My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1928: Let you too!

Because Tang Ye was in a faceless form, a faceless person, let alone a person, if he suddenly appeared in a dark place, it would be really scary. No wonder the maids and ghosts think he is the same kind, all ghosts.

The maid girl ghost was very angry, and suddenly someone appeared to hinder her. She rushed to Tang Ye directly, babbling, ugly face, awkward claws, as if it were very powerful.

But Tang Ye looked at her calmly. When she was about to approach, she waved her hand to open a space passage. It was a circular space with a rare golden color. This was not the case when Tang Ye made a space jump. . So this is not the usual empty passage, so what is this?

At this time, the girl ghost and Gu Youque were already shocked. As a feminine thing, the girl-girl ghost has a natural fear of the golden light space channel. Whether she has seen it before or not, she instinctively knows what terrible thing it is.

The gate of reincarnation!

The underworld is the supreme means of catching those feminine objects that have not reincarnated in the underworld. As long as they encounter the gate of reincarnation, it is said that even the zombies who are displaced outside the Three Realms and Six Paths can be extradited in. Of course, this requires that the power to open the door of reincarnation is strong enough, otherwise the existence of such a powerful zombie can be resisted, and it may even break the door of reincarnation.

But there are not many feminine objects as powerful as zombies in the whole world. Therefore, the feminine things that exist in the world are all formed under the yoke of air. It can be said that they are very rudimentary ghosts and monsters. Then facing the gate of reincarnation, naturally they are very afraid.

"No!" The girl ghost looked at the door of reincarnation, panicking. The gate of reincarnation is very attractive to these feminine things, so even if the maid and female ghost want to retreat, they can't do it. They are attracted so much that they will definitely be sucked into the gate of reincarnation.

If it is sucked into the door of reincarnation, it is basically finished. Because the Ksitigarbha has not yet returned, the underworld system is not functioning normally, but there is also an underworld world. When it comes down, it will automatically clean up sinful feminine things, just like cleaning up rubbish, unable to resist, it is basically a fate of death.

Even if he was not cleansed up, he would be trapped in the underworld. And all that exists in the world of the underworld is feminine, and that is her kind. This is meaningless, no revenge, no freedom, just like going to jail, only a group of inmates are faced every day. Or, it would be a world below, stratified, to be enslaved and abused, which is really terrible.

The girl ghost did not want to have such a fate anyway. But the gate of reincarnation had sucked her in front of her, and she was about to sink into it. At this moment, she saw Tang Ye next to him, this faceless person, and she realized that she had just made a huge cognitive error.

This faceless person is not her kind, but an extremely powerful exorcist!

To open the door of reincarnation, one must be a powerful cultivator who can exorcise the devil. Nowadays, exorcists are generally at the "heard" level, and there are very few "crossing people" levels, and they have not even appeared. Now that this faceless person can open the door of reincarnation, he must be an exorcist in the realm of "crossing people"!

Faced with such an exorcist, the girl ghost knew that there was no possibility of resistance.

Damn it, I didn't expect such a powerful existence in the Exorcist, it seems that the feminine world is uncomfortable.

"Yeah!" The girl ghost was sucked into the gate of reincarnation, knowing that she was over, but it uttered a huge scream, not because of pain, nor because of not doing it, but warning, warning other feminine things , A huge enemy who restrained them appeared, if you want to develop, kill him quickly!

The maid girl ghost who entered the gate of reincarnation, the result has been confirmed, she is finished in this world.

Gu Youque was shocked the moment he saw the gate of reincarnation appear. He really didn't expect that in his lifetime he could encounter an exorcist who could open the door of reincarnation, that is, someone from his camp!

It seems that no exorcist has reached the realm of crossing people, even Grandmaster Yun Youlan a hundred years ago, not, just a little bit of contact. Because it is said that crossing the realm of people can only be done if the underworld operates normally. In other words, it will start when the Ksitigarbha king returns. It also means that it can only be done after the true God descends.

But now someone has done it, this is simply a miracle among exorcists!

Gu Youque was very excited, looking obsessed with the golden gate of reincarnation.

But after the girl ghost was sucked into the gate of reincarnation, the gate of reincarnation disappeared, and Gu Youque realized one thing. This door of reincarnation was opened by the mysterious faceless man!

Damn it, this is a **** joke. Could it be that the mysterious and faceless man who has been so powerful that no one can reach, is still an exorcist, and an exorcist who has surpassed the limit and reached the realm of crossing people?

It's unreasonable!

How could such a perverted character exist in the world!

Gu Youque turned his head and looked at Tang Ye in a faceless state, speechlessly speechless. If Tang Ye is only strong in other areas, then if he teaches him, he may bite the bullet and retort "You don't know the hardship and harshness of being an exorcist", but now, Tang Ye has reached the realm of crossing people. The exorcist of, almost better than all exorcists, so if you teach him, he really has nothing to refute.

After solving the servant girl ghost, Tang Ye was fine, and began to talk with Gu Youque. In fact, if he wants to solve the girl ghost, he doesn't need to use the gate of reincarnation at all, just use a little exorcism power, and then slap the girl and the ghost will be scattered. The reason why he used the gate of reincarnation was to shock Gu Youque and follow him.

He looked at Gu Youque, who was a little stupefied, and said, "Do you want to open the door of reincarnation by yourself?"

"Ah...?" Gu Youque was stunned, looking at Tang Ye and wondering how to answer. In fact, there is no need to think about this question. The answer is of course. If an exorcist does not want to reach the state of crossing people and opens the door of reincarnation, then dealing with femininity is much simpler. Even after reaching the realm of crossing people, you can continue to practice and break through. If you reach the realm of ghost soldiers and ghosts, you can enter the gate of reincarnation by yourself, walk the path of the underworld, and go back and forth between the world and the underworld. It is simply too cool.

It's just that it's difficult to answer because Gu Youque didn't think he could break through, and other exorcists could break through. As for this mysterious faceless person, it can only be said that he is strange. He is unknown, who is he, God knows what special magical powers he has?

Tang Ye rolled his eyes without a face, and he didn't expect that Gu Youque, a kid who didn't like to use his brain, was actually scared and stupid now. It was really speechless.

In this way, Tang Ye didn't want to talk nonsense, and said directly: "If you are willing to stay by my side and do something for me, then I can allow you to open the door of reincarnation."

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