My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1916: Speak with facts!

The birth of the phoenix, it is said that even the Emperor Pangu didn't know what was going on. According to some mythological records, it is the myth of the immortal world, not the myth of the mortal world, so the mortal is not very popular. It is said that the phoenix assisted when the Emperor Pangu opened the world. Then it can be judged that the Phoenix was born before Chaos.

The mortal legend is the myth of the true gods. The legend of the heavens is the myth of the ancient gods of chaos. As long as there is no thorough understanding of all planes and worlds, there is no question of who is the oldest existence.

But what is certain now is that the phoenix existed earlier than the Vermillion Bird. After all, the Phoenix is ​​a legend circulated by the true gods of the heavens. They felt that the Phoenix was born in the Chaos Period and is a powerful existence comparable to the Pangu God Emperor. As for their divine beasts, they were born because they first had a god, and then were guided by the gods.

The world of Nine Heavens is not in the plane world of the ancestral land, but it is probably another world closest to the ancestral land. And the ancestral land is not only a big world, but also a mysterious space shaped by the existence of the true god, that is, the heaven and the earth.

Three realms, heaven, mortal, and underworld. Like the top, middle and bottom of a ball, it forms a complete world. In these three realms, it can also be divided into many enchantment spaces, such as the world of monsters, called the demon world, and the demon world. For a long time, myths and legends, ancient times, ancient times, have been spread in this world. However, in addition to this world opened by the Pangu God Emperor, there are other worlds opened by the Pangu God Emperor, the world over there, the creatures over there, and the mythology over there, that is, one has reached the level of true gods, even the ancients. The real **** of the age can only explore the field.

That was a real leap to a complete civilization system that also opened up from the chaos era.

At this time, Feng Zhu Lian changed his clothes and came out. Seeing the flames floating in the air, for the first time, he felt that he had set foot in a high-level realm. After all, this kind of manipulation of flames and absorbing the power of flames cannot be done casually, nor can anyone do it.

With excitement, Feng Zhu Lian stretched out his hand and tried to manipulate the flame. The flame has been "delegated" by Tang Ye and will listen to Fengzhu Lian's control, so he flies over to Fengzhu Lian's hand. The Phoenix Pearl Curtain is a divine melting pot that can adapt to flames, and feels kind to flames, so looking at the flames floating in her hands, she feels very friendly.

Tang Ye said to her: "The power of this flame is quantitative. If you keep absorbing it, it will keep getting smaller. When you finish absorbing it, see how powerful you are, and I will come to you again when you are done. After the Holy Spirit, I don’t need to say much about the power of cultivation."

Feng Zhulian nodded and asked: "Then I can absorb this flame power, is there a time limit?"

"No, but it's better to be faster, we are short of time." Tang Ye said.

"Good." Feng Zhulian nodded.

Tang Ye said again: "At the same time there is something I want you to do."

"What?" Feng Zhulian asked.

Tang Ye was silent for a while, as if to create a serious atmosphere, and said: "Find out who is behind your hundred-year plan."

Feng Zhu Lian frowned when she heard it. She didn't know who was behind the second century plan of the attackers. Although she is considered a core member after being a painter, it is the elderly in the family who made arrangements for her. And the old people in the family were organized by another mysterious person. The old people in the family were obedient to that person. It is said that the two families of Wenhua Ersheng were able to re-emerge under the exile of the Red Wall Palace and carry out the second century plan because of the help of the person behind them. Think about it, the man behind is the big man behind the scenes.

Feng Zhulian has been in contact with the second century plan since she was sensible, but until now, she can come out to preside over the overall situation, and she still hasn't seen the person behind it. So she was not very confident about what Tang Ye arranged, and said: "I don't know if I can find out, but I will try my best. But I think you can directly crush their plan.

Tang Ye said, "I'm not specializing in this. You can't solve these trivial matters. What use do I want you to do."

"You..." Feng Zhulian wanted to refute Tang Ye, don't underestimate the person behind the second hundred-year plan, but think about Tang Ye's ability, maybe it can really be done. She stopped retorting, lest she would be beaten, and she would be self-confident, and said: "It seems that your identity as the Lord has been publicized. Also, as the Lord, how can you do everything by yourself. Don't worry about this. I will follow up and tell you once there is a result."

"You can tell me if you have any clues," Tang Ye said.

In fact, thinking about it, Tang Ye also felt that the second hundred-year plan would be destroyed, so that there is no need to worry about it. After all, he destroyed the first hundred-year plan, and now it's a hundred years, it's nothing to destroy it again.

Fengzhu Lian listened to Tang Ye's arrangement, and now she didn't want to talk to Tang Ye slowly, because she wanted to absorb the flame quickly to break through the power. This is something she is looking forward to very much. It's like I just got addicted to the game, I always want to upgrade quickly, and then unlock new moves, new maps, etc.

The things on Fengzhu Lian's side were arranged, Tang Ye stopped staying, said, then turned around and disappeared. Feng Zhulian wanted to call him, and then offered him a cup of tea or something. After all, she now felt the benefits directly from Tang Ye, and actually embarked on an extraordinary road that she had promised her at the beginning, so she should be more polite. But the moment Tang Ye turned around, he disappeared in the air. This ability to jump into space as he pleased made people yearn for and helpless.

But in any case, Feng Zhu Lian's attitude and mood towards Tang Ye have changed, and it is on the better side. This is also Tang Ye's attitude in doing things, saying less and doing more. He usually only talks about what is necessary, and others are too lazy to talk nonsense. As for the attitude of others towards him, he also doesn't bother to care. In the end, the facts will help him get his name.

The few people he recruited, Miao Yuer's mood had long been inclined to him, calling him the Lord. And Wuwang and Tang Zisang, although they had just followed Tang Ye not long ago, Tang Ye took them directly to the place where the dragon looked up. They immediately felt the benefits of following Tang Ye, and their views on Tang Ye were slowly changing. Fengzhu curtain is also changing now. Therefore, as long as you have the ability, you don't have to worry about not being recognized.

Leaving Fengzhu Lian, Tang Ye returned to the place where the dragon looked up, and then saw that Wuwang, Miao Yuer, and Tang Zisang were all very embarrassed. Especially Miao Yuer and Wuwang, their strength is much weaker than Tang Zisang, probably because of some kind of attack.

Then Tang Ye looked to the other side and saw the Shenlong spirits as if they hadn't played enough, flaring their teeth and claws at Wuwang. Tang Ye knew now that it was Shenlong Horror who was playing with them.

Said it is playing, but it is also exercise. A truly god-level dragon trains them, but it is a golden opportunity.

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