My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1966: Can't stop!

Seeing Tang Ye catching a ball of flame and throwing it in his mouth, everyone really didn't know how to describe this mysterious faceless person. The flame that can't kill, die?

The problem is, this flame can't be digested, or there is will and power. If you swallow it in your stomach, you won't be afraid of being burned out, but let the fire spirit attack you?

In addition, this was the first time everyone saw Tang Ye showing a little "face". Originally he was faceless, so naturally he had no mouth. However, because he swallowed the flames, he had to take down some power to cover up, exposing his mouth. Although he still didn't know what Tang Ye looked like, when they saw Tang Ye's mouth and a little jaw, everyone at least knew that this guy had a face after all, not really without a face.

So, why should he hide his face? This once again became a point of curiosity for everyone, who wanted to know what his identity was.

Now, Tang Ye has swallowed a ball of flames, and everyone is staring at him to see if there is anything wrong with him. However, after a while, nothing happened. Does this mean that this faceless person can withstand the power of the fire spirit and digest the flame?

"Impossible!" Seeing this, the other small flames of the fire spirit shouted, and there was a panic in the originally confident, ironic and provocative tone.

Tang Ye swallowed his flame just now. After being astonished, he was very happy, because Tang Ye swallowed his flame, then he could exert his strength to burn Tang Ye to death. He did the same. The flame that Tang Ye swallowed into his stomach, he transferred his will, which was equivalent to the flame in Tang Ye's stomach becoming him, and then he began to exert strength, the flame rose, and the temperature rose sharply. Want to kill Tang Ye.

Inside the body, dealing with Tang Ye is much easier. He believed that he could definitely deal with Tang Ye. However, after he exerted his strength, he found that his strength did not harm Tang Ye at all. On the contrary, after he exerted his strength, a cyan flame formed in Tang Ye's body. This flame was much stronger than his power, and then swallowed him!

After the cyan flame swallowed him, it completely digested him, and the result was that he merged into the cyan flame and became a part of the cyan flame. Or in other words, he became the "nutrition" of the cyan flame, absorbed by the cyan flame, and there is no longer him, and the cyan flame has grown stronger!

Huo Ling couldn't believe such a thing. He was made by the Suzaku divine beast with the essence of flames. He was the king of fire and existed under the power of a demigod. How could he be swallowed and digested by a mortal?

And why is that cyan flame stronger than yourself? Why can you swallow yourself? Is there a flame stronger than yourself in this world? !

All of these were unexpected and unacceptable by Huo Ling.

And when it was finally swallowed and digested by the cyan flame, Huo Ling quickly shifted his will and escaped from the small flame that had been swallowed. His will returned to the scattered little flames outside, so that he wouldn't die, but turned into other little flames.

However, this did not allow him to escape Tang Ye's swallowing. At this time, Tang Ye caught another small flame. He raised his head and opened his mouth, and put the small flame in his mouth with a grunt, just like swallowing a piece of tortoise-ling ointment. Seeing the slippery appearance, he swallowed the whole one. Now, it looks like eating very happy.

"This..." Seeing Tang Ye like this, everyone was really speechless. What is the sacredness of this faceless man? I thought he could not deal with this powerful flame man. Unexpectedly, he didn't deal with it, but he ate the flame as food.

Don’t stop without doing something amazing, right? Isn't it the faceless Lord if you don't surprise people to death?

Looking at Tang Ye, Feng Zhu Lian couldn't describe this old monster. Originally, she was very worried that something would happen to her, after all, Huo Ling couldn't kill her, and if Tang Ye couldn't deal with it, wouldn't she be going to die. But from the results now, this kind of worry is superfluous. This faceless old monster has eaten the Flame Man directly, and it must be able to kill the Flame Man. Fengzhu Lian didn't expect that Tang Ye could use this method to deal with Flame Man.

Damn! Suddenly, Feng Zhu Lian thought of something and felt it was a huge regret. It was just when Tang Ye opened her mouth to reveal her chin, she didn't pay attention to it to see how Tang Ye looked like. If the exposed place looks very old, then it must be an old monster. If there are no wrinkles or the like, it may not be an old man, or see if this person is really practicing the secret technique of rejuvenating a child.

Since he is interested in Tang Ye's identity, then any detail should not be missed. It may become the key to finding out Tang Ye's identity. Unfortunately, she missed it. Others also missed it. After all, Tang Ye was in midair just now, at such a long distance, and was surprised by Tang Ye's actions, how could he notice this little detail.

Now, Huo Ling began to panic.

If the flames are swallowed, then he will die, completely dead. However, now Tang Ye is constantly devouring his scattered flames, which he cannot resist. If this continues, he will really die.

"Damn you!" Huo Ling quickly gathered a few small flames and became a fire man about the size of Tang Ye. This was the maximum speed he could gather. Then, he attacked Tang Ye, trying to prevent Tang Ye from devouring him.

He began to realize that Tang Ye was a monster. He felt that he should have noticed this from the beginning, because Tang Ye, a human body, could actually possess the power of the Dark Demon Race. From this point of view, we should know that this "person" is deformed and weird. If you realize this earlier, be less arrogant, and solve it quickly and cautiously, you won't have the result now, right?

Regret, this is Huo Ling's unwillingness to admit. However, this mood does exist again.

However, even if Huo Ling quickly gathered a few flames, the combination grew stronger and attacked Tang Ye, it was useless. Because at the moment his combination grew stronger, several dark blades swept across like a dense net, instantly cutting him into small flames.

Then, Tang Ye went to catch a small flame and swallowed it into his stomach with a grunt.

"Damn it! Never!" Huo Ling looked at his own flame, which was also a part of his life, and was constantly swallowed by Tang Ye, furious, and frantically attacked Tang Ye. But the more this happened, the more it showed that he had become chaotic and helpless. A constant forced death, an unstoppable death, made his will suffer and began to collapse.

Huo Ling couldn't stop Tang Ye after all. When he had a few flames left, he didn't want to stop Tang Ye anymore, but wanted to escape. As long as he keeps a group of flames and returns to the Vermillion Bird beast, he can restore it. To keep life, as long as there is a group of original flames, and what is lost is power. Strength, as long as it takes time, it can be made up.

Flame was a demigod, facing Tang Ye, he chose to escape.

However, how could he run away? The moment his last life flame was swallowed by Tang Ye, it meant that this demigod existed and was killed!

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