My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1932: Distinguish the levels!

Wang Jiuxiao was about to leave, and Hua Tian couldn't stop it either. Hua Tian didn't know what was wrong with Wang Jiuxiao, but he only obeyed Wang Jiuxiao's arrangement and drove Wang Jiuxiao to where he was going. Finally, Wang Jiuxiao arrived at the cemetery of heroes.

At this time, Tang Ye was still negotiating with Li Black and White and Li Wuchang in the Yingling Cemetery. Li Black and White used the Red Wall Palace as an excuse to refuse Tang Ye's request for their help. Gu Youque looked at him. Naturally, he was very concerned about the weight of the Red Wall Palace, but after learning about Tang Ye’s strength, he felt that Tang Ye was standing here and negotiating with Li Black and White. Please help. Really It's great tolerance.

With such a strong power, you can do it more domineering. If you just ask you to do the thing, you will be killed if you don’t do it. This is a threat, a persecution, so what? Who can not follow this ability?

Therefore, Gu Youque's judgment of Tang Ye's impression was blurred, and then slowly became clearer. This is not a contradiction, how is it vague and clear? This is because his previous guesses about Tang Ye were biased towards darkness and evil. But after close contact with Tang Ye, you will find that Tang Ye is actually not like that, on the contrary, he is a very nice person.

Therefore, Gu Youque's impression of Tang Ye is constantly changing in a positive way.

At this time, Tang Ye looked at Li Black and white, smiled after being silent for a while, and said, "The Red Wall Palace will promise to release people. You can leave at any time as long as you want. However, you can only leave one. And I am inclined now. Your sister, Li Wuchang is the one who left. As for you, you are better than your sister and more suitable to stay in the cemetery of the heroic spirits."

Originally, Li Wuchang, a high-cold ghost girl, was very happy to hear Tang Ye's words, because Tang Ye personally said that she was more inclined to take her away, which completely met her expectations. However, Tang Ye said that Li Shuhui was much better than her, and she was a little unhappy. My brother is not much better than himself, just a little bit.

When Li Black and White heard Tang Ye say that he was excellent, he was still very happy. Then he said that he wanted to take Li Wuchang away, he looked back at Li Wuchang, and his eyes were serious, as if to remind Li Wuchang not to think too much, it was not so easy for them to leave here. Even if people are released from the palace of the Red Wall, they are born as ghost infants, and they have spiritual constraints. They cannot be lifted. How to leave!

If you leave rashly, your soul will be scattered!

Although people are also ghosts, both humans and ghosts affect their lives. On the human side, if they die, the ghosts will also disperse. On the ghost side, if the soul is scattered, the body is useless, and it is equivalent to death. The situation of most people is that when they are alive, they are bodies, and ghosts only after death. But in their case, the human body and the ghost already existed at the same time. Therefore, they are extremely special, both human and ghost!

Now Li Black and White is a little embarrassed. He didn't understand why Tang Ye said that the Red Wall Palace would release people. How could the Red Wall Palace release people? There is nothing better than them to guard the cemetery of the heroes. Moreover, the relationship between the Red Wall Palace and Tang Ye is not ambiguous, and they are not considered the same camp, so why agree to let them go?

In the contest of Xiangshan Biyun Temple, Tang Ye's dark magic power and Wang Jiuxiao's light power, although it was a tie, no one thought it was a real tie. Everyone who was observing knew that it was Tang Ye who recovered his strength, and Wang Jiuxiao was fine. If Tang Ye persisted in the confrontation, Wang Jiuxiao would definitely be the one who had the trouble behind. In this way, many people have already rumored that Wang Jiuxiao was not defeated by Tang Ye, so he allowed Tang Ye to act freely, and even called Tang Ye a senior.

This is equivalent to saying that the Red Wall Palace can't help the faceless man. But as the authoritative representative of this land, the Red Wall Palace must not let Tang Ye go over and over again. For example, this time, if Tang Ye came to the cemetery of the heroic spirits, if the Red Wall Palace agreed again, the impact would be huge. Without authority, how can one be convinced?

"I need the adult to nod himself." Li Black and White said to Tang Ye, still maintaining an unyielding look. In this regard, he is indeed doing very well. Although he had been favored by Tang Ye before, the public and private were very clear. As people who have been raised by the previous generation of tomb guards, and have not been removed by the Red Wall Palace in the name of ghost babies, they have also been vigorously nurtured. They are very loyal to the Red Wall Palace and will not leave here casually, even in the face of Tang Ye Such a character.

Therefore, Tang Ye admired Li Seihui very much and felt that Li Seihui could be guarded at the cemetery of the heroes with confidence. As for why he is confident that the Red Wall Palace will release people, this will be known when Wang Jiuxiao arrives. There are some things that Tang Ye controls well. Including that day when he was competing with Wang Jiuxiao in Biyun Temple, he invaded Tianxiong Yuxi with a force.

These are his arrangements. Probably for one round. What Wang Jiuxiao couldn't understand was actually not why he could have the power to invade the heaven and earth power of Tianxiong Yuxi, but another question that gave him an almost impossible idea, that is, the identity of the faceless person!

Wang Jiuxiao faintly guessed a possibility. However, he dare not make decisions lightly for things that are not clear. In his position, any decision has a huge impact. Sometimes, if you are not clear, you have to give up. However, this time the dark power invaded Tianxiong Yuxi, he felt that it was very difficult, there must be some huge arrangement.

In order to clarify this matter, Wang Jiuxiao has been thinking about it, and everything he is thinking about is about the faceless person. Today, Tianxiong Yuxi has been invaded particularly severely, and it is faintly about to break. If this were not the case, Wang Cangcang would not have felt that it was already related to Wang Jiuxiao's life.

Therefore, all things will have a result today. Whether the Tianxiong Yuxi will break, Wang Jiuxiao's life or death will have a result.

Tang Ye had arrived at the tomb of the heroic spirit to take the people away in good time. Li Black and White and Li Wuchang were under the orders of the Red Wall Court, and no one else could be their master. Therefore, Tang Ye let the Red Wall Palace call for him.

Li Black and White certainly still had a lot of doubts, but Tang Ye would not say this clearly. He looked at Li Wuchang and said, "I will pick you up later, if you are willing to follow me. You don't have to worry about binding the spirit."

After all, Tang Ye said to Gu Youque next to him: "You can arrange your own affairs. I will be here later. By the way, you should also talk to the Red Wall Palace about following me."

"Okay." Gu Youque really wanted to talk to the Red Wall Court about this, so he nodded in response. But Tang Ye stared at him for a long time. He realized that Tang Ye was beckoning him, thought about it, and understood, it seemed to be a little bit small, he added, quite respectful, "Okay, Lord."

That's right, this is what Tang Ye wants. As the Lord, his subordinates must distinguish their levels!

Then Tang Ye nodded and disappeared, leaving Gu Youque, Li Black and White, and Li Wuchang. At this time, Wang Jiuxiao arrived at the cemetery of the heroes.

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