My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1910: Godless!

Shenlong was shocked, and Wuwang, Miao Yuer and Tang Zisang could not see it. In fact, the divine oppression they received came from Shenlong Fright. The Shenlong can move around the dragon veins and put pressure on anyone who enters. If it is an evil person who needs to be eliminated, it will emit stronger power.

Wuwang is in a state of being demonized at this time, that kind of power is beyond the tolerance of Shenlong, and the power of Shenlong spirit will automatically attack. However, after Tang Ye put a hand on Wuwang's body, Shenlong saw Wuwang and knew that Wuwang was brought by Tang Ye, and it was old friends with Tang Ye, so Shenlong stopped attacking.

This is why Wuwang didn't get the power of Tang Ye's infusion, and was no longer uncomfortable. This has nothing to do with power, but affection. Looking at Tang Ye's face, Shenlong stopped attacking Wuwang.

Although Tang Ye used his power to conceal his face, Shenlong, as a divine beast that fell to the ancestral land thousands of years ago, was at the level of the first dragon. The famous "Long Dragon" event, Tang Ye entered the place where its soul was transformed. Can recognize it. For Tang Ye's appearance, or return, Shenlong spirit was not surprised. After all, with the kind of arrangement a hundred years ago, with the intervention of the old Taoist priest, then Shenlong would also know a lot of things.

Now that Tang Ye went to the place of dragon veins, he could see the spirit of Shenlong, that was a growth. In the past, things like spirits and souls were not visible. This can also be said to be a proof that the shackles of air luck have been lifted. The world that was once deified and scientifically materialized will return to the chaotic era. And it will be more chaotic because of the participation of scientific forces. As a civilization derived from the deification of the supreme luck, even if the scientific power is not comparable to the divine power, it is possible to fight the divine power. It will not be defeated so quickly, and I am afraid it will last for a long time.

Shenlong looked at Tang Ye without speaking, then turned and flew away. Tang Ye knew that it had something to say, so she said to Wuwang them: "You stay here first and feel the mystery of the land of the dragon veins. If you have the chance to realize one or two epiphanies, it will be a great harvest."

After all, Tang Ye didn't wait for Wuwang's response, and disappeared in place, following the Shenlong spirit. Wuwang and Tang Zisang were dumbfounded. They were still deeply shocked in their hearts. How could this kind of thing be like this...whatever?

This is the place where the dragon's head is raised. Today, only a few people can enter, but Tang Ye took them in and asked them to act casually. Is this not as good as a landscape?

How much is involved in this faceless man? Is there anything he hasn't touched before, and what makes him awe?

If you don't put the palace of the red wall in your eyes, or the land of the dragons, etc., in this world, is there nothing to restrain him?

However, even though they felt that Tang Ye had taken them to despise the Dragon Vessel in this way, they were very happy again. Because as Tang Ye said, this is the place where the dragon veins are most quintessential, extremely mysterious, and if you can learn something from it, it will be a huge gain. There are not many such opportunities, even if it is a little bit of nourishment, it is also a great benefit to the body. For this reason, Wuwang and Tang Zisang no longer delay anything, and immediately start their own practice, seize the time and seize the opportunity.

Miao Yuer began to adapt here, seeing Wuwang and Tang Zisang entering the cultivation state, she also started her own cultivation. In this meditation, she thought about the problems she encountered in daily practice, but it was incredible. She found that the problems that she didn't understand when she scratched her head were solved by thinking about it.

This is the magic of the place where the dragon heads up?

Wuwang, Tang Zisang and Miao Yuer were all happy. They all felt the benefits and concentrated on practicing, striving to break through the problems that bothered them.

At this moment, the dragon raised his head in the midair, facing the big mountain shaped like a dragon head, Tang Ye and the spirit of Shenlong were suspended on it. They hadn't spoken yet, and Shenlong's spirit took a look below, knowing that Wuwang and Tang Zisang were starting to practice, and said to Tang Ye amusedly: "They are not stupid, they know the unusualness here."

Tang Ye smiled and said, "Naturally, you can't be stupid. This is used to help capture divine power."

"Huh?" Shenlong spirit felt fresh when he heard the words capturing divine power, but as a god-level existence, it quickly understood what Tang Ye was referring to. It looked at Tang Ye with a change in expression, probably because it was unexpected that Tang Ye had just returned to this kind of plan.

"Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, gluttonous, 梼杌, Qiongqi, Chaos." Shenlong groaned out, obviously it already knew the plan to capture the divine power that Tang Ye was referring to. As a god-level existence, it knows the true **** power that these four big beasts and four big beasts hold. The coming of true gods is to rely on them to perfect their divine power. Now they all live in their respective areas, strengthening their divine powers, and impacting the shackles of Qi Luck to create an environment in which the true God descends perfectly.

The plan to capture the divine power is actually to capture these divine powers for their own use, and then attack the shackles of air transport in advance to allow the true **** to descend in advance, which can weaken the true god's power. It is like a fetus. In the case of premature birth, some unfavorable conditions may occur.

In this way, oneself gains divine power, and then weakens the true god's power, so if you want to fight against the true god, it will be much better.

"The four great spirits, the four great evils, the spirit beasts may be better, and the evil beasts are troublesome. Moreover, its melting pot is also the same. How can it be bearable if it is not evil enough?" Shenlong spirit said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye frowned and said, "Someone who is hard to control?"

Shenlong spirit nodded. Tang Ye didn't care about that much, and said, "It's just a lack of training. If you don't obey, you will fight until you are obedient."

"Hmm..." The Shenlong Spirit didn't care about what Tang Ye had to do in this way, and said: "Now you are infinitely close to the divine body, and you can see a lot of things. Now you can see my spirit, I'm afraid that you have been in contact with the Fumoshi. It's one way. It's a restriction set by the Ksitigarbha King, but it also gives the Human Race a way to break through. Isn't it amazing that people can go to the underworld, and even serve in the underworld?"

"When the Demon Master is hell, you can see the soul. During the period of crossing people, you can open the door of the underworld, and then you can go down the door of the underworld. Now you can open the door of the underworld. You can go to the underworld. Only there can you come into contact with the things of the Ksitigarbha." Shenlong said some magical things.

Tang Ye was in his current state, and he was calm in receiving information that ordinary people would not dare to think. He said to Shenlong Spirit: "You have to take it step by step, and first solve the matter of capturing the divine power."

"Alright." Shenlong nodded.

Tang Ye thought of something and asked the spirit of Shenlong: "The black dragon has also reached the time of breakthrough. After all, there is a gap between the spirit beast and the **** beast. It is like one born in the mortal world and the other born in the fairy world. After all, he wants to be a **** beast. No way?"

"He came to visit me." Shenlong said: "But I can't help it, because there is no heaven to fall."

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