My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2015: Never lose!

Gui Yi Jian, it is not human beings, but the force of luck. Therefore, even if Long Qing carried the Shenlong Halberd, the huge white light curtain would still cut in. If Long Qing was dispelled by the emperor's luck that he possessed, then he would be no different from an ordinary master, and it would not be difficult to kill him.

Those emperors who are proud of the power of the heroes are the hardest to kill. In order to kill such an emperor, it takes a lot of effort. Guiyi Sword was practiced by Li Hongyi specifically against the emperors of the Dragon Dynasty. There are not many powerful techniques in this, but the mystery that the gatekeeper can cut the luck.

This is because of the mystery left by the old Taoist priest. But not every gatekeeper can use this power, otherwise every gatekeeper can intervene with luck, and there will be endless troubles. Because even gatekeepers cannot guarantee that everyone is fair and just. To put it bluntly, the gatekeeper is just a man who lives in another higher level of the world.

Therefore, only Li Haoran, a law enforcement officer, could use that power to use the power of the thunder **** to mobilize people with strong air luck to the Guwu rivers and lakes, or cut off the air luck if it was serious. Tang Ye got a bit of luck at the beginning, but it was too big. Li Haoran had to take it to the Guwu rivers and lakes to suppress it.

Now, referring to Li Haoran's strength, Li Hongyi realized that Gui Yi Jian, although not as powerful as Li Haoran's Sky Thunder Sword, and not even one-half of the Sky Thunder Sword, it was enough as long as it could cut off luck.

At this moment, as the huge white curtain of Gui Yijian was cut, a golden light was pushed out of Long Qing's body. This golden light was like the back of a golden dragon. After it slowly emerged, it was indeed the back of the golden dragon. This golden dragon is the manifestation of the emperor's luck. If this golden dragon is completely forced out of Long Qing's body, then Long Qing's imperial aura power will be gone, and Li Hongyi's goal will be achieved.

This also means that the Dragon Dynasty no longer exists. Because the dragon family is no longer the symbol of the emperor, then the dragon family is no longer the emperor’s family.

"Qing!" Seeing this kind of thing happened to Long Qing, the queen yelled, repelling an enemy general who was fighting with her, and turned to rush to help Long Qing, but the enemy general immediately came to fight and she couldn't get out. At the same time, there were dead puppets and monsters coming to catch her. She was hit by the monsters and vomited blood directly. The power of these monsters is very strong and can be called a general. The queen was wounded, knowing that she was Long Qing's most cherished person, and the enemy increased their strength to deal with her. This could distract Long Qing, and it would be easier to slay Long Qing's imperial luck power. Fortunately, at this time, a general came over and blocked the monster's fatal attack on the queen, and the queen could return to the battle.

But this situation is not optimistic. Now the power of the Dragon Dynasty is completely suppressed, and no one can help Long Qing. However, people who were originally focused on fighting, because they were worried about Long Qing and wanted to help Long Qing, were more likely to be injured or even killed by the enemy because of their distraction.

It didn’t take long for the original vast battlefield, the atmosphere of fighting, because the situation turned to Li Hongyi’s side, the Dragon Dynasty was suppressed so much, it felt that this was not a war, but a dragon dynasty. Besieged, and then kept falling, the result was no suspenseful battle.

The Dragon Dynasty is about to lose!

Seeing this, Long Qing originally didn't like to show a fierce look, and became gloomy and hideous. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, it was extremely cold, as if he had changed a person directly. He said to Li Hongyi: "Even if I die today, I won't let you succeed. People in the Long Family will never lose."

After that, Long Qing's eyes slowly turned blood red.

"Qing, no!" Seeing this, the queen fighting on the ground was very anxious. She knew what Long Qing wanted to do, to burn life's blood!

This move was originally improved by Tang Ye using Qi Yun to stimulate the power of the Dragon Family’s bloodline, providing several times more power than usual. It is called "Long Family Will Burning". After being improved, it is basically a passive skill. It is the blood of the Dragon family, which can be touched step by step during battle. However, burning a little blood, even if improved by Tang Ye, this trick can still be activated if it is performed in the most primitive way, and it is an active skill. However, launching this move is tantamount to ending up with the enemy. Therefore, the power of this trick can instantly increase the power of the Long Family's Will by more times. It takes effect immediately, does not need to be triggered slowly, and the power is greater.

But if the life essence and blood are burned, it will be as if the oil is exhausted, and the lamp will die out. For humans, that is death.

How can the queen let Long Qing embark on this path?

The fighters of the Dragon Dynasty would not allow Long Qing to embark on this path.

But they couldn't help Long Qing, and Long Qing's persistence and the unique perseverance of the Long family would make him mobilize firmly.

Originally thought that after Tang Ye improved this trick, the Long family would no longer use this suicide move, but because this trick has absolutely terrifying explosive power, it will still be used when the Long family is forced to desperate situation. .

Long Qing's eyes became more and more blood red, and even his body began to emit a layer of red light. But the price came immediately. One of Long Qing's black and shiny hair began to turn white. If it is launched again, I'm afraid it will be overwhelmed immediately. Just like outside the big world, facing the siege of many masters, Miao Linger wanted to explode to die with the enemy, but also burned life and blood. She was a young girl with black hair and white head instantly.

"Qing!" the queen called again. She doesn't need to be called the king, it is Long Qing's favor to her. Although others gossiping privately, the queen is domineering and Long Qing is strictly controlled by his wife, but Long Qing has no regrets.

"King!" The soldiers and generals of the Dragon Dynasty also shouted, sorrowful.

Seeing this situation, Li Hongyi sneered again and again and shouted, "You all come to attack Long Qing!"

This is to find a group of cannon fodder. He knew the terrible trick of the Long Family, but he also knew its weakness. As long as Long Qing's life essence and blood can burn for the time, he will win. And he was afraid of Long Qing, who was burning his blood, because he might be killed by the terrifying power that Long Qing burst out. Then, let the cannon fodder consume Long Qing, then he won't have an accident. And he is fine, Long Qing will eventually die.

Instructed by Li Hongyi, the black-robed man controlled the corpse puppet and built a human ladder. After reaching a certain height, he jumped to attack Long Qing. And those dark monsters were even more terrifying, they could be transformed, and wings appeared, all flocking to Long Qing like a pitch black bat.

At this time, Long Qing will launch the blood essence to burn successfully, and when it succeeds, he will slaughter the dead puppet and the dark monster.

Li Hongyi smiled even more triumphantly. He wanted Long Qing to successfully burn his blood. The Queen and those Dragon Dynasty fighters were extremely sad, and couldn't bear to see such a thing.

The red light on Long Qing's body was flourishing. Everyone knows that this is the burning of essence and blood to succeed. However, at this moment, a cyan light force suddenly fell from mid-air, piercing Long Qing's body directly, pushing Long Qing to the ground, and stabbing him to the ground.

Then, a faceless man appeared.

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