My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1988: Assign kills!

A black "swastika" was pressed down, and the dead power of the black and white Taoists eroded the magic circle. The 4D characters are pretty cool, but it makes people wonder, how black is the Buddhist "卍" lettering, shouldn't it be glittering?

This involves a very special character, it is Mofo Wuwang. Even though Wuwang was enchanted, he was able to control the power after enchantment, and was not controlled by demonization. Therefore, his nature is nothing more than the expression of the original so-called righteous Dharma power in another form, the power of darkness. But the power that various Buddhist secret arts should have is still there. The power after being enchanted is even stronger.

Just now a "swastika" seal passed through Li Chenyu, and Li Chenyu was fine, because of Wuwang's control. The "卍" character seal is only aimed at the hand-binding of the death straw and the curse seal array of the black and white Taoists, both of which were resolved after being attacked. Judging by Wuwang's power, it is difficult to dissolve the death straw and the moves of the black and white Taoist at once, he is just a surprise. In addition, Li Chenyu seized the opportunity to break free, and the moves of the two members of the ten extinctions were repelled and cancelled.

Death Straw was very angry, his voice was sharp, and he looked up and glared. Black-and-white Taoist and Ju Wushuang also looked up. They all felt that the power that saved Li Chenyu came from heaven.

Then they saw that a spatial vortex appeared in mid-air, and then a faceless man in black robe walked out of the spatial vortex, with an extraordinary aura and a calm atmosphere. He could not feel a trace of fluctuations in him, as if he was truly despising everything, inexplicably People have a sense of horror. And behind the faceless man in black robe, several people walked out one after another.

This is naturally Tang Ye, and the Fengzhu Lian, Tang Zisang, Miao Yuer, Gu Youqian, Li Wuchang, Shikui, and Wuwang he wants to cultivate.

From now on, Tang Ye wanted them to fight Shimie, using Shimie as a grindstone. If Xu Wuming knew this, he would not be **** off. He spent countless thoughts and then used rare treasures to make the Ten Kills. Although they were experimental items, they are now his main strength. They were used as grindstones, and it was like teasing him.

Seeing these people in the sky, they frowned at Death Straw. Except for the faceless people in black robes, they can't feel the specific strength, everyone else can. Among them are two Holy Way powers, the other Grandmaster Pinnacles, and the Grandmaster level. They are not afraid of such power.

What about the power of the Holy Way. Just like the Ten Profounds, there will basically be the power of the Holy Dao, even if there is no Holy Dao realm, you can rely on the treasure to exert the power above the Holy Dao realm. Therefore, as the ten killer who specializes in killing ten profound things, the power is not comparable to the holy way, otherwise, how can one have such a great confidence.

In this case, dealing with the two holy ways and the other five people who have not reached the holy way, they feel no pressure to death straw. The only thing they can't see through is the faceless man in black robe. They felt a faint fear from the faceless man, as if the faceless man could easily kill them.

"Who are you?!" On his anger, Death Straw simply observed Tang Ye and the others, and then drank sharply at them.

Tang Ye ignored Death Straw's low drink, and said to the people around him, "How are they?"

Apart from Tang Zisang and Shikui, the others looked a bit solemn. Feng Zhulian said: "The strength is very strong, I think... better than me."

This made Fengzhu Lian a little frustrated. Because she entered the Holy Path, she thought she had few rivals, but now that Tang Ye brought her here, she saw three enemies that made her very stressed. She has a feeling that if she fights those three people, she will definitely lose. It's not one-on-three, but one-on-one will lose.

This is the world. There are outsiders outside the mountains, and outsiders outside. Never think that you can despise everything if you break through a little bit of strength. This kind of blind arrogance is absolutely not allowed.

Since it is stronger than Fengzhu Lian, it is naturally stronger than Gu Youque, Miao Yuer, Li Wuchang, and Wuwang. Several people did not speak for a while, waiting for Tang Ye to make arrangements. As for Tang Zisang and Shikui, the strength of the two is actually comparable to that of the Ten Profounds, so they don't feel that they will lose to the three Shijie members below. One-on-three or one-on-two may be difficult, but one-on-one, they don't think they will lose.

Tang Zisang said, "Single kill, no problem."

Shi Kui smiled faintly and said, "I am interested in their bodies, I want them."

Hearing Tang Zisang and Shikui's words, Feng Zhulian, who didn't think it was the opponents of the three members of Death Straw, rolled their eyes. These two guys are more confident and arrogant than the other.

After Death Straw asked, he didn't get a response. On the contrary, he saw several people muttering on it, completely ignoring their appearance, and couldn't help but feel angry. These members of the Ten Destructions, who have no other feelings, are angry and violent. This emotion is very strong, and they become irritable if they are not careful.

"If you hinder us, it's looking for death! Hmph, then kill you first, and then kill this one of the ten mysteries." The death straw sound was even sharper, and then immediately bounced, the whole person was like plasticine. He rushed towards Tang Ye and the others, his hands that seemed to be stretchable infinitely swayed, and in the end they even looked like a spiral blade. If they were hit, they would probably be cut into mashed flesh instantly.

Hey quack... Death Straw also made a sharp and arrogant laugh, not like a world.

Tang Ye frowned slightly when seeing Death Straw rushing up. If he shoots, one slap will probably kill the straw. However, he would not do this. If you do this, then the purpose of coming here is meaningless. So he moved a few points away and said, "Which one of you will come?"

Shi Kui smiled and did not speak. He still gave it to others first. He didn't want to shoot. Because for him, even if he kills these ten extinction members, his strength will not increase much. If he wants to achieve a power breakthrough now, he must break through the research on the power of the dead, which is also the research on the reincarnation technique of the ghost cave.

Therefore, his breakthrough should be killing these members of the Ten Destructions and studying their bodies. Then, there is nothing he can do to increase the strength by fighting the members of the Ten Destructions, so let it be to others. Of course, if others don't make a move, he will definitely make a move. At this time, in his eyes, the three members of the Ten Destructions were already the corpses he wanted to study, and even his eyes became a bit frantic.

The corpse carrying the power of the dead is too attractive to him.

Since the corpse Kui couldn't make a move, Tang Zisang was not polite. She shook her hand, and there was a bunch of purple power in her hand, and said: "I'm here, alone."

This means that Tang Zisang has to deal with death straw one by one. As for the other two, let Feng Zhu Lian distribute them.

Death Straw approached them, seeing their contempt for his members of the Ten Destructions, and was even more furious, and shouted sharply: "You all have to be the flesh in my hands, khaka..."

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