My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1993: Deathstroke giant!

Li Chenyu is a young and beautiful woman. If she is so old, how can she accept it?

For the second time, she tried to use her power to persecute the power of the dead, trying to remove the power of the dead so that she would be fine. However, she found that she still couldn't get rid of it. The power of the dead was very powerful, much stronger than she thought.

Li Chenyu was flustered. But she didn't want to show panic in front of Tang Ye, in that case she felt very shameless. So she resisted, and once again brought up the power to remove the power of the dead, but it was still useless.

Regarding her situation, Tang Ye could actually see clearly whether it was her expression or her psychology. Body is more important than embarrassment. Tang Ye ignored whether Li Chenyu would be embarrassed, and said: "The power of the dead is a new power that appears after the limit of Qi Luck increases, just like the power of the true god, so it cannot be eliminated by ordinary means. You can try yours. To persecute the power of bows and arrows is, after all, transformed by the power of the dragons once, and the breath of true **** power may be useful."

Li Chenyu was overjoyed when he heard it, as if that was indeed the case. The power to kill the moonbow is her own, so she can save herself. Well, as a ten-profound expert, he couldn't solve his own problems. What an arrogant good reason. Li Chenyu began to call out the deadly chasing moon bow, using the deadly chasing moon bow's power to force the power of the dead.

Sure enough, after using the power of the deadly chasing moon bow to force the power of the dead, the power of the dead slowly left her body. It worked, and Li Chenyu was very happy. She suddenly discovered that as one of the ten mysteries, she had lived in the shallower for so long, and it was hard to be happy about something like this. It seems that you still have to get out more to walk around.

Tang Ye looked at Li Chenyu, mainly looking at the deadly moon chasing bow. There was nothing wrong with it. Maybe there was a problem and he didn't notice it for a while, so there was nothing to improve. He looked back at Tang Zisang who was playing against the members of the Ten Destructions. Although it was not very smooth, the more they fought, the more they got started, and they started to gain advantage from their clumsy performance.

This is the effect of practice. For many things, no matter how many times you listen to others, and how many times you have conceived them in your head, you are not as good as doing them yourself. Only when you have done it can you be right.

After Li Chenyu silently used the power of the deadly pursuit of the moon bow to remove the power of the dead, he glanced at Tang Ye and found that Tang Ye hadn't even looked at her. The hidden face, motionless, expressionless, really made her feel difficult to get along with. Even if it is not cold, it is a funny face under the cover, but because it has no face, it also appears cold and majestic. This is the feeling of "Void Lord".

In any case, Li Chenyu waited for the results of the three Shimie members before leaving. Either they were killed or Tang Ye's people couldn't deal with it, then she would make another move. That being the case, Li Chenyu might as well settle down and watch the people of the nihilism cope with the ten deaths, so as to understand the strength of the people of the nihilism.

When she paid attention just now, she wanted to say to Tang Ye, "Your people are quite jerky in battle. It's not good to go on like this." It's not that the nihilistic people can't fight, but the lack of experience in fighting the strong. However, looking again now, she found that the people of the void organization had turned the fighting situation back. Although there are many enemies and few enemies, there is nothing wrong with forming a group to deal with the extremely powerful members of the Ten Deeds. Li Chenyu was surprised that these people in the nihilistic organization made rapid progress.

Sure enough, they were geniuses from all sides, and they worked very well in a short battle. The more battles became easier, they began to gradually suppress the members of the Ten Annihilation. If this continues, the members of the Ten Extinctions must be resolved.

Li Chenyu had a hunch that under the leadership of this mysterious and terrifying faceless person, these nihilistic people will definitely grow up quickly, and I am afraid it will not take long to catch up with them, or even surpass them.

What a monster!

The three Shimie members noticed the situation they were in, and they didn't want to admit it, but the fact was that they were slowly suppressed. This makes them feel aggrieved, how could they lose?

There is something strange. Even if they fall into a disadvantaged position, the three members of the Ten Destructions are just furious, and never worry that they will be killed. In other words, they have no fear of death. Probably because they are the dead, so even if they are killed, as long as their bodies are recovered, they can still be resurrected.

Just like a machine, if a part is broken and cannot operate normally, it can continue to operate as long as it is repaired. At this point, people cannot compare with them.

But even so, as members of the Ten Destructions, being wiped out by an unknown force that suddenly emerged, it was not the work of the Ten Profounds, they were very unwilling.

"Do you think that you can deal with me?!" The Death Straw, who was dealt with by Tang Zisang alone, was furious, jumping high into the air, his feet stretched and stretched, as thin as spring wires, very strange. He looked at the ground with indifference and arrogantly watching his Tang Zisang drink out, "Now let you know what a real death dance is!"

After drinking it, there were dark breaths all over the body of Death Straw, as if it had sprouted. In this way, Death Straw is a dense tentacles monster. Then, the death straw revolved, and the tentacles also revolved, forming an extremely sharp air blade, three hundred and sixty degrees, with no dead ends.

The tentacles of the air blade stretched very long, and the entire area seemed to be shrouded by him. Such a range of attacks would be difficult to avoid. Then Death Straw swooped down and swept over, covering the huge area around Tang Zisang. In this way, Tang Zisang had almost no possibility of avoiding it.

However, in the face of such a terrible attack, Tang Zisang still looked so cold and arrogant, and coldly snorted: "At the end of the crossbow, I am struggling to death, and I will send you one last time."

Tang Zisang is such an arrogant woman, making Li Chenyu, who is also cold-hearted, speechless. After this double sage, it is really arrogant. But on the contrary, looking at Tang Zisang's momentum, I feel that she will be fine, which is very reassuring.

Facing the death-straw dance of death swept through the attack, Tang Zisang stomped on the ground and sent out fierce poisonous powers. These poisonous powers formed a purple giant behind her. The giant enveloped Tang Zisang and protected Tang Zisang while expanding. Finally, It became as large as the sweeping range of Death Rondo.

Then, the purple giant grabbed the swept death flurry with his bare hands. Death Flurry cut it on its body, and it was not cut and disintegrated. Instead, little by little, the death straw was forced to stop by the dance of death, and then saw the terrified death straw.

"No, no!" Death Straw looked at a pair of giant hands holding his purple poisonous giant, thought it was too ridiculous, actually cracked his death flurry, and contained himself!

Who is this woman, how can she have such a powerful force!

"This is the death knell giant, the power of the poisonous holy way." Tang Zisang hummed coldly to the death straw.


The death straw was squeezed and his death knell sounded.

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