago to track down the ancient landscape. It was disturbed, but now I have to move it again...but that's fine, I believe the emperor will understand.

After all, the secrets about Li Hehui and Li Wuchang were also hidden by him. I am afraid he has estimated that someone will investigate this one day.

Then you have to see who is investigating this matter. If it is your own, the things he set will show up. If not, then the secret will continue to be a secret.

For the identities of Li Wuchang and Li Black and White, it was a piece of jade pendant when they solved their spirit binding last time. The jade pendant was placed in the tomb of their adoptive father, who was the tombkeeper of the previous generation of heroic spirits. But they said that the adoptive father had told them that he knew nothing about their lives. Obviously, their adoptive father is also hiding it. After investigating the situation of the adoptive father, I found nothing. But now that Wang Jiuxiao said it was related to the son of emperor a hundred years ago, then, it must be that the adoptive father received the order of the son of emperor a hundred years ago.

Sure enough, Wang Jiuxiao said: "A dozen years ago, Li Hehui and Li Wuchang suddenly appeared in the world. As ghosts, they appeared in the cemetery of the heroic spirit. It was really a taboo. The palace of the red wall had to get rid of it. But he chose to protect the ghost and infant brothers and sisters, and could even take their lives. However, he was unwilling to tell the specific situation. In this case, how could the Red Wall Court agree? Later, the tombkeeper was afraid that he was desperate, so he found it. I, told me that this was related to the emperor of a hundred years ago. At that time, I had not yet sat on the position of the emperor of the red wall. I was surprised to hear the news, but it was also very difficult. However, I chose to believe him. Therefore, in the name of the Wang family, I pledged to protect the ghost and infant brothers and sisters. It's strange to say..."

With that said, Wang Jiuxiao seemed to be touched by something. He looked back at Tang Ye with a smile of self-deprecation and said: "It is strange to say that shortly after I sheltered the ghost and infant brothers and sisters, I sat on the red The position of the emperor of the wall. However, at that time the first candidate for the emperor of the red wall was not me as a martial artist, but also another literati talent."

"Then you think that because you helped the ghost brothers and sisters, what power is there to push and change invisibly to make you sit in the position of the emperor of the red wall?" Tang Ye responded to Wang Jiuxiao.

Wang Jiuxiao had some self-deprecation, probably because he guessed a possibility, that is, because he helped Li Black-white and Li Wuchang, he was helped by the power behind Li Black-white and Li Wuchang and became the emperor of the Red Wall. This seems to be a position given by others, not one's own fight, and this was a bit cheating for the No. 1 candidate of the Red Wall at the time.

Tang Ye smiled and said, "What if the emperor helped you a hundred years ago?"

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