My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1902: Unexpectedly gentle!

What is evil is not power, but people. If a person is evil, no matter what kind of power he possesses, everything he does is evil. If a person is good, even if he uses the power of Yin and evil, he is still good. The same is to kill a beast to save people. Righteous forces can kill, and evil forces can also kill. The result is that people are saved. How can it be said that the use of evil power is not saving people or just actions?

However, now there is a huge prejudice. Seeing that Tang Ye can emit such a strong dark power, people feel that this person must be evil. Because there is a situation that if you want to have evil power, you must practice evil ways. And in the process of cultivation, if you don't do evil, how can you have these powers?

It's hard to say that they are wrong, after all, there is too little knowledge. They don't know that some powers are natural and do not require evil cultivation. Tang Ye got such a strong dark magic power because he was connected with a race that people hadn't touched yet. It can only be said that this world, the entire firmament of the universe, has too many unknown areas. Vision, pattern, and knowledge will always limit a person.

But as the king of heaven and earth, Wang Jiuxiao has an independent level of vision, pattern and insight, which is above many people. What he saw in his eyes was not only the terrifying dark power bursting behind him at this moment, but also Tang Ye's situation shrouded in the dark power.

So calm, sensible, confident, and comfortable. One of the most terrifying places of evil forces, backlash, and reverse influence, there is not a trace of this faceless person in front of him. In other words, that terrifying dark power is completely controlled by him. This terrifying dark power can be used to do evil or to do good.

Therefore, evil is not judged by power, but by human nature.

So, let's go back to the original question. Is this faceless person good or evil?

What made Wang Jiuxiao a little relieved was that he felt that Tang Ye was not evil, even if it was just a feeling, it was something that made him very pleased at this time. After all, as the emperor of the Red Wall Palace, I feel that it is not only a feeling, but also some help from the perspective of the king, which is very likely.

However, Tang Ye is not evil now, does not mean that he will not be evil.

"Try it?" Tang Ye said to Wang Jiuxiao after gathering into a dark python.

Wang Jiuxiao nodded slightly and said, "Try it."

Then, with a roar and a roar, the giant bear and the dark python rushed out, and the two diametrically opposed forces collided together.


The terrifying force spread out after the impact, such a powerful force seemed to razed the entire Fragrant Mountain to the ground. The others were so shocked that they closed their eyes and used all their strength to resist, otherwise they felt that they might fall apart, or even be severely injured and killed directly by the shock.

It's terrible, this is definitely the strongest force showdown. Even the ultimate holy way may not be so strong. Therefore, Wang Jiuxiao, the emperor of the Red Wall, is quite powerful, and those bodyguards are not his opponents. Those who want to kill him are difficult to succeed.

The entire top of Fragrant Mountain seemed to be gone, and the heaven and the earth lost its color here, and the four parties panicked. It also gave a warning to the secret forces. The power of the emperor of the Red Wall Palace is extremely terrifying. If he is not strong enough, don't even want to assassinate him.

As for the dark power that contends with the emperor of the Red Wall Palace, there has been a lot of noise, and they all know that it is the mysterious faceless man. And there is not much hope for this faceless man and those who oppose the red wall court, because they know that this faceless man is maverick and will not stand on any side. Confronting the Red Wall Palace now, maybe they will come to kill them tomorrow. Therefore, this faceless man is an untimely bomb to anyone.

The giant bear of the king is confronting the dark giant python. Others can't see the situation of Tang Ye and Wang Jiuxiao. Only Tang Zisang who has entered the realm of the holy path can keep his sight clear. She saw that under the impact of the giant bear and the dark python, Wang Jiuxiao began to sweat and felt constantly struggling. On Tang Ye's side, he was still looking calm and watching, unaffected, everything was so easy.

Obviously, Tang Ye's strength was even better.

Wang Jiuxiao also knew this. If this continues, he will lose. Although he had expected that facing this faceless man, based on the information collected, he might lose the kind of power he said. But now he has passed it personally, and after using the strength of the Tianxiong Yuxi that has been passed down for a hundred years, he still lost. After all, he was unwilling.

However, this faceless man could not control him, and from then on, there was another strong man in the Red Wall Palace who needed constant attention.

Tang Ye still gave Wang Jiuxiao face, knowing that Wang Jiuxiao was going to be unable to hold it anymore, he decided not to press him anymore, and said: "If you want strength, you must control it by yourself, otherwise it will be in vain. I am not hostile to you. In other words, I’m not interested. I’m only interested in powerful power. Although your power is powerful, the power of luck for the king of heaven and earth is determined by heaven. Even if I kill you, I won’t get it. So, I don’t want to Fight with you."

After all, Tang Ye withdrew the dark magic power, the dark giant python's power weakened, and Wang Jiuxiao was no longer pressed so hard. Wang Jiuxiao knew that Tang Ye was about to withdraw his strength, and he too, the governor, began to withdraw the sky bear's strength. Then, the two returned to their original calm.

There was no longer such a terrifying force impact, and the others slowly adapted to come back, and then looked around, Nian Zhi Nian Hui Nian Pu and other Biyun Temple disciples breathed a sigh of relief, because the Fragrant Mountain was still there, and the Biyun Temple was still there. The contest between Tang Ye and Wang Jiuxiao just now sent out such a terrifying impact. They thought that this place was going to be razed to the ground, but the result was unexpectedly mild and did not cause much damage.

Having calmed down, Tang Ye said to Wang Jiuxiao, "How? Is the Red Wall Palace still insisting on blocking me?"

Wang Jiuxiao had already made a decision. For Tang Ye, the horror had no choice but to stay in the stage of constant observation. He shook his head to Tang Ye and said, "Senior's strength is amazing, and what we have seen and understood can be compared to others. The Red Wall Palace has always recruited talents and is very welcome to discuss and communicate with seniors. If seniors are willing, then Please be there by all means. Of course, seniors are busy, just follow your own ideas."

Wang Jiuxiao is very polite. Tang Ye was originally on this side, but now it's just because of the identity of his face, it's hard to tell. But when Wang Jiuxiao said so, he always had to give a response, and in the end he hoped to help the Red Wall Palace calmly.

He said to Wang Jiuxiao: "The power of the Red Wall Palace has always been sought by the strong, especially the ancient jade seal. If it is possible, I really want to take a look. But don't worry, I have no one to grab it now. Thoughts. The power you love should not be grabbed, but conquered."

"Then wait for the seniors to come." Wang Jiuxiao said to Tang Ye.

At this time, the negotiations between Tang Ye and Wang Jiuxiao were over. Tang Ye no longer wasted time and re-processed Wuwang. He looked towards Wuwang and suddenly realized that Wuwang was full of hostility at this time.

Tang Ye frowned, is this mad?

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